
Hibridna dostopovna omrežja na osnovi tehnologije G.fast
ID TISOVEC, JANEZ (Author), ID Batagelj, Boštjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: A366D78D9590D354E20DC7A4C35BC778
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/f5d441cc-9256-4b33-ac7f-4028aaea00e3

Na področju telekomunikacij je prisotna konstantna potreba po izboljšani uporabniški izkušnji. V odgovor na te potrebe se tehnologije neprestano razvijajo in nadgrajujejo. Razvoj optičnih dostopovnih omrežij predstavlja prelomno točko, ki zagotavlja praktično neomejene možnosti prenosa podatkov. Implementacija te tehnologije pa v praksi predvsem iz ekonomskih razlogov poteka postopno, preko vmesnih hibridnih vlakno/baker rešitev. Tehnologija G.fast se je pojavila kot kompromisna rešitev, ki omogoča nadaljevanje visokih prenosnih hitrosti, tudi ko signal iz optičnega omrežja preide na bakrenega. G.fast predstavlja digitalni naročniški vod (angl. Digital Subscriber Line – DSL) standard za bakrene zanke krajše od 250 m ob ciljnih prenosih med 150 Mbit/s in 1 Gbit/s. Trenutno je tehnologija G.fast v fazi prvih poskusnih implementacij po odobritvi standardov in po preliminarnih testiranjih, ki so potrdila velik potencial in uporabno vrednost tehnologije. Diplomsko delo opisuje glavne funkcionalnosti in ključne tehnološke lastnosti G.fast, pri čemer izpostavlja tako prednosti kot tudi tehnološke izzive tehnologije. V zaključku sledi razprava o pomenu G.fast za področje telekomunikacij v Sloveniji ter vidikih implementacije.

Keywords:optična dostopovna omrežja, hibridna dostopovna omrežja, G.fast, vektoriranje, povratno napajanje
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-83522 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.06.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Hybrid access networks based on G.fast technology
In telecommunications a constant need for improved user experience is present. In response technologies are constantly being developed and upgraded. The development of optical access networks has represented a turning point, providing virtually unlimited possibilities for data transfer. The implementation of this technology is taking place gradually, mainly on economic grounds, through intermediate hybrid fiber/copper solutions. G.fast technology has emerged as a compromise solution which allows the continuation of the high transmission speed even when the signal from the optical fiber network passes to the copper. G.fast represents a digital subscriber line (DSL) standard for copper loop of less than 250 m on a transfer target of 150 Mbit/s and 1 Gbit/s. Currently the G.fast technology in the phase of first pilot implementations after standards approval and preliminary tests which confirmed the great potential and practical value of the technology. The thesis describes the main features and key technological features of G.fast underlining both the advantages as well as the technological challenges of the technology. It is followed by a discussion of the importance of G.fast in the telecommunications sector in Slovenia as well as aspects of implementation.

Keywords:optical access networks, hybrid access networks, G.fast, vectoring, reverse powering

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