
Učinek stresa na nosečnost, porod in poporodno obdobje : meta-sinteza
ID Žigo, Andreja (Avtor), ID Mivšek, Ana Polona (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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MD5: 0D9B381BDC601A9F406B336496380EDA
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/b95b583f-ff79-45f9-b6cf-9bad479fb639

Uvod: V nosečnosti, ob porodu in v poporodnem obdobju prihaja do velikih, tako fizičnih kot psihičnih, sprememb v ženskem telesu. Na potek teh obdobji lahko v veliki meri vpliva stres in doživljanje le-tega. Namen: Namen diplomske naloge je opredeliti stres in vrste stresa, opisati modele stresa in kako so se le-ti razvijali, kateri so njegovi povzročitelji oziroma stresorji, kako stres prepoznamo, učinke pozitivnega in negativnega stresa, simptome in znake stresa, čustva, ki jih doživljamo ob stresnih situacijah, opisati glavne dejavnike, ki vplivajo na intenzivnost doživljanja stresa, telesne odzive, posledice, ki jih stres povzroča, ter možnosti obvladovanja stresnih situacij na splošno, v nosečnosti, med porodom in v poporodnem obdobju. Metode dela: V diplomskem delu bo avtorica uporabila opisno ali deskriptivno metodo dela, s pomočjo katere bo izvedla pregled strokovne in znanstvene literature. Pri iskanju literature si bo avtorica pomagala z naslednjimi bazami podakov: COBISS, CINAHL, Medline, DiKUL, ScienceDirect, PubMed, WileyOnlineLibrary, Google Učenjak, Google Books in Cochrane. Podatke bo iskala tudi med novejšo literaturo. Kvalitativna meta-sinteza bo izvedena s pomočjo vrednotenja najdenih študij po štiristopenjski lestvici vrednotenja po avtorjih Eccles in Mason. Z meta-sintezo bosta obdelani trditvi, da stres učinkuje na prezgodnji porod in da ima stres učinek na dojenje. Rezultati: Meta-sinteza devetih študij je pokazala, da ima stres učinek na nosečnost, porod in poporodno obdobje, predvsem poveča možnost prezgodnjega poroda in težave z dojenjem. Razprava in sklep: Stres, ki ga ženska doživlja med nosečnostjo, porodom in v poporodnem obdobju, učinkuje na potek vseh teh obdobij, v katera se lahko aktivno vključuje tudi babica. Ker stres, predvsem v poporodnem obdobju, še ni dovolj raziskan, je potrebno nadaljnje raziskovanje na tem področju.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:diplomska dela, babištvo, vpliv stresa, nosečnost, porod, poporodno obdobje
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:ZF - Zdravstvena fakulteta
Kraj izida:Ljubljana
Založnik: [A. Žigo]
Leto izida:2017
Št. strani:40 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-89092 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:5228907 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:15.02.2017
Število ogledov:4035
Število prenosov:1169
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
ŽIGO, Andreja, 2017, Učinek stresa na nosečnost, porod in poporodno obdobje : meta-sinteza [na spletu]. Diplomsko delo. Ljubljana : [A. Žigo. [Dostopano 16 marec 2025]. Pridobljeno s: https://repozitorij.uni-lj.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=slv&id=89092
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:The effect of stress through pregnancy, birth and the early postnatal period : meta-synthesis
Introduction: Generally, through pregnancy, birth and the early postnatal period the woman's body goes through a lot of physical and psychological changes. Stress and the effects of overwhelming experience of the latter may have a significant impact on women at these times. Purpose: The purpose of this diploma thesis is to define stress, all different types of stress, describe various models of stress in detail, show how these models of stress have actually evolved, introduce situations which cause a stress reaction, often called stress triggers or stressors, how to recognize stress, get to know more about the positive and negative aspects of stress, as well as stress symptoms and its signs, the feelings you have when finding yourself in a stressful situation, describe the main key factors that affect the intensity when it comes to experiencing stress, physical responses taking place, the consequences caused by stress, the degree of control and choice when it comes to managing our stress situation in general through pregnancy, birth and the early postnatal period. Research methods: In the herewith thesis the author is planning on applying the descriptive research method by means of which a detailed literature review of the technical and scientific literature review in this field is going to be studied and defined. When searching for the adequate scientific publications the author is going to help herself with the following databases: COBISS, CINAHL, Medline, DiKUL, ScienceDirect, PubMed, WileyOnlineLibrary, Google Scholar, Google Books and Cochrane. The author is planning on looking for data in the scientific publications, recently published. The qualitative meta-synthesis is going to be carried out with the help of the evaluation of the studies found and at the same time based on the four-scale evaluation designed by the two authors, Eccles and Mason. With the help of the meta-synthesis the two following statements will be processed: one stating that stress in fact has an effect on preterm delivery and the other affirming that stress has a significant impact on breastfeeding in the early neonatal period. Results: the meta-synthesis of the 9 studies revealed that stress has a significant impact on pregnancy, birth and the early postnatal period, especially as far as facing a higher risk factors for preterm labor and breastfeeding problems is concerned. Discussion and decision: The level of stress a woman experiences through pregnancy, birth and the early postnatal period has a significant effect on all these three periods in her life. Due to the fact that stress, especially the one present during the early postnatal period, has not been sufficiently investigated, there is an urgent need for further research in this area.

Ključne besede:diploma theses, midwifery, effect of stress, pregnancy, birth, postnatal period

Podobna dela

Podobna dela v RUL:
  1. Glasba - medij družbenega konflikta
  2. Razvoj, vloga in pomen vojaških godb
  3. Pomen poslušanja glasbe v vsakdanjem življenju
  4. Brezplačna izmenjava datotek z glasbeno vsebino
  5. Alan P. Merriam: Antropologija glasbe. Ljubljana: Znanstveno publicistično središče, 2000
Podobna dela v drugih slovenskih zbirkah:
  1. Glazba i tradicija
  2. Zgodovina glasbenega izobraževanja na Glasbeni šoli Vinka Vodopivca Ajdovščina
  3. GIUSEPPE VERDI: Traviata
  4. Izgubljeno s prevodom
