
Biomehanski računalniški model mišično skeletnega sistema človeka
ID TROPPAN, ANŽE (Avtor), ID Kamnik, Roman (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu, ID Supej, Matej (Komentor)

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MD5: 8AE8B711976DE7035012D3B64507DF59
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/a3148522-d5db-493d-a218-c41de98de48e

Namen diplomske naloge je prikazati uporabnost programske opreme za biomehansko modeliranje – AnyBody™ Modeling System. Na začetku je predstavljen program kot ga predstavlja proizvajalec in pojasnjuje, zakaj in kako se uporablja v raziskovalnih institucijah po svetu. Prav tako se naloga dotakne dosegljivosti programa različnim uporabnikom. V nadaljevanju z reševanjem praktičnih primerov pokažemo delovanje programa, vse od definicije objektov, njihovo povezovanje in interakcijo, do analize rezultatov. Spoznamo nov programski jezik AnyScript™, ki je osnova programa. Prikažemo, da kljub temu, da spoznamo nov programski jezik, ni potrebno poglobljeno znanje programiranja, saj se da zgraditi tako preprost kot kompleksen model samo s procesom, ki mu pravimo objektno vstavljanje. Vse, kar je v urejevalnik programa treba vnašati, so vrednosti, parametri in imena objektov. Čeprav je program enostaven za uporabo, uporabnost ni velika brez poznavanja anatomije telesa in znanja biomehanike. Rezultat diplomske naloge je predstavitev osnovnih funkcij in navodila za uporabo programa za uporabnika, ki se prvič sreča s programom. Naloga je sestavljena tako, da korak za korakom na praktičnem modelu vodi bralca, od zagona programa do delujočega modela in končne analize.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:biomehanika, modeliranje, AnyBody™ Modeling System
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo
Organizacija:FE - Fakulteta za elektrotehniko
Leto izida:2016
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-85921 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:29.09.2016
Število ogledov:1468
Število prenosov:921
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Biomechanical computer model of human musculoskeletal system
The purpose of this thesis is to demonstrate the usefulness of a software for biomechanical modelling – AnyBody™ Modeling System. The thesis initially introduces the software as its creator describes it and explains why and how the software is used at research institutions across the world. Additionally, this thesis explores how accessible the software is. One of the core aspects of this thesis is to show the functionality of the software via solving various straightforward cases - from looking at connections and interactions between them, to the analysis of results. Doing so, we also get acquainted with a new programming language AnyScript™, which is the basis for the AnyBody™ software. The purpose of this thesis is to demonstrate that albeit having to learn a new programming language, it is not necessary to have a thorough programming knowledge - it is possible to build an elementary or complex model by simply applying a process that we call object insertion. Therefore, all that it is necessary to insert are the values, parameters and objects' names. However, despite the software itself being relatively straightforward to use, this is useless without the knowledge of human anatomy and biomechanics. Finally, the main purpose of this thesis is a demonstration of key functionalities and core instructions for a user who is encountered with the software for the first time. This thesis is broken down by steps on real example, which lead the reader from the initial start of the software to a working model and finally to the analysis.

Ključne besede:biomechanics, modelling, AnyBody™ Modeling System

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