Introduction: Preterm labor (PTB) is labor before completed 37th weeks of pregnancy caused by diversity of pregnancy complications. Along with birth of a baby that needs to be cared of in the NICU, which can influence on the decision of parents when and if so, to get pregnant again. Purpose: The purpose of thesis is to present PTB and dilemmas that parents might have when they are planning family. The research shows us, in what time women would like to get pregnant again after PTB in connection with some other factors. Method of work: Literature was found with databases COBISS, Medline, Cinahl, Wiley online library, DiKul and Google Scholar. Used literature was written in Slovene and English language. Results: In research participated only women with experience of PTB. 213 properly completed questionnaires were included. 6 % of women gave birth bellow the 28th weeks of pregnancy, the higher rate of births (62 %) was with gestation 34-36th 6/7 weeks. More than a half of women wished not to get pregnant in a year after PTB (54 %), 17 % of women have wished to get pregnant again within a year and 29 % of women wished not to get pregnant at all. Discussion and conclusion: Research showed us, that the desire about getting pregnant again, does not have influence by mother's age, diseases and duration of hospitalization of the baby. What it does have influence is the fact if they have a child from before or not. Women that wished to get pregnant within a year after PTB felt a little more (55,6 %) »positive feelings« (excitement, enthusiasm, imagining how the baby looks like, etc.), than the ones that wished to wait with new pregnancy for at least a year (49,3 %) or those who wished not to get pregnant again at all (48,6 %). Further qualitative research of factors that could influence on pregnancy planning after PTB, could show us how a healthcare workers could help with their work, especially by encouraging mothers for planning new pregnancy.