The purpose of the master thesis is a trial use of the EPoC, Evaluation of Potential Creativity, in primary school in Slovenia and identifying its potential contribution to improving teachers’ ability to evaluate creative potential and identifying gifted students in everyday situations in the future. The theoretical part captures the scientific findings about creativity, evaluation of creativity, relationship between creativity and giftedness and the influence of environment on creativity. The emphasis is on the investment theory of creativity, which holds the basic idea that’s behind the EPoC, on the EPoC itself, its current use around the world and on the process of identifying gifted students in Slovenian primary education. On the basis of quantitative approach I empirically researched what kind of creative potential gifted Slovenian students show and what kind of relationship is there between the results gained in the trial use of the EPoC form A and the results gained in the process of identification of gifted students (OLNAD07, WISC or RPM, TTCT). Their verbal-literary and artistic-graphic products were evaluated by a standard procedure which showed the presence of six EPoC profiles of creative potential within the group of gifted students that participated in the study. To determine relationship the between results gained in the trial use of the EPoC and the results gained in the process of identification of gifted students (TTCT, WISC or RPM, OLNAD07) I used correlation analysis and independent sample test. Results of the research showed that there is no statistically significant correlation between EPoC quotients and TTCT or RPM results. However there is a statistically significant difference in IV EPoC quotient between students who were identified as gifted on OLNAD07 educational, musical and drama field and other students.