
ID POGLAVC, BLAŽ (Avtor), ID Križaj, Dejan (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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MD5: 8E17044AF651F626C2320CAB4DA3D154
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/72084684-de1b-4033-a90f-223ff06e1bff

Namen diplomskega dela je analiza segrevanja komponent pri pulznem vzbujanju za vezje, ki se med delovanjem greje in ga je potrebno zaradi varnosti izklopiti pri določeni temperaturi. V ta namen smo uporabili senzor temperature, ki naj bi skozi celotno delovanje spremljal temperaturo močnostnega elementa vezja in nato ob določeni temperaturi izklopil celotni sistem. Po določenem času oz. ohladitvi sistema bi bilo možno ponovno vklopiti vezje. V prvem sklopu diplomskega dela sem pisal splošno o meritvah, o napakah pri meritvah in o senzorjih. Opisal sem vse dejavnike, ki vplivajo na meritve. Nato sem opisal temperaturne senzorje, in še posebej temperaturni upor tipa NL1K0, ki sem ga uporabil v nalogi za merjenje temperature. V nadaljevanju sem opisal program v Matlabu, ki je namenjen krmiljenju računalniško-merilne kartice Red Pitaya. Ta zajema napetosti na merilnem uporu s pomočjo katere določimo temperaturo. S programom sem spremljal rast temperature na močnostnem elementu pritrjenem na hladilni element . Pri določeni temperaturi se je izklopilo celotno napajanje in preprečilo okvare ter s tem povezane stroške. S to raziskavo sem omogočil lažje spremljanje temperaturnih razlik in segrevanja ter nastanka nepotrebnih stroškov zaradi pregretja vezja. Izkazalo se je, da sistem deluje pravilno in da ima temperaturni upor, ki spremlja proces segrevanja, velik pomen. Pri določeni prednastavljeni vrednosti temperature sistem izklopi napajanje in s tem zaščiti poškodovanje vezja.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:analiza segrevanja, Red Pitaya, Matlab, pulzno vzbujanje.
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo
Organizacija:FE - Fakulteta za elektrotehniko
Leto izida:2016
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-87146 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:25.11.2016
Število ogledov:1284
Število prenosov:347
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
The purpose of thesis is the analysis of heating the components in the pulsed excitation of the circuit which is heating up and needs to be turned off when reaching high enough temperature. I used a temperature resistor for measuring the temperature change during operation. When high enough temperature is reached the device is turned off. Circuit could re-start again after some time, when system is sufficiently cooled down. First part of thesis describes measurements in general, measurement errors and sensors. This is followed by description of temperature sensors, detectors and in particular description of a temperature resistor NL1K0 which is used in the experimental part of the thesis. Program, designed in Matlab was used to analyze the data. Temperature rise and gradual heating of the whole system has been monitored. At a certain high enough temperature the whole power supply should turn off to prevent errors and accompanying costs of repair. With the results of this research it is possible to oversee temperature differences and overheating easier and consequently reduce the risk of system errors and repair costs due to overheated circuit. Result shows that system works correctly and emphasizes importance of use of a temperature sensor in evaluation of the heating process. When the system reaches high enough temperature, that could damage the system, the system turns off the device.

Ključne besede:circuit heating analyis, Red Pitaya, Matlab, pulsed excitation.

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