
Analiza točnosti ocen uporabniških zgodb
ID PERENIČ, DOMEN (Avtor), ID Mahnič, Viljan (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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MD5: E4FCB5F37BF18B9006AC36D0B75E1CCD
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/0241f377-ce86-49aa-9b8f-aafa030df945

Agilne metode so trenutno prevladujoč način razvoja programske opreme. V diplomskem delu so predstavljeni glavni principi agilnega razvoja, s poudarkom na metodi Scrum, in nekatere skupinske metode ocenjevanja. Za ocenjevanje zahtevnosti uporabniških zgodb se največkrat uporablja metoda Planning poker, v zadnjem času pa postaja vse bolj popularna tudi metoda Team estimation game, tako da je bil poudarek na tema dvema metodama. Opravljena je bila analiza točnosti ocen na podlagi podatkov, pridobljenih v okviru študije, ki je potekala pri predmetu Tehnologija programske opreme v študijskem letu 2014/15. Opisana je zasnova študije in potek zbiranja podatkov. Slednji so bili z ustreznimi statističnimi metodami analizirani, rezultati pa podrobno razloženi. Cilj diplomske naloge je bil ugotoviti kako Planning poker vpliva na spremembo statistične kombinacije začetnih ocen posameznikov in ali obstaja statistično pomembna razlika med ocenami, pridobljenimi po tej metodi in po metodi Team estimation game. Statistična analiza je pokazala, da je, čeprav z zanemarljivo velikostjo učinka, uporaba metode Planning poker zmanjšala stopnjo optimizma, prisotnega pri statistični kombinaciji začetnih ocen. Team estimation game pa je privedel do še manj optimističnih ocen kot Planning poker. Primerjava točnosti ocen ni pokazala statistično značilnih razlik.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:agilni razvoj programske opreme, analiza, ocene, planning poker, skram, točnost, team estimation game, uporabniška zgodba
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:FRI - Fakulteta za računalništvo in informatiko
Leto izida:2016
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-91338 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:28.03.2017
Število ogledov:2204
Število prenosov:477
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Accuracy analysis of user story estimates
Agile methods are currently the dominant way of software development. This thesis presents the main principles of agile software development with emphasis on the method Scrum and some of the group techniques for software estimation. Planning poker is the most often used technique for estimating the size of user stories, but lately Team estimation game has been gaining popularity too, so emphasis was put on these two. An accuracy analysis of user story estimates based on data, collected during a study that was carried out at Software Engineering course in year 2014/15, was performed. Design of the study and the process of collecting the data is described. The data was analysed using appropriate statistical methods and the results were explained in detail. The goal of the thesis was to find out how final estimates obtained through Planning poker differ from the statistical combination of the estimates obtained during the first round of the process and whether there is a statistically important difference between the estimates obtained through Planning poker and those obtained through TEG. Our analysis showed that Planning poker decreased the over-optimism present in the statistical combination of initial estimates. However, the size of effect was very small. Estimates obtained through TEG were even less optimistic than those obtained through Planning poker. Accuracy analysis of estimates showed no statistically significant difference.

Ključne besede:accuracy, agile software development, analysis, estimates, planning poker, scrum, team estimation game, user story

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