In Slovenia there are 28 primary schools with special curriculum. They carry out the education of children with various mental disabilities. The thesis presents a two-part survey, which was conducted using an online survey. In the first part, we have prepared an overview of seventeen school libraries relative to the user, material, librarian, space, equipment, and cooperation with the public library. These are mostly small libraries with fewer than 100 users. Their librarians are most often working as teachers. Libraries have adapted the material, but not the specific technology. In the second part we examine the collaboration of librarians and teachers. It is known that the collaboration of teachers and librarians have a positive impact on students, so we were interested in collaboration in the work with students with special needs. We have examined the frequency and initiative to collaborate in various activities and views on a variety of factors that affect collaboration. The questionnaires were answered by 15 librarians and 46 teachers. They usually cooperate monthly or yearly with simple activities such as the selection of materials for teaching and their own use and to make decisions about purchasing materials. For preparation and implementation of lessons teachers most often cooperate with other teachers. A large proportion of responses suggests that no cooperation occurs in individual activities. Both believe for themselves that they are the initiators of cooperation. Cooperation is generally carried out in a group of librarian and at least two teachers. The most common barriers are the unwillingness, negative peer relationships, lack of time, despite feeling that school leaders support cooperation and that this has a positive impact on students' performance. In the future they want equal or greater cooperation.