
ID DOJER, LARA (Avtor), ID Boštjančič, Eva (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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MD5: D742EC357911D3EDCD317B59DDBD65B3
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/959ee565-1e67-4ab4-a448-bc4219310c7a

Javni uslužbenci se pri svojem delu in odločitvah, ki jih pri tem sprejemajo, pogosto srečujejo z usklajevanjem med javnim in zasebnim interesom. Vsakodnevno so izpostavljeni odnosu z nezadovoljnimi strankami, ko zavrnejo njihove zahteve v prid javnega interesa. Uradniki pri vodenju in odločanju so vse bolj priča neprimernemu vedenju in ravnanju strank, deležni so različnih pritiskov, ustrahovanja ter groženj. Magistrska naloga je namenjena zaposlenim v javnem sektorju, ki se pri svojem delu soočajo s težavnimi strankami, in želijo razviti veščine ustreznega komuniciranja z različnimi tipi strank v zahtevnih situacijah. Iz literature je razvidno, da je soočanje s težavnimi strankami na delovnem mestu stalnica, ugotovitve izvedenih raziskav se v prvi vrsti razlikujejo od raziskovalnih vprašanj raziskovalca, sistema obvladovanja težavnih strank glede na komunikacijske spretnosti zaposlenega, načinov preprečevanja in obvladovanja konfliktih situacij ter posledic psihičnega nasilja na delovnem mestu, ki se pogosto razvijejo v stres. Magistrska naloga, ki iz teoretične zasnove prehaja k empiričnemu delu, predstavlja možne dejavnike obvladovanja težavnih strank pri delu javnih uslužbencev ter posledice in aktivnosti za zmanjševanje psihičnega nasilja in poklicnega stresa zaradi neprimernega vedenja strank. Izvedena raziskava v organizacijah slovenskega javnega sektorja, v kateri je sodelovalo 137 uradnikov, je pokazala, da na obvladovanje težavnih strank pozitivno vplivajo komunikacijske spretnosti in sposobnosti obvladovanja konfliktov. Soočanje z neprimernim vedenjem strank na delovnem mestu pojasnjuje dejavnike verbalnega nasilja in stresa na delovnem mestu. Naloga na podlagi ugotovitev raziskave podaja predloge za izboljšave tako s strani raziskovalca kot anketirancev (zaposlenih v javnem sektorju).

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:javni sektor, težavne stranke, neprimerno vedenje, konfliktne situacije, obvladovanje težavnih strank
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:FU - Fakulteta za upravo
Leto izida:2017
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-92369 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:23.05.2017
Število ogledov:2847
Število prenosov:1066
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
When making work related decisions in their workplace, civil servants are often required to find balance between public and private interests. On daily basis, they are exposed to dealing with dissatisfied customers whose demands they reject in favour of public interest. In management and decision-making, officials are more and more frequently witnessing inappropriate behaviour of the customers and are vulnerable to pressure, intimidation and threats. This Master's thesis is aimed at public sector employees, who have to deal with difficult clients in their workplace and therefore want to develop skills, required for appropriate communication with different types of customers in demanding situations. It is evident from the literature that dealing with difficult clients in the workplace is a regularity; the findings of the conducted research primarily vary depending on the questions of the researcher, the system of dealing with difficult clients which depends on the communication skills of an individual employee, the methods of prevention and management of conflict situations as well as on the consequences of psychological violence in the workplace, which often develop into stress. This Master's thesis, which passes from theoretical concepts to empirical part, presents the potential factors of managing difficult customers in the work of public sector employees and the consequences and actions that should be taken to reduce psychological stress at work due to the misconduct of customers. The results of the research, which was carried out in cooperation with the Slovenian public sector organizations and in which participated 137 officials, showed that good communication and conflict management skills have a positive effect on the management of difficult customers. The fact that these employees are dealing with the inappropriate behaviour of the customers in the workplace explains the factors of verbal violence and stress in the workplace. On the basis of the research findings, the thesis provides suggestions for improvement by both the researcher and the respondents (the public sector employees).

Ključne besede:public sector, difficult customers, inappropriate behavior, conflict situations, managing difficult customers

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