The specialist work studies the success of music therapy for children in their pre-school period with mild speech and language disorders, which are visible as problems in pronouncement and understanding of set questions and simple instructions and are usually associated with attention disorders and problems with motoric functions. We studied the effects of musical aid throughout a longer period of time on two children with a mild speech disorder. In music therapy, we used methods of linked and unlinked musical improvisation, singing of selected songs and listening to selected music programmes. We studied the changes in verbal and non-verbal communication, in the reduction of fear during performance of activities, in psychosocial response, motivation and concentration. The meetings were held individually, in pairs and in groups. The research results show that music therapy significantly contributed to the reduction of fear of certain activities, to the improvement of non-verbal communication, to the establishment of eye contact and to improvement of self-esteem and confidence. We found that there were noticeable changes in psychosocial development, the attention, concentration and motivation. We did not notice any significant changes in the field of speaking and understanding skills of texts.