Cooperation is important in the formation of the educational process. Especially important is the collaboration between teachers and school counselling service which is the main focus point of this thesis. Both subsystems are shown as key elements in the establishment of good relationships at school, or in the creation of an appropriate school environment for a healthy development of school children.In the theoretical part, the thesis shows a teacher in the contemporary learning process, their role and responsibilities, school counselling service, its activities and groups with which it collaborates in the counselling process. A special emphasis is put on cooperation with teachers; we investigated cooperation possibilities, defined various ways of cooperation and potential barriers that prevent cooperation, as well as stated a few recommendations for a more effective collaboration.
In the empirical part we tried do get a more comprehensive insight in the cooperation between the teacher and the school counsellor by qualitatively analyzing two interviews that we had conducted with them individually. The analysis of the interviews showed that teachers and school counsellors most frequently cooperate when it comes to the educational and disciplinary problems of students, as well as help with the creation of a positive classroom climate. We cannot talk about good relationships and cooperation because the teacher, unlike the school counsellor, evaluated the cooperation as poor and is not satisfied with the help she gets from the school counselling service. Barriers that prevent effective cooperation are mostly the preoccupation of consultancy professionals, expectations of teachers that are too high, and the perception of the school counsellor as a service rather than as a partner. We observe that school consultancy professionals should try to encourage and attract more teachers to accept the consultative way of cooperation since the traditional way is still used too often. On the other hand, the teachers should be aware that only the participation of both school subsystems can lead to positive results in the development and progress in children and significantly impacts their well-being at school.