
Učna samopodoba, atribucije in pojmovanje učnih sposobnosti učencev drugega triletja osnovne šole : magistrsko delo
ID Šimnic Novak, Urška (Avtor), ID Juriševič, Mojca (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

URLURL - Predstavitvena datoteka, za dostop obiščite http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/3780/ Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

Temeljni namen magistrskega dela je ugotoviti, kakšen je odnos med učno samopodobo, atribucijami za učno uspešnost in pojmovanjem učnih sposobnosti pri učencih drugega triletja osnovne šole. Zanima nas, kakšno učno samopodobo imajo učenci, kakšne atribucije pripisujejo svoji šolski uspešnosti ter kakšno je njihovo pojmovanje učnih sposobnosti. Zanima nas tudi, ali obstajajo razlike med spoloma ter med identificiranimi nadarjenimi učenci in njihovimi vrstniki v merjenih spremenljivkah. V teoretičnem delu opisujemo naslednje konstrukte, povezane s temo magistrskega dela: učno samopodobo učencev, atribucije za učno uspešnost in pojmovanje učnih sposobnosti, pri čemer se pri razlagi odnosov med njimi opiramo na teoretska in empirična spoznanja različnih avtorjev. V teorijah o učni samopodobi, atribucijah in pojmovanju učnih sposobnosti smo poiskali skupne točke, za katere se je v različnih raziskavah potrdilo, da so povezane. Med najbolj pomembnimi atribucijami, ki usmerjajo učenčev pogled na uspeh oz. neuspeh, so prepričanja o sposobnostih. Posameznik pri pojmovanju svojih sposobnosti po Dweckovi izhaja iz dveh predpostavk: prva predpostavlja, da so določene sposobnosti posamezniku dane in jih ne more spreminjati, in druga, kjer posameznik verjame, da lahko svoje sposobnosti razvija in nadgradi. Pojmovanje o tem, ali so sposobnosti stalne ali spremenljive, vpliva na posameznikovo obnašanje, presojo in vedenje. Vzroke učencev za uspeh ali neuspeh opisuje Weinerjeva atribucijska teorija. Opisuje, kako posameznikova pojasnila, opravičila in izgovori vplivajo na učno motivacijo, čemu posameznik pripisuje zasluge za svoj uspeh ali neuspeh. Z atribucijami odgovarjamo na vprašanje: »Zakaj?« Zelo pomembne so posledice pripisanih atribucij, ker vplivajo na učenčeva nadaljnja pričakovanja uspeha oz. neuspeha ter na učno samopodobo. Učna samopodoba se oblikuje z učenčevim subjektivnim znanjem o lastnih učnih zmožnostih, ki se kažejo v doživljanju učenja in učne uspešnosti ter v izbiri in v uporabi učnih strategij. V empiričnem delu smo v skladu s cilji raziskave anketirali 194 učencev 5. in 6. razreda štirih osnovnih šol iz gorenjske regije. Podatke smo kvantitativno obdelali na opisni in inferenčni ravni statistične analize. Rezultati so pokazali, da obstajajo določene povezave in statistično značilne razlike med obravnavanimi konstrukti. V učni samopodobi med dečki in deklicami ni bilo razlik, rezultati kažejo v korist pozitivne učne samopodobe. Tako pri dečkih kot deklicah prevladuje dinamično pojmovanje učnih sposobnosti. Statistično značilna razlika med spoloma se je pokazala pri stalni notranji atribuciji uspeha, in sicer v korist dečkov. Statistično značilne razlike med identificiranimi nadarjenimi učenci in njihovimi sošolci obstajajo pri učni samopodobi, in sicer v korist pozitivne učne samopodobe pri identificiranih kot nadarjenih učencih, pri dinamičnem pojmovanju učnih sposobnosti, prav tako v korist identificiranih nadarjenih ter pri atribucijah za učni uspeh, in sicer v korist identificiranih nadarjenih pri spremenljivih notranjih atribucijah uspeha. Sošolci statistično značilno višje od identificiranih nadarjenih ocenjujejo stalne zunanje atribucije uspeha in neuspeha, spremenljive zunanje atribucije neuspeha ter stalne notranje atribucije neuspeha.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:učna samopodoba, učenci osnovne šole, atribucije za učno uspešnost, razlike med spoloma, nadarjeni učenci
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo
Tipologija:2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija:PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik:[U. Šimnic Novak]
Leto izida:2016
Št. strani:96 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-85771 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:11179849 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:20.09.2017
Število ogledov:2964
Število prenosov:381
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Academic self-concept, attributions and the mindset of the students of the second triad of the primary school
The basic aim of this thesis is to establish the relationship between the academic self-concept, attributions and the mindset of the students of the second triad of the primary school. We are particularly interested in the student's learning self-concept, what attributions ascribe to their successful performance at school and the mindset. Furthermore, we are interested in the differences between boys and girls, as well as between the identified gifted students and thier classmates, all within measured variables. The theoretical part of this thesis describes the following constructs related to the theme: student's learning self-concept, attributions for the academic achievement and the mindset, taking in the interpretation of relations between them rely on theoretical and empirical findings of different authors. In the theories of the learning self-concept, attributions and the mindset, we find common ground on which the various studies confirmed that they are connected. Students' beliefs about their abilities are among the most important attributions that guide the students' perception of their successes or failures. According to Dweck, when interpreting their abilities, each individual has two assumptions: the first one being the belief that people are given certain abilities and skills and thus they cannot be changed, whereas the second assumption being that people believe they can develop and upgrade their knowledge and skills. The belief, whether these abilities are of a fixed or variable capacity influences the individual's behaviour, judgement and knowledge. The reasons for a student's success or failure are described in Weiner's attribution theory. It describes how individual explanations, apologies and excuses affect their learning motivation and to what the students attribute thier credits for the success or failure. Attributions answer the question »Why?«. The consequences of the given attributions are of great importance, since they impact the student's further expectations of success or failure, as well as their academic self-concept. The latter is being moulded by the student's subjective knowledge about their own learning abilities which are reflected in the experience of learning and academic achievement, as well as in the selection and use of learning strategies. In the empirical part, in accordance with the objectives of the thesis, 194 fifth and sixth graders, attending four different primary school from Gorenjska region, were surveyed. The data were quantitatively analyzed in a descriptive and inferential level of statistical analysis. The results showed there are certain correlations and statistically significant differences between treatments constructs. There were no differences in learning self-concept among boys and girls, the results show the benefit of positive learning self-concept. Both, boys and girls, are dominated by growth mindset. Statistically significant gender difference was seen in a permanent internal attributions of success, in favor of boys. Statistically significant differences between the identified gifted students and their classmates are in learning self-concept, in favor of positive learning self-concept when identified gifted students, in the growth mindset, also in favour of identified gifted students, in the attributions for academic success, again in favour of identified gifted with variable internal attributions of success. Classmates significantly higher than the rated continuous identified talented external attributions of success and failure, changing external attributions of success and constant internal attributions of failure.

Ključne besede:self-concept, learning aptitude, sex difference, samopodoba, učna sposobnost, spolna razlika

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