
Napredno mobilno omrežje LTE
ID LOZINŠEK, GREGA (Author), ID Batagelj, Boštjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 3641BA13EA30FFBDD75F51E4E2200B8E
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/51dc744a-da75-44d9-8f33-f7de6dd0bb1c

Mobilna omrežja nam nudijo komunikacijo z ostalim svetom, pa naj bo pogovor z drugo osebo ali prenos informacije s spleta. Zgodovinski pregled mobilnih omrežij od 1. do 4. generacije nam da pregled, kako se je razvijala »evolucija« teh omrežij. Načrtna standardizacija evolucije se je začela z omrežjem UMTS (ang. Universal Mobile Telecommunication System), ki je pripeljalo do današnjega omrežja LTE (ang. Long Term Evolution). Standard LTE in standard jedrnega dela EPC (ang. Evolved Packet Core) predstavljata dolgoročno evolucijo omrežij. Naloga se posveti standardizaciji mobilnih omrežij in bolj podrobno opiše delovanje omrežja LTE, tako dostopovnega dela E-UTRAN (ang. Evolved – Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network) kot tudi jedrnega dela EPC. Oba dela se ločeno razvijata in dopolnjujeta. Nato je predstavljen standard LTE Advanced, kot naslednik omrežja LTE, ki prinaša nove rešitve in storitve. Opisane so prednosti in novosti v LTE Advanced, kot so združevanje frekvenčnih nosilnikov, FD-MIMO (ang. Full Dimension – Multiple Input Multiple Output) z uporabo do 64 anten, rešitev CoMP (ang. Coordinated Multi Point transmission and reception) in relejne postaje. Kljub manjši zamudi je danes standardizacija omrežja LTE namenjena tudi zagotavljanju komunikacije za naprave IoT (ang. Internet of Things), imenovane LTE-M (ang. Long Term Evolution – Macine to Machine), ki je del standarda LTE Advanced-Pro. Z nalogo se posvetim tudi temu standardu in predstavim rešitve za ozkopasovno komunikacijo, ki je že skoraj tako pomembna kot širokopasovna komunikacija. V Sloveniji se omrežje LTE še razvija, opisan pa je tudi zgodovinski pregled razvoja omrežja pri nas. Kot zaključek je podan pogled v prihodnost omrežja LTE in evolucijski prehod v omrežje naslednje generacije.

Keywords:mobilno omrežje, LTE, LTE Advanced, LTE Advanced-Pro, IoT
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-83499 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.06.2016
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Title:LTE Advanced Mobile Network
Mobile networks provide us communication with the rest of the world, being conversation with another person or connection to internet to search for informations. Historical overview of mobile networks from first to fourth generation gives us an overview on »evolution« of mobile networks. First standard that has been planned as an evolution was the UMTS (Universal Mobile Telecommunication System) network, which has evolved to LTE (Long Term Evolution) network as we know it today. Standard LTE and standard for core network EPC (Evolved Packet Core) are designed as standard for long-term evolution network. This thesis gives an overview of standardization for mobile networks and a more detailed description of LTE network, separately access part E-UTRAN (Evolved – Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network) and core part EPC. Both parts are separately developing and complement each other. Thesis presents LTE Advanced standard, as the successor of LTE, which brings many new solutions and services. After that more detailed LTE Advanced innovations and imporvements are described, such as carrier aggregation, FD-MIMO (Full Dimension – Multiple Input Multiple Output) with usage for up to 64 antennas, the solution CoMP (Coordinated Multi Point transmission and reception) and Relay stations. Despite of slight delay the LTE standard is now dedicated to provide communication channel for IoT (Internet of Things) devices. LTE standard for IoT is called LTE-M (Long Term Evolution – Machine to Machine), which is part of the LTE Advanced-Pro solution. Thesis is also describing this standard and it introduces solutions for narrowband communications, which is almost as important as broadband communication in LTE network. Thesis also presents historical view of the LTE network implementation in Slovenia, which is still developing. As a conclusion the thesis describes the future of LTE networks and evolutionary transition to the next generation network.

Keywords:Mobile network, LTE, LTE Advanced, LTE Advanced-Pro, IoT

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