
Avtomatski čelilnik lesenih obdelovancev
ID Koren, Janez (Avtor), ID Zajec, Peter (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu, ID Vončina, Danijel (Komentor)

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MD5: 06414E7D0DA0965E54DF0C87A8E0DFF9
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/cec3df86-cdeb-4e10-9930-91f9335a48d3

Magistrsko delo obsega celoten razvoj ter izdelavo avtomatskega čelilnika, ki je namenjen uporabi v lesni industriji. Tovrstne sisteme največkrat najdemo v fazi primarne in sekundarne predelave lesa kot del večjih proizvodnih linij. V našem primeru pa avtomatski čelilnik nastopa kot samostojni lesno-obdelovalni stroj, ki je prirejen uporabi v mizarskem podjetju pri proizvodnji stavbnega pohištva, podov, CNC polizdelkov ipd. Gre torej za enoosni krmiljeni elektromehanski sistem, ki uporabniku na podlagi naročila nudi hiter in natančen dolžinski razrez lesenih lamel. Bistveni sta predvsem enostavnost uporabe in poenostavitev obstoječih postopkov tovrstne obdelave. Zaradi prostorskih omejitev ter delovnih pogojev se dodatno zahtevata še ustrezna kompaktnost in robustnost sistema. Magistrsko delo se dotika vseh opravljenih razvojnih postopkov vse od idejne zasnove do končne sestave stroja. Uvodoma so predstavljene predvsem zahteve in omejitve sistema. Prikazan je obstoječi postopek, ki se je izvajal pred izdelavo stroja in izpostavljene so njegove bistvene pomanjkljivosti. Podani so torej tudi cilji zastavljeni pred samim razvojem stroja.V nadaljevanju pa sledijo predstavitve posameznih faz razvoja in izdelave. Postopek konstruiranja mehanskih delov je predstavljen na podlagi razvitih 3D modelov posameznih podsklopov. Ločeno obravnavamo najprej uporabljene elektromehanske komponente zatem pa še sestavo celotnega ogrodja čelilnika. Uporabljena senzorska oprema je podrobneje opisana skozi funkcije, katereopravljajo posamezni senzorji. Sem sodi v prvi vrsti detekcija skrajnih leg pnevmatskih cilindrov in ostalih mehanskih delov, za kar se uporablja več različnih senzorjev -induktivnastikala, magnetne senzorje in optična tipala. Povsem ločeno je izpostavljen poseben luminiscenčni senzor, ki je namenjen razpoznavi oznak z lesene površine obdelovancev. Ostale elektronske komponente so predstavljene skozi prikaz krmilnega in pogonskega sistema. Glavnino sistema predstavlja sklop uporabniški terminal – programirljivi logični krmilnik – krmilnik gibanja – servo ojačevalnik – servomotor.Podrobneje je opisan skozi predstavitev osnovnih funkcij posameznih komponent ter skozi sestavo in organizacijo električne omarice. V zadnjem delu pa se delo dotakne še razvitega krmilnega programa in uporabniškega okolja, ki končnemu uporabniku nudi upravljanje stroja. Skozi pregled programskih sekvenc je predstavljen način delovanja sistema in funkcije, ki jih omogoča.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:3D model, senzorska oprema, elektronske komponente, pogonski sistem, avtomatizacija
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:FE - Fakulteta za elektrotehniko
Leto izida:2017
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-88534 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:16.01.2017
Število ogledov:2015
Število prenosov:923
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Automatic cross-cut saw for wooden workpiece
The present Master's thesis includes the entire development and construction of an automatic cross-cut saw, which is intended for use in the wood industry. This kind of systems are frequently found in the primary and secondary phase of processing wood as a part of larger production lines. In our case, a cross-cut saw stands as an independent wood-crafting machine, adapted for use in woodworking business in the production of joinery, flooring, CNC semi-finished products, etc. So, it is about the uniaxial controlled electromechanical system, which on the basis of an order, offers to the user a fast and precise linear cutting of wooden slats. The simple use and simplification of existing procedures of this kind of processing are the most important.. Due to the limited space and working conditions, compactness and robustness of the system are additionally required. The Master’s degree comprises all development procedures used from the concept to the final structure of the machine. The introduction presents mainly the requirements and limitations of the system. It shows the current procedure that was used before the construction of the machine and its essential flaws. In short, the goals set before the development of the machine are introduced, too. Further on, we represented individual phases of the development and construction. The design process of mechanical parts is presented on the basis of advanced 3D models of individual subassemblies. We separately discuss previously used electromechanical components and later the complete composition of the framework of cross-cut saws. The used sensor equipment is thoroughly described through the functions individual sensors perform. First of all, it is about detecting the end position of pneumatic cylinders and other mechanical parts for which multiple sensors are used - inductive switches, magnetic sensors and the optical sensors. Completely independently a specific luminescent sensor used to detect marks on the wooden surface of the workpiece, is pointed out. The other electronic components are presented by displaying the control and servo system. The majority of the system comprises a set of user's terminal, program logic controller, motion controller, servo amplifier and servomotor. It is described in detail through the presentation of the basic functions of individual components as well as through the composition and organization of the electrical cabinet. The last part of the thesis considers developed control program and the user's program environment, which allows the user to operate the machine. Through examination of the program sequences, we presented the way the system works and the functions it provides.

Ključne besede:3D model, sensing equipment, electronic components, positioning system, automatization

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