Motor development is very important in the early stages of a child's development. Children are much more active than adults and movement as an activity is connected with all fields of Kindergarten curriculum (1999).
With toddlers, there is also an intense development of speech, but there are considerable differences among individuals.
The third area that I have explored in this thesis is a play that is the dominant activity in early childhood. It is the basic method of educational work in a kindergarten, which promotes a toddler’s development and learning.
In the theoretical part, I presented findings on early learning, the importance of the toddler’s motor development, language development and his play. I have emphasized the importance of a supportive learning environment and the role of the teacher in ensuring that kind of environment and in encouraging active learning.
In the empirical part, I used the case study method, namely the display and evaluation of activities in a group of toddlers, in which I was carrying out educational work. I presented the activities that took place from September to March. The aim was to promote motor development of children, development of speech and the toddler’s play with non-structural material. I have emphasized the role of the teacher who, on the basis of theoretical knowledge of a child’s development and observation of individual children in a group, prepares a stimulating learning environment for play, exploration and learning.