
Gigabitno pasivno optično omrežje in LTE
ID ŽVANUT, ANŽE (Author), ID Batagelj, Boštjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 30542E000F927D5C657B23E825A861DF
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/377cdc02-63e1-4a7a-ba99-aa9c2fa3e047

Gigabitno pasivno optično omrežje je optična omrežna tehnologija , ki se vedno bolj uveljavlja in uporablja po svetu. Na Kitajskem verjamejo, da je to tehnologija prihodnosti za optično dostopovno omrežje. Začelo se je z željo po uporabi enega vlakna za več uporabnikov, danes pa smo prišli do tega, da imamo običajno 64 uporabnikov z veliko pasovno širino, ki zadostuje še tako zahtevnim uporabnikom. Na drugi strani poteka evolucija mobilnih brezžičnih tehnologij in s tem tudi vedno večja potreba po nadgradnji hrbtenic oziroma dostopovnih omrežij baznim postajam. Poraja se možnost uporabe gigabitnega pasivnega optičnega omrežja kot dovod prometa LTE baznim postajam. V tem diplomskem delu je predstavljena tehnologija gigabitnega omrežja tehnologija LTE in njuna kombinacija. Na koncu diplomskega dela ugotovim, da tehničnih preprek ni in je samo še od operaterjev ter njihove politike odvisno kdaj se bodo tudi v Sloveniji začele spremembe v tej smeri.

Keywords:GPON, LTE, bazna postaja, hrbtenica
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-85545 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.09.2016
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Title:Gigabit passive optical network and LTE
Gigabit-capable Optical Network (GPON) is becoming more and more common and used around the world. In China, they believe that this is the future technology for the optical network. It began with the desire to use one fibre for multiple users. Today we normally have 64 users with large bandwidth and it is sufficient even for the most demanding users. However, there is also the evolution of mobile wireless technologies and the growing need to upgrade backbones and access network's base station. It raises the possibility of using GPON as a supply LTE base station. In this work, I explain what is GPON and what is LTE separately and I examine options on how we could use these technologies in a combination. At the end of this work, I come to the conclusion that there are no technical barriers and that it depends only on the operators and their policy for a change in that direction to be made.

Keywords:GPON, LTE, base station, backhaul

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