
Frekvenčni standard nadzorovan z GPS navigacijskim sistemom
ID DRNOVŠEK, DOMEN (Author), ID Batagelj, Boštjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 69129AB0C02EF4E4B534D611291CD639
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/98814e31-2155-4dc5-911d-6d797a6df0ad

Namen moje diplomske naloge je bil izdelati GPS kontroliran frekvenčni standard. Pri izdelavi naprave smo se nanašali na članek Željka Božiča »A GPS controlled frequency standard«. Naprava omogoči, da s cenovno ugodnim kristalnim oscilatorjem pridobimo natančnost, ki jo premorejo dražji oscilatorji. Kristalni oscilator je fazno vklenjen na GPS sprejemnik, ki ima visoko natančen 10 kHz izhod sinhroniziran z univerzalno koordiniranim časom (fr. Temps Universel Coordonné – UTC). Kristalni oscilator je vezan v PLL zanko, s pomočjo katere je krmiljen, da se pridobi visoko natančen 10 MHz signal. Obstajajo naprave, ki omogočajo kvaliteten 10 MHz oscilacijski signal, vendar so cenovno veliko dražje od moje naprave. Naprava vsebuje 10 MHz in 1PPS izhod. Komunikacija z GPS sprejemnikom poteka preko vhoda USB-B, preko komunikacijskega itegreranega vezja FT231. V uvodu diplomske naloge je predstavljeno delovanje GPS sistema, vloga atomske ure in opis GPS sprejemnika Jupiter-T. V drugem poglavju je opisan program EAGLE in izdelava posameznih elementov, ki smo jih dodali v knjižnico EAGLE. V tretjem poglavju je opisana izdelava tiskanega vezja verzije I. in II., delovanje tiskanega vezja in meritev signalov na tiskanem vezju II. V četrtem poglavju je opisana izdelava ohišja, opis indikatorjev in konektorjev na ohišju. V petem poglavju je opisan preizkus naprave. V zaključku so napisane ugotovitve, ki so bile pridobljene med izdelavo diplomske naloge.

Keywords:GPS, frekvenčni standard, 10 MHz signal, oscilator
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-85509 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.09.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Frequency reference controlled by GPS navigation system
The object of this thesis, is to construct a GPS controlled frequency standard. When manufacturing the device, we referred to Željko Božič's article »A GPS controlled frequency standard«. The device enables us to gain the same precision by using an affordable crystal oscillator as we would by using a more expensive one. The crystal oscillator is phase locked on the GPS receiver with highly precise 10 kHz output, which is synchronised with Coordinated Universal Time ( French: Temps Universel Coordonné, abbreviated as UTC). The chrysalis oscillator is locked into a PLL loop, and that is how it is controlled to gain a highly precise 10 MHz signal. There are devices, which allow us the quality of 10 MHz oscillating signal, however they are more expensive than my own device. The device contains 10 MHz and 1PPS output. The communication with the GPS receiver is done through the USB-B input, through the FT231 communication chip. The introductory part of the thesis includes a description of the GPS system and how it works, the role of the atomic clock, and the description of the Jupiter-T GPS receiver. The following, second chapter, provides the description of the EAGLE program, and the making of individual elements, which we have added to the EAGLE booklet. The third chapter describes the making of the printed circuit board (PCB) version I. and II., how the PCB works, and the signal measurements of PCB version II. In the next, fourth chapter, the construction of the casing is described, and also the indicators and connectors on the casing. The fifth chapter offers a description of the device testing process. In the conclusion findings are presented, that were discovered whilst writing this thesis.

Keywords:GPS, frequency standard, 10 MHz signal, oscillator

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