Graduation thesis presents calculated estimation of the sound insulation of airborne sound between rooms in accordance with standard SIST EN 12354-1 and Technical guideline TSG - 1 - 005: 2012. We have obtained and calculated sound insulation data for common structural elements (wall and floor) that are used in construction (brick walls, plasterboard walls, concrete wall and floor constructions …).
Sound insulation data for the element is the base for calculation of sound insulation between rooms, because in addition to the sound insulation of border element, the sound insulation between rooms is also influenced by other parameters (size of rooms, contacts between the elements of rooms …). The calculation only takes into account propagation of the sound trough construction and not the direct passage of sound and indirect sound transmission
through the second room.
It also includes brief presentation of three Slovenian and one foregion computer programs used for calculating the sound insulation between rooms that are in accordance with current legislation and available on the Slovenian market.
The appendix chapter includes comparison of the minimum requirements from the technical guidelines according to the type of the building and purpose of the room between which we're checking the sound insulation.