
Urejanje meje med zemljišči
ID Mrak, Ana (Avtor), ID Juhart, Miha (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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MD5: AA5735E393A2E8568589405F1FA3DD22
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/f39e4299-e317-49b9-bf3a-285d62269a55

Meja je eden najbolj tipičnih institutov sosedskega prava. V Sloveniji se meja lahko ureja v dveh postopkih, in sicer v upravnem in v sodnem postopku. Upravni postopek je urejen v ZEN in poteka v dveh delih. V postopku urejanja meje, ki še ni upravni postopek, geodetsko podjetje na podlagi mejne obravnave izdela elaborat ureditve meje, ki predstavlja strokovno podlago za uvedbo drugega dela postopka. Drugi del postopka je upravni postopek ali postopek evidentiranja urejene meje, ki poteka pred geodetsko upravo, v njem pa se meja na podlagi elaborata ureditve meje v zemljiškem katastru evidentira kot urejena. Tako geodetsko podjetje kot geodetska uprava morata upoštevati, da v zemljiški kataster ni mogoče kot urejene evidentirati meje, ki odstopa od meje po podatkih zemljiškega katastra. Sodišče v sodnem nepravdnem postopku, ki je urejen v ZNP, uredi mejo, ki je sporna. V postopku je obvezno sodelovanje izvedenca geodetske stroke, sodišče pa mejo uredi na podlagi kriterijev, ki so določeni v SPZ. Primarni kriterij je kriterij močnejše pravice, ki se domneva po meji, ki je dokončno urejena v katastrskem postopku. Domneva je izpodbojna. Če sodišče meje ne more urediti po močnejši pravici, jo uredi po zadnji mirni posesti. Če tudi to ni mogoče, jo nazadnje uredi po pravični oceni. Kadar vrednost spornega mejnega prostora presega 4.000 EUR, predlagatelj in oseba, proti kateri je predlog vložen pa ne soglašata, da se meja uredi na podlagi močnejše pravice v nepravdnem postopku, jo vsak izmed njiju v določenem roku lahko uveljavlja v pravdnem postopku. Na podlagi pravnomočne sodne odločbe ali sodne poravnave geodetska uprava meje v zemljiškem katastru evidentira kot urejene.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:meja, urejanje meje, upravni postopek, elaborat, zemljiški kataster, sodni postopek, mejni spor, izvedenec geodetske stroke, urejena meja.
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:PF - Pravna fakulteta
Leto izida:2017
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-91489 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:15574609 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:09.04.2017
Število ogledov:2765
Število prenosov:544
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Neznan jezik
Naslov:Land boundaries regulation
Boundary is one of the most typical institutes of neighbour disputes law. In Slovenia, a boundary can be regulated by two procedures, i.e. administrative and judicial procedure. The administrative procedure is regulated by Real-Estate Recording Act in two stages. During the boundary regulating procedure, which is not the administrative procedure by itself, a geodetic company prepares a report according to the boundary proceedings. This constitutes as a technical basis for the introduction of the second part of the procedure. The second part of the procedure is an administrative procedure or the procedure of registering a fixed boundary, which takes part at the Geodetic Administration and where the boundary is recorded as regulated according to the boundary regulation report. Both the geodetic company and the Geodetic Administration should take into account that a boundary that deviates from that in the land registry cannot be recorded as regulated. A court regulates a disputed border with a non-litigious civil procedure governed by the Law of Property Code. It is mandatory that an expert for geodetics participates in the procedure; moreover, the court regulates the boundary on the basis of criteria set by the Law of Property Code. The primary criterion is that of the stronger right and is presumed according to the boundary regulated by the land registry. The presumption is rebuttable. If the court cannot regulate the boundary according to the stronger right criterion, it is then regulated by last peaceful possession. If even that is not possible, it is regulated by fair assessment. When the value of the disputed boundary exceeds 4.000 EUR and the proposer and the person against whom the proposer submitted the claim do not agree that the boundary should be regulated according to the stronger right criterion in a non-litigious civil procedure, their right can be exercised in a civil procedure within a specific period. The Geodetic Administration records the boundary as fixed on the basis of a final judgement or a court settlement.

Ključne besede:boundary, the regulation of boundary, administrative procedure, report, land register, judicial procedure, boundary dispute, expert for geodetics, fixed boundary.

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