At the current time re-emerged actuality of use of spacecraft vehicles for discovering celestial bodies and solar system. Researches in the universe can not be observed without presence of devices on the spot of the events of natural phenomena. As on the spot human can not be present, spacecraft become ears and eyes of curious researchers. Human can not telepatically communicate with devices in universe, so we need communication system which becomes main link of human with spacecraft. This link is carried out with radio signals. This is the main reason for emergence of present thesis.
The thesis describes the structure of telecommunication system for communication with spacecraft. A description is given for principles of spacecraft jurney on half eliptic trayectory, which can be later extended into a curved trayectory. It is given the basic formula for calculation of deviation from the originally planned spacecraft trajectory course which is the result of flyby , then follows a description of gravitational slingshot, resonance orbit and use of deep space maneuvers in interplanetary space. We can not continue without description of telecommunication system and equipment on board and on Earth based satellite station. Later we realize the operation of the turbo code and her components. Generally accepted encoder and decoder for enabling spacecraft communication are also described. This thesis is concluded with a calculation of the maximum possible amount of data rate using channel coding, which is in our case Turbo code , for uplink and downlink. Comparison of maximum
possible amount of data rate between uplink and downlink is also given.