
Izdelava modela georadarskih opazovanj za evidentiranje gospodarske infrastrukture : doktorska disertacije
ID Šarlah, Nikolaj (Avtor), ID Podobnikar, Tomaž (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu, ID Mušič, Branko (Komentor)

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MD5: E306103445861EC0FE59A20AEF6052DB
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/14a0b4ee-efb4-4ebf-a9fb-b5ac912e4e5d

Dolgoletne lastne praktične izkušnje iz vzpostavitve, vodenja in vzdrževanja zbirnega katastra gospodarske javne infrastrukture ter vsakodnevnega dela na področju evidentiranja gospodarske infrastrukture (GI), kamor sodijo vsi podzemni komunalni, energetski ter komunikacijski vodi, kažejo na nujnost uporabe nedestruktivnih metod evidentiranja podzemne GI. Podobne težnje je danes zaznati tudi drugod v tujini. V doktorski disertaciji smo zasnovali in predlagali model georadarskih opazovanj za evidentiranje GI na podlagi nadzorovanega bazenskega testnega okolja v treh fazah. V prvi fazi smo vpeljali terestrično kinematično metodo spremljanja položaja georadarja in povezali geofizikalni in geodetski niz opazovanj, ki smo jim v drugi fazi s pomočjo slikovnega ujemanja radargramov določili latenco. V najpomembnejši fazi modela smo s povezovanjem nizov standardnih postopkov obdelave georadarskih signalov, ob podpori naprednih algoritmov za obdelavo signalov, pridobili, interpretirali ter vizualizirali rezultate georadarskih opazovanj. Zgrajeni testni bazeni, kamor smo vgradili vso danes pomembnejšo GI, so konstrukcijsko zelo dober približek dejanskih voziščnih konstrukcij regionalnih in lokalnih cest ter pohodnih površin, izvedeni na podlagi danes veljavnih tehničnih specifikacij za načrtovanje voziščnih konstrukcij. S pomočjo znanih podatkov o dimenzijah in materialih vgrajene GI, materialih in debelinah voziščne konstrukcije, posteljice in nosilnih tal, laboratorijsko izmerjenih relativnih dielektričnosti in volumskega deleža vode ter geodetskih metod izmere GI v testnih bazenih, prevzetih kot referenčne vrednosti, smo analizirali sposobnost in kakovost predlaganega modela pri evidentiranju podzemne GI. Predlagani model, pridobljen v testnih bazenih, je bil v nadaljevanju preizkušen na dveh izbranih območjih realnega urbanega okolja. Z rezultati smo potrdili, da je mogoče z optimalno sestavljenim modelom pridobiti informacije o dimenzijah, globini, naklonu in položaju vodov in cevi v različnih zahtevnejših okoliščinah urbanega okolja, ki ga pogojuje debelina in sestava voziščnih konstrukcij ter prisotnost nenadzorovanih spremenljivk naravnega okolja, kot so vlaga in relativna dielektričnost. Realno je bilo pričakovati povprečno decimetrsko položajno in višinsko natančnost. Pomembni dodatni element je tudi 3D-vizualizacija evidentirane GI s predlaganim modelom. Predlagani model georadarskih opazovanj oziroma raziskave evidentiranja GI, ki so predstavljene v tej disertaciji, so prve takšne raziskave izvedene na območju Slovenije. Še več, testno okolje v obliki testnih bazenov, ki je bilo razvito za namen te disertacije, vsebuje vse elemente realnega urbanega okolja, kot takšno je edinstveno in eno redkih v svetu. V prihodnosti lahko pričakujemo aktivnejšo vlogo georadarskih opazovanj pri evidentiranju GI.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:georadar, plitva geofizika visoke ločljivosti, GPR, evidentiranje gospodarske infrastrukture, natančnost in točnost georadarske metode
Vrsta gradiva:Doktorska disertacija
Tipologija:2.08 - Doktorska disertacija
Organizacija:FGG - Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Založnik:[N. Šarlah]
Leto izida:2016
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-85605 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
UDK:528.8:711.8:657.24:338.583 (043)
COBISS.SI-ID:7602273 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:28.05.2018
Število ogledov:2526
Število prenosov:842
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Development of the georadar observation model for underground infrastructure detection : doctoral dissertation
The necessity for the implementation of non-destructive methods for recording has arisen from our long term practical experience of extremely wide range of solutions regarding establishment, management and maintenance of the Consolidated Cadastre of Public Infrastructure of the Republic of Slovenia, as well as from our daily work in the field of recording infrastructure consisting of public utilities, energy infrastructure and communication facilities. Similar trends may now also be observed elsewhere in the world. In this thesis, ground-penetrating radar (GPR) observation for monitoring buried utilities based on controlled testing pool environment has been designed and proposed as a three phase process. In the first phase, the kinematic method for positioning GPR is introduced and geophysical and geodetic sets of observation are connected. In the second phase, the systematic latency with images matching (radargrams) is determined. In the final and most important phase of the procedure, the integration of a series of standard processing of GPR signals with the support of advanced algorithms for signal processing results of GPR observations have been interpreted and visualized. The testing pools, into which all of today’s important utilities have been buried, are a good approximation of pavement structures of regional and local roads as well as pedestrian precincts made on the basis of applicable technical specifications for pavement structure planning. Using all known data of the dimensions and buried utilities materials, pavement materials, pavement thickness, sub-base and subgrade, laboratory controlled dielectric, volume percentage of water content, geodetic measurements and considering method used in testing pools as given reference values, accuracy and precision of the proposed model have been analyzed in recording underground utilities infrastructure. The proposed model obtained in testing pools was further on tested in two selected areas of real urban environment. The results have shown that it is possible on the basis of optimum composed model to obtain information on dimensions, depth, inclination and position of ducts, pipes and cables in various demanding circumstances of urban environment subject to thickness and composition of pavement structure and the presence of uncontrolled variables of natural environment such as moisture and permittivity. It is realistic to expect average decimetre position (2D) and height accuracy. Important additional element is also three dimensional visualization of utility infrastructure based on the proposed model. The proposed model of GPR observations and/or research of recording utilities infrastructure, as presented in the thesis, is the first such research carried out in the territory of Slovenia. Moreover, the testing environment with all of its elements of real urban environment in the shape of testing pools has been created for the purpose of the present thesis and is as such unique and one among the few in the world. In the future, more active role in the matter of GPR observations for monitoring and recording utilities infrastructure may be expected.

Ključne besede:georadar, high resolution shallow geophysics, GPR, public infrastructure recording, precision and accuracy of georadar method

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