
Vpliv UV sevanja in selena na lastnosti hibridne ajde
ID Ruf, Simona (Author), ID Gaberščik, Alenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrski nalogi smo proučevali vpliv UV sevanja in selena na morfološke, biokemijske in optične lastnosti listov hibridne ajde. Izvedli smo štiri obravnavanja hibridne ajde, ki smo jih dosegli s pomočjo UV filtrov in z raztopino natrijevega selenata. Prvo je bilo UV okoljsko sevanje brez dodatka selena; drugo je okoljsko UV sevanje z foliarnim nanosom selena; tretje je zmanjšano UV sevanje brez dodatka selena in četrto je bilo zmanjšano UV okoljsko sevanje ob dodatku selena. Preučevali smo fotokemično učinkovitost FS II in aktivnost ETS (dihalni potencial), izmerili odbojnost in presevnost ter določili vsebnost klorofila a in b, karotenoidov, antocianov in UV-B ter UV-A absorbirajočih snovi v listih. Ugotavljali smo vpliv na svežo ter suho maso nadzemnih in podzemnih delov rastlin ter določili morfološke in anatomske lastnosti listov. Način obravnave je vplival na transpiracijo, potencialno fotokemično učinkovitost FS II in aktivnost terminalnega elektronskega transportnega sistema. Na morfološke lastnosti je imel način obravnave manj vpliva. Vpliv interakcije obeh dejavnikov se pojavi pri številu rež in trihomov. Način obravnave je imel vpliv na koncentracijo barvil, saj so imele rastline, obravnavane s Se+UV+ najnižjo koncetracijo klorofila a, klorofila b in karotenoidov. Koncetracija antocianov in UV-A ter UV-B absorbirajočih snovi pa je bila najnižja pri rastlinah obravnavanih s Se-UV-. Način obravnave je vplival tudi na optične lastnosti, saj so imele rastline, obravnavane s Se+UV+, najvišjo odbojnost in prepustnost v vseh delih spektra.

Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-87690 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11381577 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:31.08.2017
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Title:The combined effects of elevated UV radiation and selenium on hybrid buckwheat (Fagopyrum hybridum) properties
We have studied the influence of UV radiation and selenium (Se) on selected morphological, biochemical and optical properties of leaves in hybrid buckwheat. These hybrid buckwheat were exposed to four different treatments, with UV filters and different solutions of natrium selenat. Firstly, we have used ambient UV radiation without added selenium; secondly, we used ambient UV radiation with foliarly sprayed selenium; thirdly, we used reduced UV radiation without selenium, and lastly we used reduced ambient UV radiation with added selenium. We have measured photochemical efficiencies of PS II and ETS activity, reflectance and trasmittance, and determined clorophyll a and b, carotenoids and anthocyanins in invastigated leaves. We observed the influence on dry and fresh mass, in underground and overground parts of plant, and also determined morphological and anatomical leaf properties. The treatments influenced the transpiration, potential photochemical efficiency of PS II and activity of terminal electron transport system. The treatmentsexcited less effect on morphological poperties, because it was observed only in fresh leaves. Influence of interacions of both factor is shown in stoma and trychomes. The way we treated the plants had influenced concentrations of pigmentation, because plants that were treated with Se+UV+the lowest concetration of chlorophyll a, clorophyll b and carotenoids. Concentration of antocians in UV-A and UV-B absorbing substances was the lowest in plants that were treated with Se-UV-. Treatmets had also had impact on optical properties, because plants treated with Se+UV+ had the highest reflectance and transmittance in every aspect.


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