
Tabu teme v družini
ID Šumrada, Suzana (Avtor), ID Batistič Zorec, Marcela (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

URLURL - Predstavitvena datoteka, za dostop obiščite http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/4531/ Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

Otrok žal ne moremo zavarovati pred vsem slabim, zato je na nas odraslih, da jih primerno pripravimo tudi na ne tako lepe trenutke v življenju in jih seznanimo s tako imenovanimi »tabu temami«. To so teme, ki otroke zanimajo in o katerih se želijo pogovarjati, žal pa se odrasli tovrstnim pogovorom najraje izognemo. V raziskavi, ki sem jo opravila s petimi mamami predšolskih otrok, me je zanimalo, katere tabu teme se zdijo staršem primerne za pogovor s predšolskimi otroki in katere ne, ali se starši s svojimi otroki pogovarjajo o tabu temah ter kako ti pogovori potekajo. Raziskala sem tudi, kaj menijo starši o obravnavi tabu tem v otroški literaturi, medijih ter v vrtcih in šolah. Ugotovila sem, da vse mame (razen ene) menijo, da so tabu teme primerne za pogovor s predšolskimi otroki, a pod pogojem, da jih otroku približamo na njemu primeren način. Večina intervjuvank mi je odgovorila, da se v njihovih družinah spontano pogovarjajo o tabu temah, ko otroci kaj vprašajo oziroma kako drugače izkažejo interes za obravnavo teh tem. Trem intervjuvankam pogovori o tabu temah ne povzročajo posebnih težav in neprijetnosti, dvema pa je pri takih pogovorih težko najti ustrezne besede, ki bi jih otroci te starosti razumeli. Intervjuvane mame v otroški literaturi še niso zasledile večine naštetih tem, medtem ko so v drugih medijih že opazile večino izbranih tem. Tri intervjuvanke pravijo, da se v medijih dovolj govori o tabu temah in da se dandanes o njih govori precej več, kot se je včasih, dve pa menita, da se o teh temah govori preveč ter da imajo mediji nasploh prevelik vpliv na nas. Dve izmed vprašanih mam menita, da bi morali vrtci in šole več pozornosti posvetiti obravnavi tabu tem. Drugi dve intervjuvanki menita, da vrtci in šole te teme obravnavajo v ravno pravi meri, pri čemer ena dodaja, da je to sicer v prvi vrsti dolžnost staršev. Ena intervjuvanka pa ima na to drugačen pogled – meni, da se vrtci in šole že tako preveč »vtikajo« v stvari, ki bi jih morali prepustiti staršem, predvsem pa čisto prezgodaj v otrokovem razvoju. Na podlagi rezultatov, pridobljenih v raziskavi, ugotavljam, da imajo intervjuvane mame do tabu tem pretežno tak pogled, kot ga zagovarjajo strokovnjaki, pri čemer je izjema le ena mama. Zaradi zelo majhnega vzorca rezultatov ne moremo posplošiti, nam pa vseeno prikažejo zadrege in dileme staršev, ki gotovo veljajo tudi za mnoge druge starše predšolskih otrok.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:tabu teme
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija:PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Leto izida:2017
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-92929 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:11617353 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:24.08.2017
Število ogledov:2576
Število prenosov:296
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Taboo themes in the family
Unfortunately children cannot be protected from all harm, so it rests on the adults to properly prepare them for difficult moments in life and to familiarize them with the so-called “taboo themes”. These are the themes children are interested in and which they want to discuss, but sadly, adults prefer to avoid such conversations. With the help of five preschool-children mothers, I conducted a research on which taboo themes parents consider both appropriate and inappropriate to talk about with preschool children, and whether parents discuss taboo themes with their children. The research also focused on how parents handle these conversations and how they feel about the approach towards taboo themes in children’s literature, media, kindergartens and schools. The results show that all mothers except one see taboo themes as appropriate to talk about with preschool children, on condition they are presented in a way that is suitable. Most interviewees have stated that in their families, taboo themes are discussed spontaneously, when children ask a question or in some other way show interest in these themes. Conversations about taboo themes do not cause any serious troubles or discomfort to three interviewees, whereas the rest of them find it hard to choose words children of this age would understand. The interviewed mothers have not yet encountered taboo themes in children’s literature, but all of them have come across these themes in the media. Three interviewees have said that in the media, taboo themes are sufficiently represented, much more than they were in the past. The two other interviewees believe that these themes are discussed too frequently and that the extent to which the media influence people’s lives is in general too great. Two of the interviewed mothers think that kindergartens and schools should pay more attention to taboo themes. Two other interviewees feel that the amount of time these institutions spend on dealing with taboo themes is appropriate, but one of them also explains that such conversations are primarily the duty of parents. The fifth interviewee holds a different view, as she believes kindergartens and schools already meddle in family matters too much and too early in a child’s development. The results of the research show that when it comes to taboo themes, the opinion of all but one of the interviewed mothers is more or less the same as the one the experts have. The results can’t be generalised due to a very small sample, but they still offer an insight into different dilemmas, which other preschool-children parents are undoubtedly faced with as well.

Ključne besede:taboo themes

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