
Pravni vidik spremembe akta o sistemizaciji
ID Gantar, Tami (Avtor), ID Tičar, Luka (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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MD5: 2EFC9F4DC14BAE093BB44F676F54818A
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/3e38dfd4-dc58-431f-8254-3a92092f6faa

Akt o sistemizaciji delovnih mest je splošni akt delodajalca, s katerim slednji avtonomno določa delovna mesta, delovne naloge in pogoje za opravljanje dela na posameznem delovnem mestu. Pri sprejemanju akta sodelujeta sindikat in svet delavcev oziroma delavski zaupnik s podajo mnenja, na katero pa delodajalec ni vezan. Da bi začel akt veljati, je pomembno, da je pravilno objavljen in da se delavci z njim seznanijo. Akt o sistemizaciji je podlaga za mnoge procese v podjetju – bodisi zaposlovanje ali odpuščanje delavcev bodisi usposabljanje, izobraževanje, ob tem pa je osnova za številne druge avtonomne akte pri delodajalcu. Sprejem novega akta o sistemizaciji oziroma sprememba prejšnjega ne vpliva neposredno na individualna razmerja pri delodajalcu. V primeru, da sprememba sistemizacije vpliva na bistvene elemente, opredeljene v pogodbi o zaposlitvi, delodajalec in delavec sporazumno spremenita pogodbo o zaposlitvi. Kadar potreba po delu delavca pod pogoji iz pogodbe o zaposlitvi preneha, ampak delodajalec želi, da delavec nadaljuje z delom v podjetju, vendar pod spremenjenimi pogoji, ima na voljo uporabo instituta odpovedi s ponudbo nove pogodbe kot tudi sporazumne spremembe pogodbe o zaposlitvi. V praksi prihaja v okviru reorganizacije pogosto do zlorabe instituta odpovedi s ponudbo nove pogodbe, kadar pri delodajalcu dejansko ne pride do prenehanja potrebe po opravljanju dela delavca, zaradi česar je odpoved pogodbe podana nezakonito. V okviru spremembe sistemizacije lahko delodajalec seveda tudi ugotovi, da delo delavca pri njem več ni potrebno in mu iz poslovnega razloga odpove pogodbo o zaposlitvi, brez da bi mu ponudil sklenitev nove.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:Akt o sistemizaciji, delodajalec, delavec, sprememba pogodbe o zaposlitvi, redna odpoved pogodbe o zaposlitvi, odpoved s ponudbo nove pogodbe
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:PF - Pravna fakulteta
Leto izida:2017
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-92613 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:15668305 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:21.06.2017
Število ogledov:6068
Število prenosov:1456
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Legal perspective of the alteration of the act of systematization
The act on systematization of working positions is an employer’s general act, by which the latter autonomously determines working positions, working tasks and conditions for performing the work in individual working positions. In adopting the act, the trade union, and the works council or the worker representative are involved by giving an opinion, which, however, is not mandatory for the employer. In order for the act to become valid, the appropriate announcement and briefing of the employees is important. The act on systematization is the basis for many processes within the company, whether employment or redundancy, training, and education is concerned. It is the basis for many other autonomous acts of the employer. The adoption of the new act on systematization or changing the previous one does not influence the individual relations at the employer directly. In case that the alteration of systematization influences the essential elements defined in the contract of employment, the employer and the employee alter the contract of employment consensually. Whenever the need of the work of the employee ceases under the conditions of the contract, and the employer wishes for the employee to continue working in the company, but under altered conditions, the employer can use the institute of termination of the contract of employment with the offer of a new one, and also the consensual alteration of the contract of employment. In practice, the abuse of the institute of the termination of the contract of employment with the offer of a new one often occurs within the framework of the reorganization, when, on the side of the employer, there is actually no cessation of the need for performing the work of the employee – as a consequence the cancellation of the contract is given unlawfully. Within the alteration of the systematization, the employer can, of course, ascertain that the work of the employee is not necessary anymore. In this case the employer terminates the contract of employment on commercial grounds without the offer of a new one.

Ključne besede:act on systematization, employer, employee, alteration of the contract of employment, regular termination of the contract of employment, termination of the contract with the offer of a new one

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