
Stališča strokovnega osebja o življenju odraslih oseb s posebnimi potrebami v posebnem socialnem zavodu in vloga socialnega pedagoga v tej ustanovi
ID Bizjan, Barbara (Avtor), ID Zrim Martinjak, Nataša (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

URLURL - Predstavitvena datoteka, za dostop obiščite http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/4258/ Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

Magistrsko delo razišče stališča strokovnih delavcev o življenju odraslih s posebnimi potrebami v posebnem socialnem zavodu ter obravnava in predstavi vlogo socialnega pedagoga v ustanovi. V teoretičnem delu so predstavljene značilnosti oseb s posebnimi potrebami, delovanje slovenskih institucij za odrasle s posebnimi potrebami v procesih deinstitucionalizacije, koncepti in programi dela v posebnih socialnih zavodih, oblikovanih na podlagah normativov in standardov institucionalnega varstva odraslih s posebnimi potrebami. V empiričnem delu so skozi analizo primera DU Podbrdo, enote Petrovo Brdo, ki je namenjena oskrbi in varstvu odraslih oseb s posebnimi potrebami, preko deskriptivne metode raziskana stališča strokovnega osebja o življenju odraslih s posebnimi potrebami v ustanovi in o tem, kaj jim ustanova nudi. Poleg tega je na podlagi primera te ustanove predstavljena vloga socialnega pedagoga v posebnem socialnem zavodu, njegova delovna področja ter kaj lahko stanovalcem, sodelavcem in ustanovi ponudi s svojimi znanji. V raziskavi je bil uporabljen kvalitativni pristop. Podatki so bili pridobljeni s primarnimi in s sekundarnimi viri, z delno strukturiranimi intervjuji s strokovnim osebjem in analizo dokumentacije, pri čemer je bila posebna pozornost namenjena morebitnemu razhajanju podatkov iz primarnih in sekundarnih virov. Iz rezultatov raziskave izhaja, da je življenje odraslih oseb s posebnimi potrebami v posebnem socialnem zavodu strukturirano in načrtovano ter temelji na individualnih programih podpore in pomoči osebi. Postavljene strukture ustanovi omogočajo delovanje, in ne postavijo vedno na prvo mesto ljudi, ki v ustanovi živijo, kar strokovno osebje prepoznava in s svojo naravnanostjo do oseb, sodelavcev in dela, skuša zmanjševati negativne značilnosti institucionalnega bivanja. S svojim odnosom do oseb s posebnimi potrebami skuša prispevati k njihovemu dobremu počutju in zadovoljstvu v času bivanja v ustanovi. Kot omejitev v strokovnem delu navajajo pomanjkljive oblike podpore in pomoči ter možnosti namestitev za osebe s posebnimi potrebami v slovenskem prostoru. Med stanovalci prepoznavajo tudi take, za katere menijo, da bi zmogli živeti v manj strukturiranem okolju, z manj podpore. Namestitev v posebnem socialnem zavodu vidijo kot obliko najbolj strukturirane pomoči in podpore tistim osebam s posebnimi potrebami, ki potrebujejo pomoč pri vseh življenjskih aktivnostih večino dneva. Strokovno osebje je naklonjeno ideji deinstitucionalizacije in izboljševanju pogojev za življenje in bivanje oseb s posebnimi potrebami. Ustanova je svoj koncept preoblikovanja zastavila kot izgradnjo stanovanjske skupine oz. dveh skupin v bližini ustanove in zanju uredila vso potrebno dokumentacijo, realizacija ideje pa zaradi pomanjkanja finančnih sredstev ni uspela. Sodelujoči v raziskavi navajajo, da je socialni pedagog v ustanovi povezovalec med osebami s posebnimi potrebami ter zaposlenimi. S svojimi znanji in kompetencami deluje tako, da predstavlja podporo in pomoč osebam s posebnimi potrebami, ko preko različnih metod dela in odnosa, ki ga vzpostavi z njimi, krepi močne točke oseb s posebnimi potrebami, daje zgled in uči različnih tehnik spoprijemanja s težavami in ustreznejših oblik vedenja. Hkrati izobražuje sodelavce za razumevanje vedenja oseb s posebnimi potrebami in ustreznejših načinov reagiranja. Na podlagi ugotovitev je zaposlitev profila socialnega pedagoga kot strokovnjaka za delo z ljudmi s posebnimi potrebami, utemeljena in ustrezna. A kljub temu je prisotna neprepoznavnost profila neposredno v delovnem okolju ter tudi širše. Ugotovitve magistrskega dela lahko prispevajo k razvoju socialnopedagoške znanosti in umestitvi socialnopedagoške stroke tudi na področje dela z odraslimi s posebnimi potrebami, tudi kot pobuda, da se socialno pedagoškemu delu v posebnih socialnih zavodih in drugih oblikah skrbi za odrasle s posebnimi potrebami, nameni več pozornosti v okviru študija in da se v okviru politike zaposlovanja umesti socialnega pedagoga kot strokoven profil v posebni socialni zavod s sistemiziranim delovnim mestom. Hkrati ugotovitve dela nudijo možnost kritičnega pogleda na delovanje tovrstnih ustanov, nakažejo možnosti izboljšav in prispevajo k preseganju nepoznavanja vsebine in pomena strokovnega delovanja zaposlenih v ustanovi. Dobljeni rezultati so pokazali stališča strokovnih delavcev o življenju odraslih oseb s posebnimi potrebami v posebnem socialnem zavodu. Ti podatki so lahko pomembni pri razbijanju strokovnih mitov, kot tudi mitov širše javnosti, o življenju v posebnem socialnem zavodu. Konstruktivno povezovanje in sodelovanje med različnimi akterji na področju podpore in skrbi za odrasle s posebnimi potrebami (Mreža za deinstitucionalizacijo, aktivisti, akademiki, osebje v institucionalnih oblikah skrbi za odrasle s posebnimi potrebami, svojci, …) lahko prispeva k izboljšanju storitev za osebe s posebnimi potrebami v Sloveniji.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:odrasli s posebnimi potrebami
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo
Tipologija:2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija:PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Leto izida:2016
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-87589 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:11370313 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:31.08.2017
Število ogledov:1000
Število prenosov:220
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:The attitudes of the professional staff to the life of adults with special needs residing in a specialized social care home and the role of the social pedagogue within it
Present master's thesis investigates attitudes of the professional staff to the life of adults with special needs residing in a specialized social care home, while also discussing and presenting the role of the social pedagogue in the institution. The theoretical part presents the characteristics of people with special needs, the operation of Slovenian institutions for adults with special needs in the process of de-institutionalization, as well as concepts and work programs in special social care homes, designed on the basis of norms and standards of institutional care for adults with special needs. In the empirical part, using descriptive methods and through analysis of the case of Petrovo Brdo Unit of the Retirement Home Podbrdo, which is intended for care and protection of adults with special needs, attitudes of the professional staff to the life of adults with special needs in the institution and to what is offered to them by the institution, is studied. In addition, based on the example of the same institution, the role of a social pedagogue in specialized social care home is presented, as well as his fields of work and what people with special needs, co-workers and institution can gain from his expertise. A qualitative approach has been used in the study. Data were obtained using primary and secondary sources, with partly-structured interviews with professional staff and documentation analysis, whereby special attention was paid to the potential divergence of data from primary and secondary sources. Results of the research show that life of adults with special needs in a specialized social care home is structured and planned, and based on individual programs of support and assistance. The established structure enables functioning of the institution, and does not always put first the persons, who reside in the institution. This is recognized by professional staff, who is trying to reduce negative features of institutional living with their orientation towards people with special needs, co-workers and work itself. With their attitude, they aim at contributing to the well-being and content of people with special needs during their stay in the institution. As constraints in their professional work, professional staff indicated inadequate forms of support and assistance, as well as placement possibilities for people with special needs in Slovenia. Among the residents they recognize persons, which they consider being able to live in a less structured environment, with less support. Placement in a specialized social care home is seen as the most structured form of assistance and support, relevant for people with special needs who need assistance in all life activities most of the day. Professional staff is favourable to the idea of de-institutionalization and improvement of living conditions and residence of people with special needs. The studied institution has set its concept of transformation in the form of construction of a residential group, or else of two groups, in its vicinity. All the necessary documentation has been arranged, while the realisation of the idea failed due to lack of funding. Participants in the survey indicate that social pedagogue is a linker between people with special needs and staff. With his knowledge and skills, he provides support and assistance to people with special needs, when through variety of working methods and the relationship established with them, reinforces the strong features of people with special needs, sets an example and teaches different techniques of dealing with problems and more appropriate forms of behaviour. At the same time, social pedagogue educates co-workers to better understand behaviour of people with special needs and to react in more appropriate manners. Based on the findings, the job profile of a social pedagogue as a specialist for work with people with special needs is justified and appropriate. Nevertheless, lack of profile's recognition is present directly in the working environment and beyond. Findings of the master's thesis can contribute to the development of the social pedagogical science and to the placement of the social pedagogical profession also in the field of working with adults with special needs, also as an incentive to pay more attention to social pedagogical work in specialized social care homes and other forms of care for adults with special needs in the framework of university studies, and to include the social pedagogue in the context of employment policy as a professional profile with systemized position in specialized social care homes. At the same time, findings offer the possibility of a critical view to the functioning of these institutions, indicate possibilities for improvement and contribute to overcoming the lack of understanding of the content and importance of the professional work of employees in the institution. The results showed the attitudes of professional staff to the life of adults with special needs residing in a specialized social care home. These data may be important in breaking professional myths, as well as myths of general public about life in a specialized social care home. Constructive connections and cooperation among various actors in the field of support and care for adults with special needs (Network for deinstitutionalisation, activists, academics, staff in institutional forms of care for adults with special needs, families, etc.) can contribute to the improvement of services for people with special needs in Slovenia.

Ključne besede:adults with special needs

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