Visible light communication (VLC) is an emerging field in optical wireless communication (OWC) which utilizes the superior modulation bandwidth of light emitting diodes (LEDs) to transmit data. In modern day most popular communication system is radio frequency band (RF) mainly due to high efficiency and development. Transmission capacity in the radio communications can still be increased only at very high frequencies. There we have a wide frequency band, due to restrictions on the dissemination of radio waves as well as short range. Due to the deficiencies of radio communications research is focused on the VLC technology that provides greater transmission capacity and functionality by combining lighting with communications provides communications everywhere.
Thesis in the first chapter provides a history of the development and current state of technologies VLC systems. It presents the differences between the various LED lighting modes and reception of visible light and described VLC modulation methods. There are also described the scope of the VLC communications with an emphasis in the interior, and presents some applications where using VLC systems.
In the experimental part in chapter 5, I developed and demonstrated communication between two devices using visible light communication, which runs one way. I transfered the bit data in real time as quick as possible. For the processing and presentation of the communication signal I use graphical programing program LabVIEW and a device for generating the signal NI myRIO-1900. I also demonstrate how the natural and artificial light affect the communication signal.