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MD5: B709F3299CA2BF459F301D14220F6D84
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/16f33a73-893a-4511-9e2b-6d7a5efd3793

Predmet raziskovanja v diplomskem delu so feminizem kot gibanje za pravice žensk, teorija feminizma in vplivi verskih pogledov na vlogo ženske v družbi ter njen boj za lastne pravice v duhu krščanstva in islama. Diplomsko delo obravnava konceptualne razlike feminizma v različnih kulturno tradicionalnih in verskih okoljih skozi prerez časa in proučuje učinke trka omenjenih kultur. Tematika se nanaša tudi na aktualne izzive sodobnega časa v luči perspektiv zahodnega feminističnega gibanja, ko se Evropa sooča z množičnim priseljevanjem prek migracijskih tokov iz muslimanskih držav Bližnjega vzhoda in Afrike z drugačnimi patriarhalnimi vrednotami. Zahodno feministično gibanje se bori predvsem za enakost med spoloma, medtem ko si islamski feminizem v glavnem prizadeva za izboljšanje položaja žensk v patriarhalni družbi z reinterpretacijo Korana. Islamski feminizem je deležen mnogih kritik zahodnih feministk, ki menijo, da gre za oksimoron (nasprotujoča si pojma). Svetle zgodovinske prelomnice in razcvet človekovih pravic nasploh so ponudili zagon za krepitev feministične ideje o uresničitvi pravic žensk, ki so bile v zgodovini bolj ali manj zatirane. V okviru položaja žensk v različnih kulturah je treba razumeti vzročno-posledično povezavo s patriarhalnostjo, ki je najpomembnejši vidik vseh velikih monoteističnih verstev, kar se nanaša tako na islam kot na krščanstvo. Pogledi krščanskih in muslimanskih feministk so sorodni v temeljni potrebi po spremembi. Odnose muslimanov in Evropejcev v Evropi obremenjujejo splošni odnosi med zahodnim in islamskim svetom, dogmatizem obeh veroizpovedi in občutek pripadnosti enoviti svetovni skupnosti muslimanskih vernikov. Ob trku kultur na naših tleh se muslimani soočajo z lastnostmi laične oziroma sekularne države, za katero je značilen demokratičen režim, kar je v nasprotju z njihovo primarno izkušnjo dominantnosti religije in pogosto tudi avtokratične ali celo teokratične države. Na razvoj feminizma bistveno vpliva predvsem sekularizacija, ker so pravice žensk, njihova enakopravnost in opolnomočenje pogojeni z demokratičnimi režimi, ki zavračajo vsakršno diskriminacijo. Verske dogme pa so poskušale ohranjati patriarhalni sistem.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:feminizem, ženske, pravice žensk, feministično gibanje, islamski feminizem, zahodni svet, feminizem zahodnega sveta, islamske države, enakost med spoloma, migracije, islam, krščanstvo
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:FU - Fakulteta za upravo
Leto izida:2017
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-92575 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:15.06.2017
Število ogledov:1838
Število prenosov:952
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
The research topic of this Bachelor’s Thesis comprises feminism as a movement for women’s rights, the theory of feminism, the influences of religious aspects on the role of women in society, and the women’s fight for their own rights in the name of Christianity and Islam. The thesis deals with conceptual distinctions of feminism in different cultural traditions and religious environments through the intersection of time, and it studies the consequences of the collision between the before mentioned cultures. The topic also refers to current challenges of the contemporary time in the light of prospects of the Western feminist movements, when Europe is facing with massive immigration through migration currents from the Muslim countries of the Near East and Africa with different, patriarchal values. The Western feminist movement is predominantly fighting for the equality between man and woman, while the Islamic one is mainly striving for a better position of women in the patriarchal society, with the reinterpretation of Quran. The Islamic feminism was largely criticised by the Western feminists, who share the opinion that the Islamic version is only an oxymoron (i.e. two contradicting notions). On the other hand, the feminist drive for strengthened feminist ideas concentrating on the realization of the rights of women who were more or less supressed in the course of history, has contributed to the first appearances of bright historical breaking points, and to the prosperity of human rights in general. In the framework of the position of women in different cultures, it is important to understand the causal-consequential relationship with patriarchalism, which is the most prominent characteristics of all big monotheistic religions, and it refers to both, to Islam and Christianity. The Christian and Islamic feminists’ views are similar in the basic need for change. The relationships between the Muslims and the Europeans are carrying the burden of general relationships between the Western and the Islamic world, of the dogmatism pertaining to both religions, and of the feeling of affiliation to the wholesome world community of Islamic believers. Concerning the cultural collision on our territory, the Muslims have to face with the characteristics of laic or secular states, governed by democratic regimes, which is in opposition to their primary experience of religious dominance and often also of the autocratic or even theocratic state. Essentially, the development of feminism has been carried out mainly under the influence of secularization, considering women’s rights, gender equality, and the power given to women by the democratic regimes, that are neglecting all kinds of discrimination. Religious dogmas have so far tried to preserve patriarchal systems.

Ključne besede:feminism, women, women’s rights, feminist movement, Islamic feminism, Western world, feminism of the Western world, Islamic states, gender equality, migrations, Islam, Christianity

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