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Poškodbe triatloncev : pregled literature
Oražem, Monika
Vauhnik, Renata
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Uvod: Triatlon je multidisciplinarni vzdržljivostni šport, ki obsega tri zaporedne discipline – plavanje, kolesarjenje in tek. Skupaj s povečanjem udeležbe na triatlonih v zadnjem desetletju se je povečevalo tudi število poškodb. Kljub temu je bilo na temo poškodb triatloncev narejenih malo epidemioloških raziskav, ki so temelj za oblikovanje preventivnih ukrepov. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je na podlagi pregleda literature predstaviti športne poškodbe v triatlonu in njihovo pogostost pojavljanja, kar je pomemben podatek za preprečevanje poškodb v triatlonu. Metode dela: Metodologija diplomskega dela je pregled strokovne in znanstvene literature, ki preučuje športne poškodbe na področju triatlona. Literatura je bila najdena s pomočjo podatkovnih zbirk COCHRANE ter spletnega portala DiKUL. Vključene so bile vse raziskave, ki so bile objavljene do leta 2016 v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku in so prosto dostopne. Rezultati: V pregled literature je bilo vključenih devet raziskav. Zaradi različnih demografskih značilnosti udeležencev ter različne metodologije je bila primerjava med raziskavami otežena. Vsaj eno poškodbo je tekom raziskave utrpelo 34¬¬–72 % udeležencev. Prevladovale so preobremenitvene poškodbe (29–78 %). Največ poškodb je bilo tekaških (50–65 %), najmanj pa plavalnih (0–12 %). Koleno je bilo s 17–33 % najbolj pogosta poškodovana anatomska lokacija. Prevladovale so blage poškodbe, le 16¬–23 % poškodb je zahtevalo popolno prenehanje z aktivnostmi, 78–85 % poškodb je botrovalo prekinitvi tekaških treningov, 37–38,5 % poškodb je onemogočilo kolesarske treninge, 21–29 % poškodb pa plavalne. Incidenca poškodb je bila na tekmah v primerjavi s treningi višja. Razprava in sklep: V zadnjih letih se je močno povečal interes za triatlon, kljub temu je bilo na temo poškodb triatloncev narejenih malo raziskav v primerjavi z ostalimi športi. Pri narejenih epidemioloških raziskavah je bilo izpostavljenih več pomanjkljivosti. Za lažji in bolj realen pregled bi bilo treba razviti standardizirane postopke zbiranja in interpretiranja podatkov. Zaradi velike količine treningov prevladujejo v triatlonu lažje preobremenitvene poškodbe. Največ poškodb nastane kot posledica teka, zato je koleno najpogosteje poškodovana anatomska lokacija. Dejavniki tveganja so slabo raziskani, najpomembnejša sta predhodna poškodba ter število let ukvarjanja s triatlonom.
Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:
preobremenitvene poškodbe
akutne poškodbe
mišično-skeletne poškodbe
dejavniki tveganja
Vrsta gradiva:
Diplomsko delo/naloga
ZF - Zdravstvena fakulteta
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ORAŽEM, Monika, 2017,
Poškodbe triatloncev : pregled literature
[na spletu]. Diplomsko delo. [Dostopano 22 marec 2025]. Pridobljeno s:
Kopiraj citat
Objavi na:
Sekundarni jezik
Angleški jezik
Injuries of triathletes : literature review
Introduction: Triathlon is a multidisciplinary endurance sport, which consists of three disciplines: swimming, cycling and running. During the last decade the number of triathletes increased, hence the higher number of injuries, typical for this sport. However, only a few epidemiological studies addressing triathlon injury prevention have been made. Purpose: The purpose of this diploma thesis is to present injuries in triathlon and their frequency based on a literature review, because this information is important for preventing these kinds of injuries in the future. Working methods: The review of academic and scientific literature that examines injuries in triathlon: the literature was found in the COCHRANE database and the Digital Library of University of Ljubljana (DiKUL). Studies published before year 2016 in both Slovenian and English language were considered. Results: Nine studies were found that met the criteria for the literature review. It was difficult to compare the chosen studies because of the differences in the demographic characteristics of participants and the methodologies used in the studies. It was determined that 34–72% of triathletes had at least one injury. Most of them were the result of overuse (29–78%). Out of all three sports, running has caused the most injuries (50–65%) and swimming the least (0–12%). The knee is the most commonly injured body part (17–33%). Most of the injuries were minor. 16–23% of injuries have resulted in the temporary cessation of all activities in all three disciplines, while 78–85% of injuries have resulted in temporary cessation of running trainings, 37–38.5% of cycling trainings and 21–29% of swimming trainings. The incidence of injuries was higher during competition than during training sessions. Discussion and conclusion: Despite the fact that every year the interest in triathlon is increasing, not as many studies about triathlon injuries are made in comparison to other sports. There are many shortcomings in the epidemiological studies, therefore, it would be necessary to develop standardized procedures for collecting and interpreting data for easier and better overview. As already mentioned, most of the injuries, albeit minor, were a result of overuse, since triathlon requires a large amount of training. Running has the highest rate of injuries, where the knee is the most commonly injured body part. Risk factors are poorly researched, the most important of which are previous injuries and the number of years practicing triathlon.
Ključne besede:
overuse injuries
acute injuries
musculoskeletal injuries
risk factors
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