
Razvoj avtonomnega sistema za elektroporacijo ravninskih lipidnih dvoslojev
ID MALIČ, ROK (Author), ID Kramar, Peter (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: BD29157D9E61E4B5D9480AAF472E3153
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/79c9d051-d547-4696-be77-6da2ff586dd2

Celica je osnovni gradnik vseh živih organizmov. Zgrajena je iz celičnega jedra, plazmaleme in celične membrane, ki obdaja celico in jo ščiti pred zunanjimi vplivi. Elektroporacija je postopek povečevanja permeabilnosti celične membrane z izpostavljanjem celične membrane električnemu polju. Zaradi povečane permeabilnosti in s tem prepustnosti celične membrane lahko v celice vnašamo snovi, ki drugače ne bi prehajale, kot so večje molekule, učinkovine, material DNK ipd.. Ravninski lipidni dvosloj obravnavamo kot preprost model celične membrane. Za boljše razumevanje pojava elektroporacije na celični membrani je pomembno čim boljše poznavanje električnih lastnosti lipidnih membran. Ravninski lipidni dvosloj je primeren model, ker je z elektrodami dostopen z obeh strani. Za merjenje lastnosti ravninskih lipidnih dvoslojev potrebujemo vzbujanje z napetostnim in tokovnim virom s signali poljubnih oblik ter ojačevalna vezja za merjenje tansmembranskega toka in napetosti. V diplomski nalogi sem načrtal in izdelal tiskano vezje integriranega merilnega sistema za opazovanje lastnosti ravninskih lipidnih dvoslojev. Napravo sestavlja: Red Pitaya odprtokodni merilni računalnik majhnega formata, napetostni in tokovni ojačevalnik vzbujalnih signalov, ojačevalnik za merjenje toka in napetosti, periferno vezje za nadzor črpalk, temperaturno kontrolo, napajalnik in TTL izhod na SMA konektorju za proženje generatorja nanosekundnih pulzov.

Keywords:ravninski lipidni dvosloj, elektroporacija, merilni sistem
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-82784 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.05.2016
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Biological cell is a main unit of all living organisms. It consists of cell nucleus, cytoplasm and cell membrane that envelope the cell and protect it from the surrounding. Electroporation is a method where cells exposed to electric field becomes more permeabilized. Therefore, lager molecules, drugs and DNA enables to enter the cell that in normal condition would not penetrate. Planar lipid bilayer can be studied as a simple model of a cell membrane. It is stipulated that electroporation provokes changes on a lipid bilayer part of membrane. Elucidated understanding of electroporation of planar lipid bilayers helps to explain occurrence on the cell membrane under electric field. Planar lipid bilayer can be considered as a good model of a cell membrane and it is electrically accessed from the both sides. For measuring planar lipid bilayer properties, the voltage or current clamp sources and transmembrane voltmeter and ampere meter is required. The main work of this thesis was to construct and design a printed board circuit of integrated measurement system device for measuring properties of planar lipid bilayer. The device is consisted of open source credit card sized measurement computer Red Pitaya, amplifiers of voltage and current clamp, amplifiers for measurement transmembrane voltage and current, peripheral circuit for pump control, temperature control, power supply and TTL output for triggering an external nanosecond pulse generator.

Keywords:planar lipid bilayer, electroporation, measurement system

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