
Predstavitveni aplikaciji z dvoročnim robotom YUMI
ID BONČA, TILEN (Avtor), ID Munih, Marko (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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MD5: 8CE598C96717A1335B6A49E2FDBB1F06
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/2bf99ed8-7894-4a90-a963-b0a9f8223fdf

Namen diplomske naloge je bil izdelati dva demonstracijska programa na prvem kolaborativnem dvoročnem robotu YUMI, podjetja ABB. V prvem poglavju sem se dotaknil zgodovine in razvoja avtomatizacije strojev ter razvoja prvega robota. Nekaj besed sem omenil tudi o robotiki danes, ter o standardih za izdelavo kolaborativnih robotov. Drugo poglavje povzema strojne komponente robota YUMI. Opisani sta manipulativni roki robota ter njune specifikacije, poleg pa še Področje robotike danes nima več meja. Nič nenavadno ni, če imamo doma robotski sesalnik ali pa te operira robotska roka. prijemali in njuna periferija. Srce robota je sodoben krmilnik IRC5, ki je opisan v tretjem poglavju. V tem poglavju se dotaknem programske opreme in treh načinov vnašanja RAPID kode. Nekaj več besed sem posvetil uporabi strojnega vida in njegove implementacije v kodi programa. V četrtem poglavju sta opisana dva demonstracjska programa, zaradi katerih je to delo tudi nastalo. V prvem programu je bil izziv narediti papirnato letalo, v drugem programu pa s pomočjo strojnega vida prepoznati pokrovčke epruvet, jih pobrati iz stojala ter odviti z epruvete. V petem poglavju so predstavljeni rezultati nalog. Opis zavzema pozitivne in negativne lastnosti robota ter kje v nalogah bi se dalo preživeti več časa in jih izpopolniti.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:Robotika, YUMI, Ročna učna naprava, Strojni vid, RobotStudio
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo
Organizacija:FE - Fakulteta za elektrotehniko
Leto izida:2016
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-83416 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:10.06.2016
Število ogledov:2716
Število prenosov:1071
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
BONČA, TILEN, 2016, Predstavitveni aplikaciji z dvoročnim robotom YUMI [na spletu]. Diplomsko delo. [Dostopano 25 marec 2025]. Pridobljeno s: https://repozitorij.uni-lj.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=slv&id=83416
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Two presentation applications with robot YUMI
At present, the area of Robotics, today no longer has any borders. There is no suprise if we are greeted by a robot vacuum cleaner, while visiting an old friend, or if surgery is done by a robotic arm in a nerby hospital. The purpose of the thesis was to build two demonstration programs on the first collaborative bimanual robot YUMI, which was developed by ABB. First chapter is dedicated to the history and development of automation machinery, followed by the development of the first robot is presented. Robotics and standards for manufacturing are also described. Second chapter summarizes the hardware components of the robot YUMI. The robot arm and its specifications are described, in addition to grippers and all of the periphery. The heart of the robot is a modern IRC5 controller, which is presented in the third chapter. This chapter also includes insight into software and explanes three different methods of inputting RAPID code. The machine vision system and its implementation in software are described in the last part of the chapter. Fourth chapter describes the two demonstration programs that were the motivation for our work. The challange of the first program was to make a paper airplane with YUMI. The second program included localisation and manipulation of tubes. The tubes were located using mechanical vision, while the manipulation was performed by the robot. The tubes were piched up and caps were unscrewed from the tubes. Description advocates positive and negative features of the robot and places for improvement.

Ključne besede:Robotics, YUMI, Flexpendant, Machine vision, RobotStudio

Podobna dela

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  3. Laser cladding of low carbon steel with TiC
  4. Laser melting of aluminium alloy 7075
  5. Roto-peening of aluminium alloy Al 7075
Podobna dela v drugih slovenskih zbirkah:
  1. Vpliv tehnologije izdelave na razvoj zlitine H13-w(Cu) 87,5 %
  2. Aluminijeve livne zlitine, utrjene s kvazikristali
  3. Razvoj mikrostrukture in krhkosti srednje ogljičnega jekla vrste SiCrCu med njegovim postopkom popuščanja
  4. The effect of heat treatment on the interface of 155 PH martensitic stainless steel and SAF 2507 duplex steel in functionally graded AM components
