
Analiza programa Mali sonček v vzgojno varstvenem zavodu Kekec Grosuplje
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URLURL - Predstavitvena datoteka, za dostop obiščite http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/3994/ Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

V raziskavi je sodelovalo 68 (oseminšestdeset) strokovnih delavk VVZ Kekec Grosuplje (v nadaljevanju vzgojitelji). Za obdelavo podatkov smo uporabili metodo osnovne statistike – število odgovorov in število odgovorov, izraženo v odstotkih. Z raziskavo smo ugotovili, da 94,1 % vzgojiteljev podpira izvajanje programa Mali sonček od 2. leta starosti naprej. Ugotovili smo, da je polovica vzgojiteljev (50 %) potrebne informacije za gibalni/športni program Mali sonček pridobilo v priročniku. 4,4 % vprašanih jih je informacije poiskalo na internetu, 16,2 % pa se je za pomoč obrnilo na vodstvo vrtca. 29,4 % vprašanih je izbralo odgovor, da so informacije pridobili drugje. Z raziskavo smo ugotovili, da je kar 86,8 % vzgojiteljev izvajalo program skozi celo šolsko leto. Ugotovili smo, da se vzgojitelji strinjajo glede števila nalog za posamezno starost. Več kot polovica (nad 70 %) vzgojiteljev meni, da je nalog ravno prav. Glede na dobljene rezultate smo ugotovili, da so otroci najbolj uživali pri sledečih dejavnostih: pohod, igre brez meja in igre z žogo. Ugotovili smo tudi, da so vzgojitelji manj omenjali sledeče dejavnosti: kros, kolesarjenje, igre na snegu in vožnja s skirojem. Glede na dobljene rezultate, se vzgojitelji strinjajo s trditvijo, da so ciljne naloge za otroke v določeni starosti takšne, da jih lahko z rednim procesom opravljajo vsi otroci. Kar 60,3 % vzgojiteljev je mnenja, da gibalni/športni program Mali sonček postavlja v ospredje tako vzgojno-izobraževalni učinek in gibalne/telesne zmogljivosti. Da so bolj v ospredju gibalne/telesne zmogljivosti jih je mnenja 35,3 %, samo 1,5 % pa jih je mnenja, da gre za večji poudarek na vzgojno-izobraževalni učinek. Ugotovili smo, da 61,8 % vzgojiteljev meni, da program ne spodbuja tekmovalnosti med otroki, 57,4 % vzgojiteljev je mnenja, da program upošteva individualne razlike med posamezniki ter da je več kot polovica vzgojiteljev mnenja (55,9 %), da program ponuja otrokom pravico do izbire. S tem ko vsi otroci na koncu dobijo priznanje za program Mali sonček se je strinjala večina vprašanih vzgojiteljev. Njihovo mnenje je bilo, da priznanje otroke dodatno motivira ter jih spodbuja h aktivnosti. Poudarili so tudi, da med otroki glede priznanj ne delamo razlik, saj je pomembno, da otroci sodelujejo in se trudijo pri izvedbi nalog. Z raziskavo smo ugotovili, da je 61,8 %vzgojiteljev sama poskrbela za motivacijo otrok. Veliko vzgojiteljev (79,4 %) se je odločilo tudi za sodelovanje s starši. Zanimalo nas je tudi splošno mnenje vzgojiteljev o gibalnem/športnem programu Mali sonček. Splošno mnenje vzgojiteljev je pozitivno. Vzgojitelji so izpostavili dejstvo, da otroci potrebujejo gibanje, predvsem pa tisti otroci, ki imajo doma manj gibalnih vzpodbud. Dejstvo je, da gibanja ni nikoli preveč. Izpostavili so tudi dejstvo, da lahko h dejavnostim vključimo tudi starše oz. družine. Program pa je vzgojiteljem tudi v pomoč pri spremljanju individualnega razvoja posameznega otroka.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:gibalni/športni program Mali sonček
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo
Tipologija:2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija:PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Leto izida:2016
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-86755 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:11267657 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:11.09.2017
Število ogledov:1906
Število prenosov:273
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Analysis of the program »Mali sonček« in Educational institution for children Kekec Grosuplje
The study included 68 (sixty-eight) professional workers of childcare institution VVZ Kekec Grosuplje (hereinafter preschool teachers). Data processing method was basic statistic method - number of responses and number of responses, expressed as a percentage. With this study, we found that 94.1 % of preschool teachers support the implementation of the program Mali sonček from 2 years of age. We have found that half of the preschool teachers (50 %) collected the necessary informations for the gymnastic/sports program Mali sonček from the given material. 4.4 % of them sought information on the internet, 16.2 % asked for assistance from their superiors. 29.4 % of respondents chose the answer that the information were obtained elsewhere. Research has shown that as many as 86.8 % of preschool teachers implement the program throughout the school year. We have found that preschool teachers agree on the number of tasks for each age. More than half (over 70 %) of preschool teachers believes that the number of tasks for each age is just right. According to the results, we found that children were most enjoying the following activities: hiking, games without frontiers and ball games. We have also found that preschool teachers less mentioned the following activities: running, biking, snow games and riding a scooter. According to the results, the preschool teachers agree with the statement that the targeted tasks for children in a certain age are such, that they can be performed by all the children during the ordinary process. 60.3 % of preschool teachers is of the opinion that the gymnastic/sports program Mali sonček brings to the focus educational effect as well as gymnastic/physical performance. They are more in the forefront of exercise/physical performance by the opinion of 35.3 %, only 1.5 % were of the opinion that there is a greater emphasis on the educational effect. We found that 61.8 % of preschool teachers considers that the program does not promote competition among children, 57.4 % of preschool teachers is of the opinion that the program takes into the account individual differences and that more than half of the preschool teachers thinks (55.9 %) that program offers children the right to choose. Majority of preschool teachers agreed that children should eventually receive the recognition (certificate) for the program Mali sonček. Their opinion was, that the recognition gives children additional motivation and encourages them to exercise. They also stressed that children should not be discriminated due to their achievements and that is more important that children are involved and are trying in carrying out the tasks. Research has shown that 61.8 % of preschool teachers took care for the motivation themselves. Many preschool teachers (79.4 %) chose to cooperate with parents. We also wanted a general preschool teachers opinion of gymnastic/sports program Mali sonček. The general opinion is positive. Preschool teachers have highlighted the fact that children need movement, especially those children who do not have many options to be physically active at home. The fact is that there is never enough of exercise. They also highlighted the fact that parents, families could be included into activities. The program is also helpful in monitoring the individual development of each child.

Ključne besede:gimnastic/sport program Mali sonček

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