
Enostebrno dvigalo za dvigovanje posod nad proizvodno linijo
ID MALAVAŠIČ, BOŠTJAN (Author), ID Trost, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 99937292D24809C1D7780A8C9993ABDA
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/4c5b82e9-ef1f-4245-aa25-dc42b2fac472

V diplomski nalogi je opisan celovit postopek realizacije enostebrnega dvigala. Dvigalo je namenjeno dvigovanju treh različnih posod nad proizvodno linijo. Ima štiri režime gibanja do različnih pozicij. Ker je dvigalo enostebrno, je omogočena rotacija dvigala okoli njegove osi. Delovne pozicije dvigala so določene z vrednostjo na hitrem števcu enkoderja. Končne varnostne pozicije so detektirane z mehanskimi varovalnimi stikali, referenčne pozicije dvigala pa realizirane z induktivnimi senzorji. Za gibanje gor/dol in levo/desno se je uporabil enak pristop. Uporabniku je omogočen enostaven priklop posode na dvigalo, katerega se upravlja preko upravljalne ročice. Upravljalna ročica se giblje v vse smeri, za vsako smer pa ima dve stopnji, ki predstavljata dve hitrosti gibanja dvigala. Na upravljalni plošči so nameščene signalne lučke za spremljanje in diagnostiko dvigala, stikalo za izbiro režima in ključ za vklop dvigala.

Keywords:dvigalo, enkoder, upravljalna ročica, frekvenčni pretvornik
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-81566 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.04.2016
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Secondary language

Title:One-pillar lift for lifting vessels over the production line
The thesis describes the complete process of realization of a one-pillar lift. The lift is designed to lift three different vessels over the production line. It has four regimes of movement to different positions. The lift has just one pillar, so rotation is enabled around its axis. Working positions of the lift are determined by the value of the encoder counter. Final safety positions are detected by mechanical safety switches and reference positions by inductive sensors. Same approach is used for movement up/down as for left and rigt. User can easily connect the vessel to the lift, whose movement is controlled with joystick. Joystick moves in all directions, each direction has two levels, which represents two-speed movement of lift. On control panel are installed signal lights for monitoring and diagnostics, switch for selecting the regime and the key to activate the lift.

Keywords:lift, encoder, joystick, frequency converter

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