Parole is an important criminal law institution that constitutes an advantage for the convicted person as a result of adequate behaviour while serving the sentence. The purpose of the institution has been developing and changing along with the development of society and criminal law. Its main objective today is to rehabilitate.
The institution developed and is used alongside prison sentences. However, in juvenile criminal law parole is also used as a correctional measure (confinement to a correctional facility). While the court has jurisdiction to give judgement on parole at the time of correctional measures, a different body has jurisdiction to decide on parole from juvenile detention – the parole board. The minor may be placed under protective supervision of the social welfare body for the duration of parole, which can be problematic in terms of accumulation of criminal sanctions. Given that parole can be cancelled, the threat of cancellation may deter the minor from violating the terms of parole.
This institution in Slovenia has not been changed for decades. It would therefore be reasonable to introduce new solutions in the future and embed the institute in Slovene practice.