
Avtomatizacija odpreme cementa in samodejni sistem odpreme cementa
ID HAUPTMAN, THOMAS (Avtor), ID Munih, Marko (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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MD5: 5A1A33850638AC9F1B788CFBF2FEEEA3
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/04e90429-6027-4f22-8f88-c84d9da8673a

Področje avtomatizacije ima danes pomembno vlogo pri proizvodnji in odpremi cementa. Diplomska naloga opisuje avtomatizacijo transporta cementa, izdelavo vmesnika za samodejno odpremo cementa in izdelavo nadzornega sistema. V uvodnem delu naloge sem opisal področje avtomatike in raznovrstne koristi uporabe avtomatizacije na področju odpreme cementa. Izpostavljeni so razlogi, zaradi katerih posegamo po avtomatizaciji, opisani so različni načini odpreme cementa. Na kratko sem opisal cilje projekta. V nadaljevanju sem podrobneje opisal sistem odpreme cementa v podjetju Lafarge Cement, d. o. o. Predstavljeni so strojni in električni elementi, ki so ključni za avtomatizacijo transporta in samodejnega sistema odpreme. Podan je opis in shema komunikacij in uporabljene računalniške opreme. V tretjem poglavju sem predstavil programsko opremo, ki je bila uporabljena pri izgradnji nadzornega sistema in avtomatizaciji transporta. Celotno četrto poglavje sem namenil opisu procesa izdelave kontrolnih blokov, simbolov ter testiranju le-teh. V nadaljevanju je predstavljena programska koda in izdelava SCADA nadzornega sistema in vmesnika samodejne odpreme cementa. V zadnjem, petem poglavju, sem predstavil končni izgled sistema s poudarkom na delovanju in funkcijah nadzornega sistema in vmesnika samodejne odpreme cementa. Opisani so tudi posamezni zasloni, grafični elementi ter postopek samodejne odpreme cementa.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:avtomatizacija, SCADA, odprema cementa, centralni nadzorni sistem, Ge Fanuc, Cimplicity, Proficy Machine Edition.
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo
Organizacija:FE - Fakulteta za elektrotehniko
Leto izida:2016
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-81542 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:12.04.2016
Število ogledov:1533
Število prenosov:445
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Automation of cement transport procedure and automatic system for dispatch of cement
Factory automation has nowadays an important role in the manufacturing and dispatch of the cement. The present thesis describes the automation of transport of cement; it also shows user interfaces for automatic dispatch of cement and gives insight into the control system. In the introductory part of the thesis is depicted the field of automatics and diverse benefits of the automation and its use for application in cement dispatch. Exposed are the reasons for using automation. Described are different possible ways of cement dispatch approaches. Explained are also the goals of target project. In the second chapter can reader recognize the solutions used of cement dispatch system at Lafarge Cement Ltd. Featured are mechanical and electrical elements, which are the key to automated transport and automatic dispatch system. Outlined is the communication background and computer equipment that is used at the company. The third chapter presents relevant software packages that were used in the development of a control system and automation of transport. The entire fourth chapter is devoted to the description of manufacturing process control blocks, symbols, and their testing. Presented is also the software logic, which is running behind in SCADA control system, presented is user interface for automatic dispatch of cement. The final, fifth chapter presents the final outline and final results of the system with an emphasis on operation and functions of the control system. From the user perspective view are outlined individual control screens, graphic elements as well as example from dispatch results screen.

Ključne besede:automation, SCADA, cement dispatch, central operating system, Ge Fanuc, Cimplicity, Proficy Machine Edition

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