
Opis kaznivega dejanja
ID Gavrić, Kristina (Avtor), ID Gorkič, Primož (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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MD5: 5170E32AD6E4C0B4F9D1230860AD679F
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/628085c1-bfb4-4c5c-be84-504392ed24d6

Opis kaznivega dejanja je temeljna sestavina vsakega kazenskega postopka, saj brez njega tek postopka ni mogoč. Je temeljna pravica vsakega posameznika do seznanjenosti z vsemi vidiki kaznivega dejanja, ki se mu očita, možnost, da se o obtožbi izreče, navede dejstva in dokaze, ki so mu v korist ter pomeni določitev meje ugotovljenega dejanskega stanja. Opisati dejanje pomeni določiti njegove znake in čim bolj dosledno izvajati načelo zakonitosti. Predstavlja temelj enakosti orožij med strankama postopka. Tudi v primeru, ko pride do spremembe obtožnice na glavni obravnavi, je treba zaradi varstva enakopravnosti paziti, da se sme sprememba nanašati le na dejanje, ki je predmet obtožbe. Tožilec sme tako poseči v opis kaznivega dejanja le v okviru istega kaznivega dejanja, ki je že opisano v obtožnici. Ob tem je treba očitano kaznivo dejanje kar se da najbolje individualizirati ter konkretizirati oziroma z jasno označitvijo postaviti ločnico od obravnavanega dejanja in drugih historičnih dogodkov. Pri tem pa se zastavi tudi vprašanje razmerja med obtožbo in sodbo. V kolikšni meri mora sodba slediti opisu dejanja, ki je navedeno v obtožnem aktu? Sodba mora namreč odgovoriti na vprašanja, ki so v obtožnici zastavljena. Pri tem pa mora med njima obstajati identiteta: ujemanje v smislu osebe, ki je obtožena ter dejanju, ki je predmet postopka. Identiteta med obtožbo in sodbo pa ne pomeni nujno absolutne vezanosti sodišča na opis kaznivega dejanja, ki je podan s strani tožilca. Cilj opisa kaznivega dejanja je predvsem v tem, da se preprečijo zlorabe procesnih pravic in da se obdolžencu omogoči priprava učinkovite obrambe.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:Opis kaznivega dejanja, tožilec, obdolženec, načelo zakonitosti, obtožnica, objektivna identiteta.
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:PF - Pravna fakulteta
Leto izida:2017
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-89281 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:15493201 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:03.03.2017
Število ogledov:5445
Število prenosov:1322
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:The description of a criminal act
The description of a criminal act is an essential component of every criminal procedure. Without it, the procedure is impossible. It is the fundamental right of every individual to be acquainted with all of the aspects of the criminal act one is accused of, the possibility to speak out on the allegations, to state the facts and proofs, which are to one’s benefit, and to determine the factual state of the matter. To describe the act means to determine its signs and to execute the principle of legality as consistently as possible. It represents the foundation of equality of arms between the clients involved in the procedure. If there is a change in the indictment during the main hearing, the change must refer to only the act that is the subject of the hearing. This must be done due to the protection of equality. The prosecutor is allowed to interfere with the description of the criminal act only in the boundaries of the same act that is already described in the indictment. The criminal act must be individualized and concretized. There must be a divided line between the dealt act and any other historical events. Here lies the nature of the relationship between the accusation and the verdict. To what extent must the verdict follow the description of the act, which is listed in the accusatory act? The verdict must answer the questions in the indictment. There must be a strong identity between them, meaning and agreement amongst the accused and the act that is the subject of the procedure. The identity between the accusation and the verdict, however, does not necessarily mean an absolute binding of the court to the description of the criminal act, given by the prosecutor. The aim of the description is mainly to prevent any types of abuse of procedural rights and that the accused is allowed to prepare an effective defence.

Ključne besede:The description of a criminal act, the prosecutor, the accused, the principle of legality, the indictment, the objective identity.

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