
Znanje osnovnošolcev o gozdu ter njihov odnos do gozda in njegovih ekosistemskih storitev
ID Krašovec, Urša (Avtor), ID Torkar, Gregor (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

URLURL - Predstavitvena datoteka, za dostop obiščite http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/3637/ Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

Gozd kot ekosistem ima veliko različnih vlog in funkcij, toda v današnjem času prihaja do vse večjega spreminjanja in izgub funkcij ekosistemov, česar vzrok je tudi človek. Za ohranitev ekosistemov in njihovih ekosistemskih storitev je pomembno ozaveščanje in izobraževanje mladih. Učenci se že ob vstopu v osnovno šolo seznanijo z vsebinami o ekologiji, ki jih v procesu šolanja dopolnjujejo in poglabljajo. Kljub številnim prizadevanjem za ozaveščanje in izobraževanje o pomenu ekosistemskih storitev in ohranitev gozda kot ekosistema je tematika slabo raziskana, zato želimo raziskati znanje osnovnošolcev o ekologiji gozda ter njihov odnos do gozda in njegovih ekosistemskih storitev. V raziskavi so sodelovali učenci šestih in devetih razredov petih osnovnih šol gorenjske regije. Anketni vprašalnik in preizkus znanja je rešilo 380 učencev. V empiričnem delu smo s pomočjo preizkusa znanja preverjali znanje učencev o ekologiji gozda, s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika pa odnos učencev do ekosistemskih storitev. Ugotavljali smo razlike v znanju o ekologiji gozda in odnosu do ekosistemskih storitev gozda glede na spol in starost učencev. S pomočjo raziskave smo ugotavljali, ali sta znanje in odnos učencev med seboj povezana. Z raziskavo smo ugotovili, da večina anketiranih učencev gozd obiskuje bodisi enkrat bodisi večkrat tedensko. Večina v gozd zahaja zaradi rekreacije, druženja in sprostitve. Menimo, da je splošno znanje učencev o ekologiji gozda slabše, za razliko od odnosa učencev, ki so jim ekosistemske storitve gozda pomembne in zelo pomembne. Učenci so izmed vseh ekosistemskih storitev najvišje vrednotili podporne storitve gozda, najmanj pomembna pa jim je kulturna storitev gozda. Z raziskavo smo ugotovili, da boljše, kot je znanje učencev, višji je njihov odnos do ekosistemskih storitev gozda. Dekleta so v povprečju dosegala večje število točk pri preizkusu znanja kot dečki. Bistvenih razlik med odnosom učencev do ekosistemskih storitev gozda glede na spol nismo opazili, le v primeru podpornih storitev gozda, kjer dekleta tej funkciji gozda dajejo višji pomen kot dečki. Ugotavljamo, da višja, kot je starost učencev, boljše je znanje o ekologiji gozda, ter višja, kot je starost učencev, višji je odnos do oskrbovalnih in kulturnih storitev gozda. S pomočjo analize učnih načrtov naravoslovnih predmetov v osnovni šoli, ki obravnavajo vsebine o ekologiji, smo ugotovili, da so le-te prisotne v učnih načrtih od prvega do devetega razreda osnovne šole. Teme se v procesu šolanja nadgrajujejo, poglabljajo in prepletajo. Pomembno je, da učitelji te vsebine učencem približajo že na samem začetku šolanja in jim s primeri iz vsakdanjega življenja predstavijo vplive človeka na okolje, s tem pa spodbudijo njihovo zavzemanje za varovanje gozda in njegovih ekosistemskih storitev. Z raziskavo želimo poudariti pomen poučevanja mladih o temah ekologije in spodbuditi posameznike k pozitivnemu odnosu do gozda in njegovih ekosistemskih storitev. Namen raziskave je prikaz stanja o znanju ekologije gozda in odnosa do ekosistemskih storitev gozda učencev v osnovni šoli. Zavedati se moramo slabega stanja našega okolja in za njegovo ohranitev stremeti k pozitivnemu odnosu posameznikov do okolja.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:ekosistemske storitve
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija:PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Leto izida:2016
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-84713 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:11126089 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:09.09.2016
Število ogledov:1463
Število prenosov:250
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:The students' knowledge about forest and their attitudes towards forest and its ecosystem services
The forest as an ecosystem holds many different roles and functions, yet nowadays we can observe increasing changes of ecosystem functions, which can be partly attributed to human action. Education and awareness of the young are crucial in providing a sustainable development of our society. Upon starting primary school, pupils are introduced to biological and ecological contents, which is advanced and supplemented throughout their schooling. Despite many efforts in education about the values of ecosystem services and the preservation of the forest as an ecosystem, this subject matter is poorly researched; hence I wish to investigate the knowledge of primary-school children on forests and their attitude regarding the forest and the ecosystem services it provides. Included in the survey were pupils of the 6th and 9th grade of five schools in the gorenjska region. A questionnaire and test sheets was filled by 380 pupils. In the empirical part I was investigating the viewpoints of pupils on ecosystem services with the aid of the questionnaire, investigating the knowledge of pupils on forest ecology via the test sheet and establishing the differences in knowledge on forest and the attitude towards the forest and its ecosystem services in relationship to the sex and age of the pupils. The research helped me establish the relation between knowledge and the viewpoints of pupils. The research shows that most pupils visit the forest either once or a couple of times a week. Most do so in search of recreation, socializing and relaxation. I think the general knowledge of pupils on forest ecology is poor, as opposed to their attitude towards ecosystem services, which they find important or very important. Out of all ecosystem services, the pupils value support services of the forest the most, and cultural services the least. The research showed that the better the pupil’s knowledge, the higher the attitude levels were towards ecosystem services. On average, girls achieved a higher score on the test than boys; however there were no significant distinction in attitude towards the ecosystem services with regards to sex, except in the case of the support services of the forest, which girls value more. The higher the age of the pupils, the better their knowledge on forest and their attitude towards the forest and the ecosystem services it provides. Analysing the curriculums of natural science courses in primary schools that deal with ecology, I discovered that these subjects are present in the curriculums of primary school classes 1 to 9. These subjects are updated and expanded through the duration of the schooling. It is important that the teachers present this subject matter to the pupils since the onset by introducing them to the effects man has on the environment with examples out of everyday life, therefore encouraging their commitment to the preservation of the forest and its ecosystem services. With this research I wish to emphasise the importance of teaching the young about ecology and encourage individuals to have a positive attitude towards the forest and its ecosystem services. The importance of this research is showing the state of knowledge on forest ecology and the attitude towards forest ecosystem services of primary school pupils. We should be aware of the poor state of our environment and, for its sake, strive for a positive attitude of individuals towards the environment.

Ključne besede:ecosystem services

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