Reading literacy is something mostly referred to when it comes to lessons of Slovene language. However, it can be encouraged with other subjects as well. It has a great effect on learning success. Reading literacy is the ability to read fluently while understanding the meaning of the text altogether. It is included in Math's learning plan. It is also in general goals, operative goals and didactic recommendations. The PISA project in 2003 and in 2012 emphasised the meaning of Mathematic reading literacy. It is defined as the ability to recognize and understand the role of Mathematics itself in everyday life, by making decisions and satisfying one’s needs. Many studies have shown that there is a meaningful statistic connection between successful solving of textual asks and successful reading: students that are better in reading are also better in solving Math’s textual tasks.
This is the part when we become interested in other dimensions of encouraging reading literacy when it comes to lessons of Math. 113 fifth-graders will be tested on how to transform symbols to words and the other way around. And also, how to interpret mathematic texts, with a specific mathematic concept and put the concept into words. We are mainly interested in reading with understanding and the specific ways of transforming symbols into words. Our emphasis is on the words and phrases used by students (what is the Math's terminology used and what are the other not mathematically related words used). Together with everything else, we are also interested if being a successful Math student is related to better grades in Slovene as well? Is reading literacy in Maths related to success in lessons of Slovene language as well? We are researching the reading abilities related to understanding of mathematic concepts. We are researching the correlation between being successful in exams and other rates such as: class successfulness, gender successfulness, successful knowledge testing related to grades in Slovene and in Math, being successful in specific parts of tasks according to class, gender, …)
Suitable statistic methods will be used. The recordings of 113 students will be analysed and certain conclusions regarding Math's reading literacy will be reached. Based on the results, a certain learning approach will be designed. An approach to encourage reading literacy in Math lessons for the fifth grade of elementary school.