
ID TONI, ROMANA (Author), ID Brejc, Miha (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 6FAEBD03A6869A5FCA2FA2635DFA53B8
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/dedc14ac-8b1a-4c1d-9609-c6fae4855963

V času gospodarske in finančne krize je še toliko potrebneje poskrbeti za visoko raven motivacije javnih uslužbencev. S predstavitvijo finančne krize v Sloveniji so opisani sprejeti varčevalni ukrepi za uravnoteženje javnih financ, ki so vplivali na motivacijo javnih uslužbencev in na varnost zaposlitve. Posledica gospodarske in družbene krize je tudi upadanje zaupanja javnosti v vlado in parlament, ki je v času sprejemanja ter izvajanja varčevalnih ukrepov postavilo Slovenijo v primerjavi s preostalimi državami članicami EU v najslabši položaj. Cilj magistrskega dela je na podlagi primerjalne analize ugotoviti stopnjo motiviranosti javnih uslužbencev v času konkretnega izvajanja varčevalnih ukrepov (leta 2013) ter v času narejenih določenih premikov na javnem in gospodarskem področju (leta 2015). Rezultati analize kažejo, da je stanje motiviranosti v letu 2015 boljše kot v letu 2013, do večjih sprememb na področju motivacije na delovnem mestu pa sicer ni prišlo. Dejstvo je, da z materialno stimulacijo javna uprava težko nastopi, lahko pa svoje uslužbence motivira z nematerialnimi spodbudami. Nenazadnje so rezultati raziskave pokazali, da je višina plače sicer pomembna, ni pa glavni motivacijski dejavnik. Rezultat raziskav in primerjav je po eni strani povišati zaupanje javnosti v vlado in parlament ter po drugi strani dosegati zaželeno stopnjo motivacije javnih uslužbencev z zavezo vodilnega managementa k upoštevanju vseh značilnosti javnega dela ter pomena etike pri poudarku, da javna služba pomeni služiti drugim. Hkrati bi se moralo zagotoviti ustrezno delovno okolje za podporo izvajanju motivacije, z jasno vzpostavljeno vizijo in dejanji slovenske javne uprave, ki odražajo tudi zavezanost motivaciji javnih uslužbencev.

Keywords:javna uprava, javni uslužbenec, motivacija, zadovoljstvo, gospodarska kriza, varčevalni ukrepi, družbena kriza
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-91520 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.04.2017
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Secondary language

High level of motivation of civil servants is of even greater importance at times of economic and financial crisis. Within the presentation of financial crisis in Slovenia there is a description of adopted austerity measures to provide public finance balance; the measures influenced the motivation of civil servants, and the security of their employment as well. Among consequences of economic and social crisis is also a decreased trust of public in the government and the parliament. Slovenia was found in the weakest position after the adoption and implementation of austerity measures, compared to other member states of the European Union. The purpose of the master’s degree thesis is, by application of a comparative analysis, to establish the degree of motivation of civil servants at the actual time of pursuance of austerity measures (in 2013) as well as at times of certain positive developments in public and economic sphere (in 2015). The results of the analysis show that the levels of motivation were higher in 2015 compared to those from 2013, however there were no significant changes in the area of motivation at workplace. As a matter of fact, the possibilities of financial stimulation in public sector are scarce, nevertheless some immaterial incentives may be provided as motivational factors in public administration. Finally, the results of the research have shown that even though salary rate is important, it is not the main motivational factor in the context of the workplace. The aim of both, the results of the research and the comparison performed in the thesis, is to increase the level of trust in the government and the parliament on one hand, and to achieve the desired level of motivation of public employees on the other, concurrently binding the executive management to respect all characteristics of work in public service and work ethic emphasizing that the essence of public service is to serve the public interest. To increase work motivation adequate work environment shall be provided with clearly defined vision and acts of Slovene public administration reflecting liability for motivation of public servants.

Keywords:public administration, public servant, motivation, satisfaction, economic crisis, austerity measures, social crisis

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