
Sistematični pregled vpliva kajenja na pospešeno staranje kože : Cosmetic Science
ID Kokalj, Magdalena (Avtor), ID Mravljak, Janez (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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PID: 20.500.12556/rul/3492f4f6-cea3-46f6-aad4-e22dce841d42

V proces staranja je vključeno naše celotno telo, vsekakor pa eden izmed prvih V proces staranja je vključeno naše celotno telo, vsekakor pa eden izmed prvih V proces staranja je vključeno naše celotno telo, vsekakor pa eden izmed prvih V proces staranja je vključeno naše celotno telo, vsekakor pa eden izmed prvih V proces staranja je vključeno naše celotno telo, vsekakor pa eden izmed prvih V proces staranja je vključeno naše celotno telo, vsekakor pa eden izmed prvih V proces staranja je vključeno naše celotno telo, vsekakor pa eden izmed prvih V proces staranja je vključeno naše celotno telo, vsekakor pa eden izmed prvih V proces staranja je vključeno naše celotno telo, vsekakor pa eden izmed prvih V proces staranja je vključeno naše celotno telo, vsekakor pa eden izmed prvih V proces staranja je vključeno naše celotno telo, vsekakor pa eden izmed prvih V proces staranja je vključeno naše celotno telo, vsekakor pa eden izmed prvih V proces staranja je vključeno naše celotno telo, vsekakor pa eden izmed prvih V proces staranja je vključeno naše celotno telo, vsekakor pa eden izmed prvih V proces staranja je vključeno naše celotno telo, vsekakor pa eden izmed prvih V proces staranja je vključeno naše celotno telo, vsekakor pa eden izmed prvih V proces staranja je vključeno naše celotno telo, vsekakor pa eden izmed prvih V proces staranja je vključeno naše celotno telo, vsekakor pa eden izmed prvih V proces staranja je vključeno naše celotno telo, vsekakor pa eden izmed prvih V proces staranja je vključeno naše celotno telo, vsekakor pa eden izmed prvih V proces staranja je vključeno naše celotno telo, vsekakor pa eden izmed prvih V proces staranja je vključeno naše celotno telo, vsekakor pa eden izmed prvih V proces staranja je vključeno naše celotno telo, vsekakor pa eden izmed prvih V proces staranja je vključeno naše celotno telo, vsekakor pa eden izmed prvih V proces staranja je vključeno naše celotno telo, vsekakor pa eden izmed prvih V proces staranja je vključeno naše celotno telo, vsekakor pa eden izmed prvih V proces staranja je vključeno naše celotno telo, vsekakor pa eden izmed prvih V proces staranja je vključeno naše celotno telo, vsekakor pa eden izmed prvih V proces staranja je vključeno naše celotno telo, vsekakor pa eden izmed prvih V proces staranja je vključeno naše celotno telo, vsekakor pa eden izmed prvih V proces staranja je vključeno naše celotno telo, vsekakor pa eden izmed prvih V proces staranja je vključeno naše celotno telo, vsekakor pa eden izmed prvih V proces staranja je vključeno naše celotno telo, vsekakor pa eden izmed prvih V proces staranja je vključeno naše celotno telo, vsekakor pa eden izmed prvih V proces staranja je vključeno naše celotno telo, vsekakor pa eden izmed prvih V proces staranja je vključeno naše celotno telo, vsekakor pa eden izmed prvih V proces staranja je vključeno naše celotno telo, vsekakor pa eden izmed prvih V proces staranja je vključeno naše celotno telo, vsekakor pa eden izmed prvih V proces staranja je vključeno naše celotno telo, vsekakor pa eden izmed prvih V proces staranja je vključeno naše celotno telo, vsekakor pa eden izmed prvih V proces staranja je vključeno naše celotno telo, vsekakor pa eden izmed prvih V proces staranja je vključeno naše celotno telo, vsekakor pa eden izmed prvih V proces staranja je vključeno naše celotno telo, vsekakor pa eden izmed prvih pokazateljev staranja naša koža. 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Eden izmed omenjenih stresnih dejavnikov je tudi cigaretni dim oziroma kajenje. Eden izmed omenjenih stresnih dejavnikov je tudi cigaretni dim oziroma kajenje. Eden izmed omenjenih stresnih dejavnikov je tudi cigaretni dim oziroma kajenje. Eden izmed omenjenih stresnih dejavnikov je tudi cigaretni dim oziroma kajenje. Eden izmed omenjenih stresnih dejavnikov je tudi cigaretni dim oziroma kajenje. Eden izmed omenjenih stresnih dejavnikov je tudi cigaretni dim oziroma kajenje. Eden izmed omenjenih stresnih dejavnikov je tudi cigaretni dim oziroma kajenje. Eden izmed omenjenih stresnih dejavnikov je tudi cigaretni dim oziroma kajenje. Eden izmed omenjenih stresnih dejavnikov je tudi cigaretni dim oziroma kajenje. Eden izmed omenjenih stresnih dejavnikov je tudi cigaretni dim oziroma kajenje. Eden izmed omenjenih stresnih dejavnikov je tudi cigaretni dim oziroma kajenje. Eden izmed omenjenih stresnih dejavnikov je tudi cigaretni dim oziroma kajenje. 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Eden izmed omenjenih stresnih dejavnikov je tudi cigaretni dim oziroma kajenje. Eden izmed omenjenih stresnih dejavnikov je tudi cigaretni dim oziroma kajenje. Eden izmed omenjenih stresnih dejavnikov je tudi cigaretni dim oziroma kajenje. Eden izmed omenjenih stresnih dejavnikov je tudi cigaretni dim oziroma kajenje. 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Kajenje Kajenje Kajenje Kajenje ima najslabše učinke ima najslabše učinke ima najslabše učinke ima najslabše učinke ima najslabše učinke ima najslabše učinke ima najslabše učinke ima najslabše učinke na kožo na kožo na kožo na kožo v kombinaciji v kombinaciji v kombinaciji v kombinaciji v kombinaciji v kombinaciji z izpostavljanjem UV svetlobi, vendar tudi samz izpostavljanjem UV svetlobi, vendar tudi samz izpostavljanjem UV svetlobi, vendar tudi sam z izpostavljanjem UV svetlobi, vendar tudi sam z izpostavljanjem UV svetlobi, vendar tudi samz izpostavljanjem UV svetlobi, vendar tudi sam z izpostavljanjem UV svetlobi, vendar tudi samz izpostavljanjem UV svetlobi, vendar tudi sam z izpostavljanjem UV svetlobi, vendar tudi sam z izpostavljanjem UV svetlobi, vendar tudi samz izpostavljanjem UV svetlobi, vendar tudi sam z izpostavljanjem UV svetlobi, vendar tudi sam z izpostavljanjem UV svetlobi, vendar tudi sam z izpostavljanjem UV svetlobi, vendar tudi sam z izpostavljanjem UV svetlobi, vendar tudi samz izpostavljanjem UV svetlobi, vendar tudi samz izpostavljanjem UV svetlobi, vendar tudi sam z izpostavljanjem UV svetlobi, vendar tudi samz izpostavljanjem UV svetlobi, vendar tudi sam z izpostavljanjem UV svetlobi, vendar tudi samo pospešuje staranje kože pospešuje staranje kože pospešuje staranje kože pospešuje staranje kože pospešuje staranje kože pospešuje staranje kože pospešuje staranje kože . Glavni vzrok so . Glavni vzrok so . Glavni vzrok so . Glavni vzrok so . Glavni vzrok so . Glavni vzrok so . Glavni vzrok so reaktivne kisikove zvrsti (ROS), reaktivne kisikove zvrsti (ROS), reaktivne kisikove zvrsti (ROS), reaktivne kisikove zvrsti (ROS), reaktivne kisikove zvrsti (ROS), reaktivne kisikove zvrsti (ROS), reaktivne kisikove zvrsti (ROS), reaktivne kisikove zvrsti (ROS), reaktivne kisikove zvrsti (ROS), reaktivne kisikove zvrsti (ROS), reaktivne kisikove zvrsti (ROS), reaktivne kisikove zvrsti (ROS), reaktivne kisikove zvrsti (ROS), ki povzročijo povečano sintezo encim ki povzročijo povečano sintezo encim ki povzročijo povečano sintezo encim ki povzročijo povečano sintezo encim ki povzročijo povečano sintezo encim ki povzročijo povečano sintezo encim ki povzročijo povečano sintezo encim ki povzročijo povečano sintezo encim ki povzročijo povečano sintezo encim ki povzročijo povečano sintezo encim ki povzročijo povečano sintezo encim ki povzročijo povečano sintezo encim ki povzročijo povečano sintezo encim ki povzročijo povečano sintezo encim ki povzročijo povečano sintezo encim ki povzročijo povečano sintezo encim ki povzročijo povečano sintezo encim ki povzročijo povečano sintezo encim a metalopro metalopro teinaze teinaze teinaze teinaze (MMP). Ta povzroči degra (MMP). Ta povzroči degra (MMP). Ta povzroči degra (MMP). Ta povzroči degra (MMP). Ta povzroči degra (MMP). Ta povzroči degra (MMP). Ta povzroči degra (MMP). Ta povzroči degra (MMP). Ta povzroči degra (MMP). Ta povzroči degra (MMP). Ta povzroči degra (MMP). Ta povzroči degra dacijo kolagena in nenormalno povišano vsebnost elastinskih dacijo kolagena in nenormalno povišano vsebnost elastinskih dacijo kolagena in nenormalno povišano vsebnost elastinskih dacijo kolagena in nenormalno povišano vsebnost elastinskih dacijo kolagena in nenormalno povišano vsebnost elastinskih dacijo kolagena in nenormalno povišano vsebnost elastinskih dacijo kolagena in nenormalno povišano vsebnost elastinskih dacijo kolagena in nenormalno povišano vsebnost elastinskih dacijo kolagena in nenormalno povišano vsebnost elastinskih dacijo kolagena in nenormalno povišano vsebnost elastinskih dacijo kolagena in nenormalno povišano vsebnost elastinskih dacijo kolagena in nenormalno povišano vsebnost elastinskih dacijo kolagena in nenormalno povišano vsebnost elastinskih dacijo kolagena in nenormalno povišano vsebnost elastinskih dacijo kolagena in nenormalno povišano vsebnost elastinskih dacijo kolagena in nenormalno povišano vsebnost elastinskih dacijo kolagena in nenormalno povišano vsebnost elastinskih dacijo kolagena in nenormalno povišano vsebnost elastinskih dacijo kolagena in nenormalno povišano vsebnost elastinskih dacijo kolagena in nenormalno povišano vsebnost elastinskih dacijo kolagena in nenormalno povišano vsebnost elastinskih dacijo kolagena in nenormalno povišano vsebnost elastinskih dacijo kolagena in nenormalno povišano vsebnost elastinskih dacijo kolagena in nenormalno povišano vsebnost elastinskih vlaken v koži. ROS povzročijo tudi oksidacijo proteinov, kar se nadaljuje proteolizo in vlaken v koži. ROS povzročijo tudi oksidacijo proteinov, kar se nadaljuje proteolizo in vlaken v koži. ROS povzročijo tudi oksidacijo proteinov, kar se nadaljuje proteolizo in vlaken v koži. ROS povzročijo tudi oksidacijo proteinov, kar se nadaljuje proteolizo in vlaken v koži. ROS povzročijo tudi oksidacijo proteinov, kar se nadaljuje proteolizo in vlaken v koži. ROS povzročijo tudi oksidacijo proteinov, kar se nadaljuje proteolizo in vlaken v koži. ROS povzročijo tudi oksidacijo proteinov, kar se nadaljuje proteolizo in vlaken v koži. ROS povzročijo tudi oksidacijo proteinov, kar se nadaljuje proteolizo in vlaken v koži. ROS povzročijo tudi oksidacijo proteinov, kar se nadaljuje proteolizo in vlaken v koži. ROS povzročijo tudi oksidacijo proteinov, kar se nadaljuje proteolizo in vlaken v koži. ROS povzročijo tudi oksidacijo proteinov, kar se nadaljuje proteolizo in vlaken v koži. ROS povzročijo tudi oksidacijo proteinov, kar se nadaljuje proteolizo in vlaken v koži. ROS povzročijo tudi oksidacijo proteinov, kar se nadaljuje proteolizo in vlaken v koži. ROS povzročijo tudi oksidacijo proteinov, kar se nadaljuje proteolizo in vlaken v koži. ROS povzročijo tudi oksidacijo proteinov, kar se nadaljuje proteolizo in vlaken v koži. ROS povzročijo tudi oksidacijo proteinov, kar se nadaljuje proteolizo in vlaken v koži. ROS povzročijo tudi oksidacijo proteinov, kar se nadaljuje proteolizo in vlaken v koži. ROS povzročijo tudi oksidacijo proteinov, kar se nadaljuje proteolizo in vlaken v koži. ROS povzročijo tudi oksidacijo proteinov, kar se nadaljuje proteolizo in vlaken v koži. ROS povzročijo tudi oksidacijo proteinov, kar se nadaljuje proteolizo in vlaken v koži. ROS povzročijo tudi oksidacijo proteinov, kar se nadaljuje proteolizo in vlaken v koži. ROS povzročijo tudi oksidacijo proteinov, kar se nadaljuje proteolizo in vlaken v koži. ROS povzročijo tudi oksidacijo proteinov, kar se nadaljuje proteolizo in vlaken v koži. ROS povzročijo tudi oksidacijo proteinov, kar se nadaljuje proteolizo in vlaken v koži. ROS povzročijo tudi oksidacijo proteinov, kar se nadaljuje proteolizo in vlaken v koži. ROS povzročijo tudi oksidacijo proteinov, kar se nadaljuje proteolizo in vlaken v koži. ROS povzročijo tudi oksidacijo proteinov, kar se nadaljuje proteolizo in vlaken v koži. ROS povzročijo tudi oksidacijo proteinov, kar se nadaljuje proteolizo in vlaken v koži. ROS povzročijo tudi oksidacijo proteinov, kar se nadaljuje proteolizo in vlaken v koži. ROS povzročijo tudi oksidacijo proteinov, kar se nadaljuje proteolizo in vlaken v koži. ROS povzročijo tudi oksidacijo proteinov, kar se nadaljuje proteolizo in vlaken v koži. ROS povzročijo tudi oksidacijo proteinov, kar se nadaljuje proteolizo in vlaken v koži. ROS povzročijo tudi oksidacijo proteinov, kar se nadaljuje proteolizo in vlaken v koži. ROS povzročijo tudi oksidacijo proteinov, kar se nadaljuje proteolizo in vlaken v koži. ROS povzročijo tudi oksidacijo proteinov, kar se nadaljuje proteolizo in vlaken v koži. ROS povzročijo tudi oksidacijo proteinov, kar se nadaljuje proteolizo in vlaken v koži. ROS povzročijo tudi oksidacijo proteinov, kar se nadaljuje proteolizo in vlaken v koži. ROS povzročijo tudi oksidacijo proteinov, kar se nadaljuje proteolizo in vlaken v koži. ROS povzročijo tudi oksidacijo proteinov, kar se nadaljuje proteolizo in vlaken v koži. ROS povzročijo tudi oksidacijo proteinov, kar se nadaljuje proteolizo in nato poškodbe tkiv oziroma nato poškodbe tkiv oziroma nato poškodbe tkiv oziroma nato poškodbe tkiv oziroma nato poškodbe tkiv oziroma nato poškodbe tkiv oziroma nato poškodbe tkiv oziroma nato poškodbe tkiv oziroma nato poškodbe tkiv oziroma nato poškodbe tkiv oziroma celic. celic. celic. celic. celic. celic. Na sam Na sam Na sam Na sam Na sam Na sam videz idez kože nima vpliva le dim, ki ga kadilec kože nima vpliva le dim, ki ga kadilec kože nima vpliva le dim, ki ga kadilec kože nima vpliva le dim, ki ga kadilec kože nima vpliva le dim, ki ga kadilec kože nima vpliva le dim, ki ga kadilec kože nima vpliva le dim, ki ga kadilec kože nima vpliva le dim, ki ga kadilec kože nima vpliva le dim, ki ga kadilec kože nima vpliva le dim, ki ga kadilec kože nima vpliva le dim, ki ga kadilec kože nima vpliva le dim, ki ga kadilec kože nima vpliva le dim, ki ga kadilec kože nima vpliva le dim, ki ga kadilec kože nima vpliva le dim, ki ga kadilec kože nima vpliva le dim, ki ga kadilec kože nima vpliva le dim, ki ga kadilec kože nima vpliva le dim, ki ga kadilec kože nima vpliva le dim, ki ga kadilec kože nima vpliva le dim, ki ga kadilec kože nima vpliva le dim, ki ga kadilec kože nima vpliva le dim, ki ga kadilec kože nima vpliva le dim, ki ga kadilec inhalira, inhalira, ampak ampak tudi zunanja izpostavljenost cigaretnemu dimu ter toploti, ki jo cigareta tudi zunanja izpostavljenost cigaretnemu dimu ter toploti, ki jo cigareta tudi zunanja izpostavljenost cigaretnemu dimu ter toploti, ki jo cigareta tudi zunanja izpostavljenost cigaretnemu dimu ter toploti, ki jo cigareta tudi zunanja izpostavljenost cigaretnemu dimu ter toploti, ki jo cigareta tudi zunanja izpostavljenost cigaretnemu dimu ter toploti, ki jo cigareta tudi zunanja izpostavljenost cigaretnemu dimu ter toploti, ki jo cigareta tudi zunanja izpostavljenost cigaretnemu dimu ter toploti, ki jo cigareta tudi zunanja izpostavljenost cigaretnemu dimu ter toploti, ki jo cigareta tudi zunanja izpostavljenost cigaretnemu dimu ter toploti, ki jo cigareta tudi zunanja izpostavljenost cigaretnemu dimu ter toploti, ki jo cigareta tudi zunanja izpostavljenost cigaretnemu dimu ter toploti, ki jo cigareta tudi zunanja izpostavljenost cigaretnemu dimu ter toploti, ki jo cigareta tudi zunanja izpostavljenost cigaretnemu dimu ter toploti, ki jo cigareta tudi zunanja izpostavljenost cigaretnemu dimu ter toploti, ki jo cigareta tudi zunanja izpostavljenost cigaretnemu dimu ter toploti, ki jo cigareta tudi zunanja izpostavljenost cigaretnemu dimu ter toploti, ki jo cigareta tudi zunanja izpostavljenost cigaretnemu dimu ter toploti, ki jo cigareta tudi zunanja izpostavljenost cigaretnemu dimu ter toploti, ki jo cigareta tudi zunanja izpostavljenost cigaretnemu dimu ter toploti, ki jo cigareta tudi zunanja izpostavljenost cigaretnemu dimu ter toploti, ki jo cigareta tudi zunanja izpostavljenost cigaretnemu dimu ter toploti, ki jo cigareta tudi zunanja izpostavljenost cigaretnemu dimu ter toploti, ki jo cigareta tudi zunanja izpostavljenost cigaretnemu dimu ter toploti, ki jo cigareta tudi zunanja izpostavljenost cigaretnemu dimu ter toploti, ki jo cigareta tudi zunanja izpostavljenost cigaretnemu dimu ter toploti, ki jo cigareta tudi zunanja izpostavljenost cigaretnemu dimu ter toploti, ki jo cigareta tudi zunanja izpostavljenost cigaretnemu dimu ter toploti, ki jo cigareta tudi zunanja izpostavljenost cigaretnemu dimu ter toploti, ki jo cigareta tudi zunanja izpostavljenost cigaretnemu dimu ter toploti, ki jo cigareta tudi zunanja izpostavljenost cigaretnemu dimu ter toploti, ki jo cigareta tudi zunanja izpostavljenost cigaretnemu dimu ter toploti, ki jo cigareta tudi zunanja izpostavljenost cigaretnemu dimu ter toploti, ki jo cigareta tudi zunanja izpostavljenost cigaretnemu dimu ter toploti, ki jo cigareta tudi zunanja izpostavljenost cigaretnemu dimu ter toploti, ki jo cigareta tudi zunanja izpostavljenost cigaretnemu dimu ter toploti, ki jo cigareta med izgorevanjem oddaja. med izgorevanjem oddaja.med izgorevanjem oddaja. med izgorevanjem oddaja.med izgorevanjem oddaja. med izgorevanjem oddaja. med izgorevanjem oddaja.med izgorevanjem oddaja. med izgorevanjem oddaja.med izgorevanjem oddaja. Telo ima vzpostavljen obrambni mehanizem kot sistem antioksidantov, vendar je ta lTelo ima vzpostavljen obrambni mehanizem kot sistem antioksidantov, vendar je ta lTelo ima vzpostavljen obrambni mehanizem kot sistem antioksidantov, vendar je ta l Telo ima vzpostavljen obrambni mehanizem kot sistem antioksidantov, vendar je ta l Telo ima vzpostavljen obrambni mehanizem kot sistem antioksidantov, vendar je ta lTelo ima vzpostavljen obrambni mehanizem kot sistem antioksidantov, vendar je ta lTelo ima vzpostavljen obrambni mehanizem kot sistem antioksidantov, vendar je ta l Telo ima vzpostavljen obrambni mehanizem kot sistem antioksidantov, vendar je ta l Telo ima vzpostavljen obrambni mehanizem kot sistem antioksidantov, vendar je ta lTelo ima vzpostavljen obrambni mehanizem kot sistem antioksidantov, vendar je ta l Telo ima vzpostavljen obrambni mehanizem kot sistem antioksidantov, vendar je ta lTelo ima vzpostavljen obrambni mehanizem kot sistem antioksidantov, vendar je ta l Telo ima vzpostavljen obrambni mehanizem kot sistem antioksidantov, vendar je ta lTelo ima vzpostavljen obrambni mehanizem kot sistem antioksidantov, vendar je ta l Telo ima vzpostavljen obrambni mehanizem kot sistem antioksidantov, vendar je ta lTelo ima vzpostavljen obrambni mehanizem kot sistem antioksidantov, vendar je ta l Telo ima vzpostavljen obrambni mehanizem kot sistem antioksidantov, vendar je ta lTelo ima vzpostavljen obrambni mehanizem kot sistem antioksidantov, vendar je ta l Telo ima vzpostavljen obrambni mehanizem kot sistem antioksidantov, vendar je ta l Telo ima vzpostavljen obrambni mehanizem kot sistem antioksidantov, vendar je ta lTelo ima vzpostavljen obrambni mehanizem kot sistem antioksidantov, vendar je ta l Telo ima vzpostavljen obrambni mehanizem kot sistem antioksidantov, vendar je ta l Telo ima vzpostavljen obrambni mehanizem kot sistem antioksidantov, vendar je ta l Telo ima vzpostavljen obrambni mehanizem kot sistem antioksidantov, vendar je ta l Telo ima vzpostavljen obrambni mehanizem kot sistem antioksidantov, vendar je ta lTelo ima vzpostavljen obrambni mehanizem kot sistem antioksidantov, vendar je ta l Telo ima vzpostavljen obrambni mehanizem kot sistem antioksidantov, vendar je ta l Telo ima vzpostavljen obrambni mehanizem kot sistem antioksidantov, vendar je ta l Telo ima vzpostavljen obrambni mehanizem kot sistem antioksidantov, vendar je ta l Telo ima vzpostavljen obrambni mehanizem kot sistem antioksidantov, vendar je ta l Telo ima vzpostavljen obrambni mehanizem kot sistem antioksidantov, vendar je ta l Telo ima vzpostavljen obrambni mehanizem kot sistem antioksidantov, vendar je ta l Telo ima vzpostavljen obrambni mehanizem kot sistem antioksidantov, vendar je ta l Telo ima vzpostavljen obrambni mehanizem kot sistem antioksidantov, vendar je ta l Telo ima vzpostavljen obrambni mehanizem kot sistem antioksidantov, vendar je ta lTelo ima vzpostavljen obrambni mehanizem kot sistem antioksidantov, vendar je ta l Telo ima vzpostavljen obrambni mehanizem kot sistem antioksidantov, vendar je ta lahko ahko ahko učinkovit le učinkovit le učinkovit le učinkovit le , dokler količina ROS in dokler količina ROS in dokler količina ROS in dokler količina ROS in dokler količina ROS in dokler količina ROS in dokler količina ROS in dokler količina ROS in drugih drugih drugih radikalov ne preseže radikalov ne preseže radikalov ne preseže radikalov ne preseže radikalov ne preseže radikalov ne preseže radikalov ne preseže radikalov ne preseže radikalov ne preseže njegove kapacitete njegove kapacitetenjegove kapacitete njegove kapacitete njegove kapacitetenjegove kapacitete njegove kapacitetenjegove kapacitete . Oksidativni stres je posledica neravnovesja med antioksidanti in nastalimi radikali Oksidativni stres je posledica neravnovesja med antioksidanti in nastalimi radikali Oksidativni stres je posledica neravnovesja med antioksidanti in nastalimi radikali Oksidativni stres je posledica neravnovesja med antioksidanti in nastalimi radikali Oksidativni stres je posledica neravnovesja med antioksidanti in nastalimi radikali Oksidativni stres je posledica neravnovesja med antioksidanti in nastalimi radikali Oksidativni stres je posledica neravnovesja med antioksidanti in nastalimi radikali Oksidativni stres je posledica neravnovesja med antioksidanti in nastalimi radikaliOksidativni stres je posledica neravnovesja med antioksidanti in nastalimi radikali Oksidativni stres je posledica neravnovesja med antioksidanti in nastalimi radikaliOksidativni stres je posledica neravnovesja med antioksidanti in nastalimi radikali Oksidativni stres je posledica neravnovesja med antioksidanti in nastalimi radikaliOksidativni stres je posledica neravnovesja med antioksidanti in nastalimi radikaliOksidativni stres je posledica neravnovesja med antioksidanti in nastalimi radikali Oksidativni stres je posledica neravnovesja med antioksidanti in nastalimi radikali Oksidativni stres je posledica neravnovesja med antioksidanti in nastalimi radikali Oksidativni stres je posledica neravnovesja med antioksidanti in nastalimi radikali Oksidativni stres je posledica neravnovesja med antioksidanti in nastalimi radikaliOksidativni stres je posledica neravnovesja med antioksidanti in nastalimi radikali Oksidativni stres je posledica neravnovesja med antioksidanti in nastalimi radikali Oksidativni stres je posledica neravnovesja med antioksidanti in nastalimi radikali Oksidativni stres je posledica neravnovesja med antioksidanti in nastalimi radikali Oksidativni stres je posledica neravnovesja med antioksidanti in nastalimi radikaliOksidativni stres je posledica neravnovesja med antioksidanti in nastalimi radikali Oksidativni stres je posledica neravnovesja med antioksidanti in nastalimi radikali Oksidativni stres je posledica neravnovesja med antioksidanti in nastalimi radikali Oksidativni stres je posledica neravnovesja med antioksidanti in nastalimi radikali Oksidativni stres je posledica neravnovesja med antioksidanti in nastalimi radikali Oksidativni stres je posledica neravnovesja med antioksidanti in nastalimi radikali te r drugimi reaktivnimi zvrstmi drugimi reaktivnimi zvrstmi drugimi reaktivnimi zvrstmi drugimi reaktivnimi zvrstmi drugimi reaktivnimi zvrstmidrugimi reaktivnimi zvrstmidrugimi reaktivnimi zvrstmidrugimi reaktivnimi zvrstmi drugimi reaktivnimi zvrstmi drugimi reaktivnimi zvrstmi drugimi reaktivnimi zvrstmidrugimi reaktivnimi zvrstmi drugimi reaktivnimi zvrstmi drugimi reaktivnimi zvrstmi. Omilimo ga lahko z dodatnim vnašanjem in aplicira . Omilimo ga lahko z dodatnim vnašanjem in aplicira . Omilimo ga lahko z dodatnim vnašanjem in aplicira . Omilimo ga lahko z dodatnim vnašanjem in aplicira . Omilimo ga lahko z dodatnim vnašanjem in aplicira . Omilimo ga lahko z dodatnim vnašanjem in aplicira . Omilimo ga lahko z dodatnim vnašanjem in aplicira . Omilimo ga lahko z dodatnim vnašanjem in aplicira . Omilimo ga lahko z dodatnim vnašanjem in aplicira . Omilimo ga lahko z dodatnim vnašanjem in aplicira . Omilimo ga lahko z dodatnim vnašanjem in aplicira . Omilimo ga lahko z dodatnim vnašanjem in aplicira . Omilimo ga lahko z dodatnim vnašanjem in aplicira . Omilimo ga lahko z dodatnim vnašanjem in aplicira . Omilimo ga lahko z dodatnim vnašanjem in aplicira . Omilimo ga lahko z dodatnim vnašanjem in aplicira . Omilimo ga lahko z dodatnim vnašanjem in aplicira . Omilimo ga lahko z dodatnim vnašanjem in aplicira . Omilimo ga lahko z dodatnim vnašanjem in aplicira . Omilimo ga lahko z dodatnim vnašanjem in aplicira . Omilimo ga lahko z dodatnim vnašanjem in aplicira . Omilimo ga lahko z dodatnim vnašanjem in aplicira . Omilimo ga lahko z dodatnim vnašanjem in aplicira njem njemnjem (peroralno in dermalno) (peroralno in dermalno) (peroralno in dermalno)(peroralno in dermalno) (peroralno in dermalno) (peroralno in dermalno) (peroralno in dermalno) (peroralno in dermalno) antioksidantov, preprečimo pa ga najbolje, da se odpovemo antioksidantov, preprečimo pa ga najbolje, da se odpovemo antioksidantov, preprečimo pa ga najbolje, da se odpovemo antioksidantov, preprečimo pa ga najbolje, da se odpovemo antioksidantov, preprečimo pa ga najbolje, da se odpovemo antioksidantov, preprečimo pa ga najbolje, da se odpovemo antioksidantov, preprečimo pa ga najbolje, da se odpovemo antioksidantov, preprečimo pa ga najbolje, da se odpovemo antioksidantov, preprečimo pa ga najbolje, da se odpovemo antioksidantov, preprečimo pa ga najbolje, da se odpovemo antioksidantov, preprečimo pa ga najbolje, da se odpovemo antioksidantov, preprečimo pa ga najbolje, da se odpovemo antioksidantov, preprečimo pa ga najbolje, da se odpovemo antioksidantov, preprečimo pa ga najbolje, da se odpovemo antioksidantov, preprečimo pa ga najbolje, da se odpovemo antioksidantov, preprečimo pa ga najbolje, da se odpovemo antioksidantov, preprečimo pa ga najbolje, da se odpovemo antioksidantov, preprečimo pa ga najbolje, da se odpovemo antioksidantov, preprečimo pa ga najbolje, da se odpovemo antioksidantov, preprečimo pa ga najbolje, da se odpovemo antioksidantov, preprečimo pa ga najbolje, da se odpovemo antioksidantov, preprečimo pa ga najbolje, da se odpovemo antioksidantov, preprečimo pa ga najbolje, da se odpovemo antioksidantov, preprečimo pa ga najbolje, da se odpovemo antioksidantov, preprečimo pa ga najbolje, da se odpovemo antioksidantov, preprečimo pa ga najbolje, da se odpovemo antioksidantov, preprečimo pa ga najbolje, da se odpovemo antioksidantov, preprečimo pa ga najbolje, da se odpovemo razvadam razvadamrazvadam razvadam razvadam, kot je na primer tudi kot je na primer tudikot je na primer tudi kot je na primer tudi kot je na primer tudikot je na primer tudi kajenje. kajenje. kajenje.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:staranje kože cigaretni dim reaktivne kisikove zvrsti
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija:FFA - Fakulteta za farmacijo
Kraj izida:Ljubljana
Založnik:[M. Kokalj]
Leto izida:2015
Št. strani:VI, 34 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-81248 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:3983473 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:11.04.2016
Število ogledov:2110
Število prenosov:385
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Systematic review of the influence of smoking on premature skin ageing
The aging process involves our entire body, The aging process involves our entire body,The aging process involves our entire body,The aging process involves our entire body,The aging process involves our entire body, The aging process involves our entire body,The aging process involves our entire body,The aging process involves our entire body, The aging process involves our entire body,The aging process involves our entire body,The aging process involves our entire body,The aging process involves our entire body, The aging process involves our entire body, The aging process involves our entire body, The aging process involves our entire body, The aging process involves our entire body, The aging process involves our entire body,The aging process involves our entire body, The aging process involves our entire body, The aging process involves our entire body,The aging process involves our entire body, The aging process involves our entire body,The aging process involves our entire body, but it is certainly the skin one of first but it is certainly the skin one of first but it is certainly the skin one of first but it is certainly the skin one of first but it is certainly the skin one of first but it is certainly the skin one of first but it is certainly the skin one of first but it is certainly the skin one of first but it is certainly the skin one of first but it is certainly the skin one of first but it is certainly the skin one of first but it is certainly the skin one of first but it is certainly the skin one of first but it is certainly the skin one of first but it is certainly the skin one of first but it is certainly the skin one of first but it is certainly the skin one of first but it is certainly the skin one of first but it is certainly the skin one of first but it is certainly the skin one of first but it is certainly the skin one of first indicators of aging. This process is influenced by both our genes, as well external indicators of aging. This process is influenced by both our genes, as well external indicators of aging. This process is influenced by both our genes, as well external indicators of aging. This process is influenced by both our genes, as well external indicators of aging. This process is influenced by both our genes, as well external indicators of aging. This process is influenced by both our genes, as well external indicators of aging. This process is influenced by both our genes, as well external indicators of aging. This process is influenced by both our genes, as well external indicators of aging. This process is influenced by both our genes, as well external indicators of aging. This process is influenced by both our genes, as well external indicators of aging. This process is influenced by both our genes, as well external indicators of aging. 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This process is influenced by both our genes, as well external indicators of aging. This process is influenced by both our genes, as well external indicators of aging. This process is influenced by both our genes, as well external indicators of aging. This process is influenced by both our genes, as well external indicators of aging. This process is influenced by both our genes, as well external indicators of aging. This process is influenced by both our genes, as well external indicators of aging. This process is influenced by both our genes, as well external indicators of aging. This process is influenced by both our genes, as well external indicators of aging. This process is influenced by both our genes, as well external indicators of aging. This process is influenced by both our genes, as well external indicators of aging. This process is influenced by both our genes, as well external indicators of aging. This process is influenced by both our genes, as well external indicators of aging. This process is influenced by both our genes, as well external indicators of aging. This process is influenced by both our genes, as well external indicators of aging. This process is influenced by both our genes, as well external indicators of aging. This process is influenced by both our genes, as well external indicators of aging. This process is influenced by both our genes, as well external indicators of aging. This process is influenced by both our genes, as well external indicators of aging. This process is influenced by both our genes, as well external indicators of aging. This process is influenced by both our genes, as well external indicators of aging. This process is influenced by both our genes, as well external indicators of aging. This process is influenced by both our genes, as well external indicators of aging. This process is influenced by both our genes, as well external indicators of aging. This process is influenced by both our genes, as well external indicators of aging. This process is influenced by both our genes, as well external environmental factors, which could cause accelerated aging of the skin.environmental factors, which could cause accelerated aging of the skin. environmental factors, which could cause accelerated aging of the skin. environmental factors, which could cause accelerated aging of the skin.environmental factors, which could cause accelerated aging of the skin. environmental factors, which could cause accelerated aging of the skin. environmental factors, which could cause accelerated aging of the skin. environmental factors, which could cause accelerated aging of the skin. environmental factors, which could cause accelerated aging of the skin.environmental factors, which could cause accelerated aging of the skin.environmental factors, which could cause accelerated aging of the skin.environmental factors, which could cause accelerated aging of the skin.environmental factors, which could cause accelerated aging of the skin. environmental factors, which could cause accelerated aging of the skin.environmental factors, which could cause accelerated aging of the skin. environmental factors, which could cause accelerated aging of the skin.environmental factors, which could cause accelerated aging of the skin. environmental factors, which could cause accelerated aging of the skin. environmental factors, which could cause accelerated aging of the skin. environmental factors, which could cause accelerated aging of the skin. environmental factors, which could cause accelerated aging of the skin. One of the mentioned stress factors is a cigarette One of the mentioned stress factors is a cigaretteOne of the mentioned stress factors is a cigarette One of the mentioned stress factors is a cigaretteOne of the mentioned stress factors is a cigarette One of the mentioned stress factors is a cigarette One of the mentioned stress factors is a cigarette One of the mentioned stress factors is a cigarette One of the mentioned stress factors is a cigarette One of the mentioned stress factors is a cigaretteOne of the mentioned stress factors is a cigarette One of the mentioned stress factors is a cigarette One of the mentioned stress factors is a cigaretteOne of the mentioned stress factors is a cigaretteOne of the mentioned stress factors is a cigaretteOne of the mentioned stress factors is a cigarette One of the mentioned stress factors is a cigaretteOne of the mentioned stress factors is a cigarette One of the mentioned stress factors is a cigarette smoke or smoking. smoke or smoking. smoke or smoking. smoke or smoking. smoke or smoking. smoke or smoking. smoke or smoking. On the basis of expert On the basis of expert On the basis of expert On the basis of expert On the basis of expert On the basis of expert On the basis of expert On the basis of expert On the basis of expert On the basis of expert On the basis of expert On the basis of expert On the basis of expert opinions opinions of of Justina Lušin, dr. med., specialist in pediatrics and school medicine of Justina Lušin, dr. med., specialist in pediatrics and school medicine of Justina Lušin, dr. med., specialist in pediatrics and school medicine of Justina Lušin, dr. med., specialist in pediatrics and school medicine of Justina Lušin, dr. med., specialist in pediatrics and school medicine of Justina Lušin, dr. med., specialist in pediatrics and school medicine of Justina Lušin, dr. med., specialist in pediatrics and school medicine of Justina Lušin, dr. med., specialist in pediatrics and school medicine of Justina Lušin, dr. med., specialist in pediatrics and school medicine of Justina Lušin, dr. med., specialist in pediatrics and school medicine of Justina Lušin, dr. med., specialist in pediatrics and school medicine of Justina Lušin, dr. med., specialist in pediatrics and school medicine of Justina Lušin, dr. med., specialist in pediatrics and school medicine of Justina Lušin, dr. med., specialist in pediatrics and school medicine of Justina Lušin, dr. med., specialist in pediatrics and school medicine of Justina Lušin, dr. med., specialist in pediatrics and school medicine of Justina Lušin, dr. med., specialist in pediatrics and school medicine of Justina Lušin, dr. med., specialist in pediatrics and school medicine of Justina Lušin, dr. med., specialist in pediatrics and school medicine of Justina Lušin, dr. med., specialist in pediatrics and school medicine of Justina Lušin, dr. med., specialist in pediatrics and school medicine of Justina Lušin, dr. med., specialist in pediatrics and school medicine of Justina Lušin, dr. med., specialist in pediatrics and school medicine of Justina Lušin, dr. med., specialist in pediatrics and school medicine of Justina Lušin, dr. med., specialist in pediatrics and school medicine of Justina Lušin, dr. med., specialist in pediatrics and school medicine of Justina Lušin, dr. med., specialist in pediatrics and school medicine of Justina Lušin, dr. med., specialist in pediatrics and school medicine of Justina Lušin, dr. med., specialist in pediatrics and school medicine of professor dr. Miloš professor dr. Miloš professor dr. Miloš professor dr. Miloš professor dr. Miloš professor dr. Miloš professor dr. Miloš professor dr. Miloš professor dr. Miloš professor dr. Miloš D. Pavlović, dr. med., spec. in dermatovenerology D. Pavlović, dr. med., spec. in dermatovenerology D. Pavlović, dr. med., spec. in dermatovenerology D. Pavlović, dr. med., spec. in dermatovenerology D. Pavlović, dr. med., spec. in dermatovenerology D. Pavlović, dr. med., spec. in dermatovenerology D. Pavlović, dr. med., spec. in dermatovenerology D. Pavlović, dr. med., spec. in dermatovenerology D. Pavlović, dr. med., spec. in dermatovenerology D. Pavlović, dr. med., spec. in dermatovenerology D. Pavlović, dr. med., spec. in dermatovenerology D. Pavlović, dr. med., spec. in dermatovenerology D. Pavlović, dr. med., spec. in dermatovenerology D. Pavlović, dr. med., spec. in dermatovenerology D. Pavlović, dr. med., spec. in dermatovenerology D. Pavlović, dr. med., spec. in dermatovenerology D. 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Pavlović, dr. med., spec. in dermatovenerology and systematic and systematic and systematic and systematic and systematic and systematic and systematic and systematic review of the literature about impact smoking on skin aging we review of the literature about impact smoking on skin aging we review of the literature about impact smoking on skin aging we review of the literature about impact smoking on skin aging we review of the literature about impact smoking on skin aging we review of the literature about impact smoking on skin aging we review of the literature about impact smoking on skin aging we review of the literature about impact smoking on skin aging we review of the literature about impact smoking on skin aging we review of the literature about impact smoking on skin aging we review of the literature about impact smoking on skin aging we review of the literature about impact smoking on skin aging we review of the literature about impact smoking on skin aging we review of the literature about impact smoking on skin aging we review of the literature about impact smoking on skin aging we review of the literature about impact smoking on skin aging we review of the literature about impact smoking on skin aging we review of the literature about impact smoking on skin aging we review of the literature about impact smoking on skin aging we review of the literature about impact smoking on skin aging we review of the literature about impact smoking on skin aging we review of the literature about impact smoking on skin aging we review of the literature about impact smoking on skin aging we review of the literature about impact smoking on skin aging we review of the literature about impact smoking on skin aging we review of the literature about impact smoking on skin aging we review of the literature about impact smoking on skin aging we review of the literature about impact smoking on skin aging we review of the literature about impact smoking on skin aging we review of the literature about impact smoking on skin aging we review of the literature about impact smoking on skin aging we review of the literature about impact smoking on skin aging we review of the literature about impact smoking on skin aging we review of the literature about impact smoking on skin aging we review of the literature about impact smoking on skin aging we find out how this find out how this find out how this find out how this find out how this find out how this find out how this stress factor is evaluated in scientific studies stress factor is evaluated in scientific studies stress factor is evaluated in scientific studies stress factor is evaluated in scientific studiesstress factor is evaluated in scientific studies stress factor is evaluated in scientific studies stress factor is evaluated in scientific studiesstress factor is evaluated in scientific studiesstress factor is evaluated in scientific studiesstress factor is evaluated in scientific studies stress factor is evaluated in scientific studiesstress factor is evaluated in scientific studiesstress factor is evaluated in scientific studies stress factor is evaluated in scientific studies stress factor is evaluated in scientific studies stress factor is evaluated in scientific studiesstress factor is evaluated in scientific studies stress factor is evaluated in scientific studiesstress factor is evaluated in scientific studies. 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The worst effect The worst effectThe worst effect The worst effect The worst effectThe worst effectThe worst effect The worst effectThe worst effect of smoking of smokingof smoking of smoking is a is a is a combination of exposure to UV light and smoking, but cigarette smoke combination of exposure to UV light and smoking, but cigarette smoke combination of exposure to UV light and smoking, but cigarette smoke combination of exposure to UV light and smoking, but cigarette smoke combination of exposure to UV light and smoking, but cigarette smoke combination of exposure to UV light and smoking, but cigarette smoke combination of exposure to UV light and smoking, but cigarette smoke combination of exposure to UV light and smoking, but cigarette smoke combination of exposure to UV light and smoking, but cigarette smoke combination of exposure to UV light and smoking, but cigarette smoke combination of exposure to UV light and smoking, but cigarette smoke combination of exposure to UV light and smoking, but cigarette smoke combination of exposure to UV light and smoking, but cigarette smoke combination of exposure to UV light and smoking, but cigarette smoke combination of exposure to UV light and smoking, but cigarette smoke combination of exposure to UV light and smoking, but cigarette smoke combination of exposure to UV light and smoking, but cigarette smoke combination of exposure to UV light and smoking, but cigarette smoke combination of exposure to UV light and smoking, but cigarette smoke combination of exposure to UV light and smoking, but cigarette smoke combination of exposure to UV light and smoking, but cigarette smoke combination of exposure to UV light and smoking, but cigarette smoke combination of exposure to UV light and smoking, but cigarette smoke combination of exposure to UV light and smoking, but cigarette smoke itself itself itself itself promote promote promotes skin aging. The main cause of premature aging are the reactive oxygen speciaging. The main cause of premature aging are the reactive oxygen speciaging. The main cause of premature aging are the reactive oxygen speci aging. The main cause of premature aging are the reactive oxygen speciaging. The main cause of premature aging are the reactive oxygen speci aging. The main cause of premature aging are the reactive oxygen speci aging. The main cause of premature aging are the reactive oxygen speciaging. The main cause of premature aging are the reactive oxygen speci aging. The main cause of premature aging are the reactive oxygen speciaging. The main cause of premature aging are the reactive oxygen speciaging. The main cause of premature aging are the reactive oxygen speci aging. The main cause of premature aging are the reactive oxygen speci aging. The main cause of premature aging are the reactive oxygen speciaging. The main cause of premature aging are the reactive oxygen speci aging. 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The main cause of premature aging are the reactive oxygen speciaging. The main cause of premature aging are the reactive oxygen species (ROS) es (ROS) es (ROS) those those lead to an increased synthesis of the enzyme metalloproteinase (MMP). This causes lead to an increased synthesis of the enzyme metalloproteinase (MMP). This causes lead to an increased synthesis of the enzyme metalloproteinase (MMP). This causes lead to an increased synthesis of the enzyme metalloproteinase (MMP). This causes lead to an increased synthesis of the enzyme metalloproteinase (MMP). This causes lead to an increased synthesis of the enzyme metalloproteinase (MMP). This causes lead to an increased synthesis of the enzyme metalloproteinase (MMP). This causes lead to an increased synthesis of the enzyme metalloproteinase (MMP). This causes lead to an increased synthesis of the enzyme metalloproteinase (MMP). This causes lead to an increased synthesis of the enzyme metalloproteinase (MMP). This causes lead to an increased synthesis of the enzyme metalloproteinase (MMP). This causes lead to an increased synthesis of the enzyme metalloproteinase (MMP). This causes lead to an increased synthesis of the enzyme metalloproteinase (MMP). This causes lead to an increased synthesis of the enzyme metalloproteinase (MMP). This causes lead to an increased synthesis of the enzyme metalloproteinase (MMP). This causes lead to an increased synthesis of the enzyme metalloproteinase (MMP). This causes lead to an increased synthesis of the enzyme metalloproteinase (MMP). This causes lead to an increased synthesis of the enzyme metalloproteinase (MMP). This causes lead to an increased synthesis of the enzyme metalloproteinase (MMP). This causes lead to an increased synthesis of the enzyme metalloproteinase (MMP). This causes lead to an increased synthesis of the enzyme metalloproteinase (MMP). This causes lead to an increased synthesis of the enzyme metalloproteinase (MMP). This causes lead to an increased synthesis of the enzyme metalloproteinase (MMP). This causes lead to an increased synthesis of the enzyme metalloproteinase (MMP). This causes lead to an increased synthesis of the enzyme metalloproteinase (MMP). This causes lead to an increased synthesis of the enzyme metalloproteinase (MMP). This causes lead to an increased synthesis of the enzyme metalloproteinase (MMP). This causes lead to an increased synthesis of the enzyme metalloproteinase (MMP). This causes lead to an increased synthesis of the enzyme metalloproteinase (MMP). This causes lead to an increased synthesis of the enzyme metalloproteinase (MMP). This causes lead to an increased synthesis of the enzyme metalloproteinase (MMP). This causes lead to an increased synthesis of the enzyme metalloproteinase (MMP). This causes degradation degradation degradationdegradation degradation degradation of collagen and abnormally decreased level elastin fibers in the skin. ROS of collagen and abnormally decreased level elastin fibers in the skin. ROS of collagen and abnormally decreased level elastin fibers in the skin. ROS of collagen and abnormally decreased level elastin fibers in the skin. ROS of collagen and abnormally decreased level elastin fibers in the skin. ROS of collagen and abnormally decreased level elastin fibers in the skin. ROS of collagen and abnormally decreased level elastin fibers in the skin. ROS of collagen and abnormally decreased level elastin fibers in the skin. ROS of collagen and abnormally decreased level elastin fibers in the skin. ROS of collagen and abnormally decreased level elastin fibers in the skin. ROS of collagen and abnormally decreased level elastin fibers in the skin. ROS of collagen and abnormally decreased level elastin fibers in the skin. ROS of collagen and abnormally decreased level elastin fibers in the skin. ROS of collagen and abnormally decreased level elastin fibers in the skin. ROS of collagen and abnormally decreased level elastin fibers in the skin. ROS of collagen and abnormally decreased level elastin fibers in the skin. ROS of collagen and abnormally decreased level elastin fibers in the skin. ROS of collagen and abnormally decreased level elastin fibers in the skin. ROS of collagen and abnormally decreased level elastin fibers in the skin. ROS of collagen and abnormally decreased level elastin fibers in the skin. ROS of collagen and abnormally decreased level elastin fibers in the skin. ROS of collagen and abnormally decreased level elastin fibers in the skin. ROS of collagen and abnormally decreased level elastin fibers in the skin. ROS of collagen and abnormally decreased level elastin fibers in the skin. ROS of collagen and abnormally decreased level elastin fibers in the skin. ROS of collagen and abnormally decreased level elastin fibers in the skin. ROS of collagen and abnormally decreased level elastin fibers in the skin. ROS of collagen and abnormally decreased level elastin fibers in the skin. ROS of collagen and abnormally decreased level elastin fibers in the skin. ROS of collagen and abnormally decreased level elastin fibers in the skin. ROS of collagen and abnormally decreased level elastin fibers in the skin. ROS of collagen and abnormally decreased level elastin fibers in the skin. ROS of collagen and abnormally decreased level elastin fibers in the skin. ROS of collagen and abnormally decreased level elastin fibers in the skin. ROS of collagen and abnormally decreased level elastin fibers in the skin. ROS of collagen and abnormally decreased level elastin fibers in the skin. ROS of collagen and abnormally decreased level elastin fibers in the skin. ROS of collagen and abnormally decreased level elastin fibers in the skin. ROS also cause oxidation of the protein, which is continued to proteoalso cause oxidation of the protein, which is continued to proteo also cause oxidation of the protein, which is continued to proteoalso cause oxidation of the protein, which is continued to proteoalso cause oxidation of the protein, which is continued to proteo also cause oxidation of the protein, which is continued to proteoalso cause oxidation of the protein, which is continued to proteo also cause oxidation of the protein, which is continued to proteo also cause oxidation of the protein, which is continued to proteo also cause oxidation of the protein, which is continued to proteoalso cause oxidation of the protein, which is continued to proteo also cause oxidation of the protein, which is continued to proteo also cause oxidation of the protein, which is continued to proteo also cause oxidation of the protein, which is continued to proteo also cause oxidation of the protein, which is continued to proteo also cause oxidation of the protein, which is continued to proteo also cause oxidation of the protein, which is continued to proteoalso cause oxidation of the protein, which is continued to proteo also cause oxidation of the protein, which is continued to proteo also cause oxidation of the protein, which is continued to proteo also cause oxidation of the protein, which is continued to proteo also cause oxidation of the protein, which is continued to proteo also cause oxidation of the protein, which is continued to proteo also cause oxidation of the protein, which is continued to proteo lysis and then to lysis and then to lysis and then to lysis and then to lysis and then to lysis and then to lysis and then to lysis and then to lysis and then to damage of tissues or cells. damage of tissues or cells. damage of tissues or cells.damage of tissues or cells.damage of tissues or cells.damage of tissues or cells. damage of tissues or cells.damage of tissues or cells. damage of tissues or cells. damage of tissues or cells. damage of tissues or cells.damage of tissues or cells.damage of tissues or cells.damage of tissues or cells. damage of tissues or cells. On the appearance of skin it does not affect only smoke On the appearance of skin it does not affect only smoke On the appearance of skin it does not affect only smoke On the appearance of skin it does not affect only smoke On the appearance of skin it does not affect only smoke On the appearance of skin it does not affect only smoke On the appearance of skin it does not affect only smoke On the appearance of skin it does not affect only smoke On the appearance of skin it does not affect only smoke On the appearance of skin it does not affect only smoke On the appearance of skin it does not affect only smoke On the appearance of skin it does not affect only smoke On the appearance of skin it does not affect only smoke On the appearance of skin it does not affect only smoke On the appearance of skin it does not affect only smoke On the appearance of skin it does not affect only smoke On the appearance of skin it does not affect only smoke On the appearance of skin it does not affect only smoke On the appearance of skin it does not affect only smoke On the appearance of skin it does not affect only smoke On the appearance of skin it does not affect only smoke On the appearance of skin it does not affect only smoke On the appearance of skin it does not affect only smoke On the appearance of skin it does not affect only smoke On the appearance of skin it does not affect only smoke On the appearance of skin it does not affect only smoke On the appearance of skin it does not affect only smoke On the appearance of skin it does not affect only smoke On the appearance of skin it does not affect only smoke On the appearance of skin it does not affect only smoke On the appearance of skin it does not affect only smoke On the appearance of skin it does not affect only smoke On the appearance of skin it does not affect only smoke On the appearance of skin it does not affect only smoke On the appearance of skin it does not affect only smoke that is inhaled by the smoker, but also external exposure to cigarette smoke and heat that is inhaled by the smoker, but also external exposure to cigarette smoke and heat that is inhaled by the smoker, but also external exposure to cigarette smoke and heat that is inhaled by the smoker, but also external exposure to cigarette smoke and heat that is inhaled by the smoker, but also external exposure to cigarette smoke and heat that is inhaled by the smoker, but also external exposure to cigarette smoke and heat that is inhaled by the smoker, but also external exposure to cigarette smoke and heat that is inhaled by the smoker, but also external exposure to cigarette smoke and heat that is inhaled by the smoker, but also external exposure to cigarette smoke and heat that is inhaled by the smoker, but also external exposure to cigarette smoke and heat that is inhaled by the smoker, but also external exposure to cigarette smoke and heat that is inhaled by the smoker, but also external exposure to cigarette smoke and heat that is inhaled by the smoker, but also external exposure to cigarette smoke and heat that is inhaled by the smoker, but also external exposure to cigarette smoke and heat that is inhaled by the smoker, but also external exposure to cigarette smoke and heat that is inhaled by the smoker, but also external exposure to cigarette smoke and heat that is inhaled by the smoker, but also external exposure to cigarette smoke and heat that is inhaled by the smoker, but also external exposure to cigarette smoke and heat that is inhaled by the smoker, but also external exposure to cigarette smoke and heat that is inhaled by the smoker, but also external exposure to cigarette smoke and heat that is inhaled by the smoker, but also external exposure to cigarette smoke and heat that is inhaled by the smoker, but also external exposure to cigarette smoke and heat that is inhaled by the smoker, but also external exposure to cigarette smoke and heat that is inhaled by the smoker, but also external exposure to cigarette smoke and heat that is inhaled by the smoker, but also external exposure to cigarette smoke and heat that is inhaled by the smoker, but also external exposure to cigarette smoke and heat that is inhaled by the smoker, but also external exposure to cigarette smoke and heat that is inhaled by the smoker, but also external exposure to cigarette smoke and heat that is inhaled by the smoker, but also external exposure to cigarette smoke and heat that is inhaled by the smoker, but also external exposure to cigarette smoke and heat that is inhaled by the smoker, but also external exposure to cigarette smoke and heat that is inhaled by the smoker, but also external exposure to cigarette smoke and heat that is inhaled by the smoker, but also external exposure to cigarette smoke and heat that is inhaled by the smoker, but also external exposure to cigarette smoke and heat that is inhaled by the smoker, but also external exposure to cigarette smoke and heat that is inhaled by the smoker, but also external exposure to cigarette smoke and heat that is inhaled by the smoker, but also external exposure to cigarette smoke and heat that is inhaled by the smoker, but also external exposure to cigarette smoke and heat that is inhaled by the smoker, but also external exposure to cigarette smoke and heat that is inhaled by the smoker, but also external exposure to cigarette smoke and heat generated by a cigarette. generated by a cigarette. generated by a cigarette. generated by a cigarette. generated by a cigarette. generated by a cigarette. generated by a cigarette. generated by a cigarette. generated by a cigarette. generated by a cigarette. generated by a cigarette. generated by a cigarette. generated by a cigarette. generated by a cigarette. generated by a cigarette. generated by a cigarette. generated by a cigarette. The body has its own defense The body has its own defense The body has its own defense The body has its own defense The body has its own defense The body has its own defense The body has its own defense The body has its own defense The body has its own defense The body has its own defense The body has its own defense The body has its own defense The body has its own defense mechanism as a system of antioxidants, but this can only be mechanism as a system of antioxidants, but this can only be mechanism as a system of antioxidants, but this can only be mechanism as a system of antioxidants, but this can only be mechanism as a system of antioxidants, but this can only be mechanism as a system of antioxidants, but this can only be mechanism as a system of antioxidants, but this can only be mechanism as a system of antioxidants, but this can only be mechanism as a system of antioxidants, but this can only be mechanism as a system of antioxidants, but this can only be mechanism as a system of antioxidants, but this can only be mechanism as a system of antioxidants, but this can only be mechanism as a system of antioxidants, but this can only be mechanism as a system of antioxidants, but this can only be mechanism as a system of antioxidants, but this can only be mechanism as a system of antioxidants, but this can only be mechanism as a system of antioxidants, but this can only be mechanism as a system of antioxidants, but this can only be mechanism as a system of antioxidants, but this can only be mechanism as a system of antioxidants, but this can only be mechanism as a system of antioxidants, but this can only be mechanism as a system of antioxidants, but this can only be mechanism as a system of antioxidants, but this can only be mechanism as a system of antioxidants, but this can only be mechanism as a system of antioxidants, but this can only be mechanism as a system of antioxidants, but this can only be mechanism as a system of antioxidants, but this can only be mechanism as a system of antioxidants, but this can only be mechanism as a system of antioxidants, but this can only be effective as long the amount of ROS and radicals do not exceed iteffective as long the amount of ROS and radicals do not exceed iteffective as long the amount of ROS and radicals do not exceed iteffective as long the amount of ROS and radicals do not exceed iteffective as long the amount of ROS and radicals do not exceed iteffective as long the amount of ROS and radicals do not exceed it effective as long the amount of ROS and radicals do not exceed it effective as long the amount of ROS and radicals do not exceed iteffective as long the amount of ROS and radicals do not exceed iteffective as long the amount of ROS and radicals do not exceed it effective as long the amount of ROS and radicals do not exceed it effective as long the amount of ROS and radicals do not exceed iteffective as long the amount of ROS and radicals do not exceed it effective as long the amount of ROS and radicals do not exceed it effective as long the amount of ROS and radicals do not exceed iteffective as long the amount of ROS and radicals do not exceed iteffective as long the amount of ROS and radicals do not exceed it effective as long the amount of ROS and radicals do not exceed iteffective as long the amount of ROS and radicals do not exceed it effective as long the amount of ROS and radicals do not exceed iteffective as long the amount of ROS and radicals do not exceed iteffective as long the amount of ROS and radicals do not exceed it effective as long the amount of ROS and radicals do not exceed iteffective as long the amount of ROS and radicals do not exceed it effective as long the amount of ROS and radicals do not exceed it effective as long the amount of ROS and radicals do not exceed it effective as long the amount of ROS and radicals do not exceed iteffective as long the amount of ROS and radicals do not exceed it effective as long the amount of ROS and radicals do not exceed it effective as long the amount of ROS and radicals do not exceed it effective as long the amount of ROS and radicals do not exceed iteffective as long the amount of ROS and radicals do not exceed iteffective as long the amount of ROS and radicals do not exceed iteffective as long the amount of ROS and radicals do not exceed iteffective as long the amount of ROS and radicals do not exceed iteffective as long the amount of ROS and radicals do not exceed it effective as long the amount of ROS and radicals do not exceed it s capacity s capacitys capacitys capacitys capacitys capacitys capacity s capacity. Oxidative . Oxidative . Oxidative stress is the result of an imbalance between antioxidants and radicals stress is the result of an imbalance between antioxidants and radicals stress is the result of an imbalance between antioxidants and radicals stress is the result of an imbalance between antioxidants and radicals stress is the result of an imbalance between antioxidants and radicals stress is the result of an imbalance between antioxidants and radicals stress is the result of an imbalance between antioxidants and radicals stress is the result of an imbalance between antioxidants and radicals stress is the result of an imbalance between antioxidants and radicals stress is the result of an imbalance between antioxidants and radicals stress is the result of an imbalance between antioxidants and radicals stress is the result of an imbalance between antioxidants and radicals stress is the result of an imbalance between antioxidants and radicals stress is the result of an imbalance between antioxidants and radicals stress is the result of an imbalance between antioxidants and radicals stress is the result of an imbalance between antioxidants and radicals stress is the result of an imbalance between antioxidants and radicals stress is the result of an imbalance between antioxidants and radicals stress is the result of an imbalance between antioxidants and radicals stress is the result of an imbalance between antioxidants and radicals stress is the result of an imbalance between antioxidants and radicals stress is the result of an imbalance between antioxidants and radicals stress is the result of an imbalance between antioxidants and radicals stress is the result of an imbalance between antioxidants and radicals stress is the result of an imbalance between antioxidants and radicals stress is the result of an imbalance between antioxidants and radicals stress is the result of an imbalance between antioxidants and radicals stress is the result of an imbalance between antioxidants and radicals stress is the result of an imbalance between antioxidants and radicals stress is the result of an imbalance between antioxidants and radicals stress is the result of an imbalance between antioxidants and radicals stress is the result of an imbalance between antioxidants and radicals stress is the result of an imbalance between antioxidants and radicals other reactive other reactive other reactive other reactive other reactive other reactive other reactive other reactive species species . It . It . It can be reduced by additional filing and administeringcan be reduced by additional filing and administeringcan be reduced by additional filing and administering can be reduced by additional filing and administeringcan be reduced by additional filing and administeringcan be reduced by additional filing and administeringcan be reduced by additional filing and administering can be reduced by additional filing and administering can be reduced by additional filing and administeringcan be reduced by additional filing and administeringcan be reduced by additional filing and administering can be reduced by additional filing and administeringcan be reduced by additional filing and administeringcan be reduced by additional filing and administeringcan be reduced by additional filing and administeringcan be reduced by additional filing and administering can be reduced by additional filing and administering can be reduced by additional filing and administering can be reduced by additional filing and administeringcan be reduced by additional filing and administeringcan be reduced by additional filing and administeringcan be reduced by additional filing and administering can be reduced by additional filing and administeringcan be reduced by additional filing and administering can be reduced by additional filing and administering can be reduced by additional filing and administeringcan be reduced by additional filing and administering can be reduced by additional filing and administering (peroral and dermal) (peroral and dermal) (peroral and dermal) (peroral and dermal) (peroral and dermal)(peroral and dermal) (peroral and dermal)(peroral and dermal)(peroral and dermal) (peroral and dermal) antioxidants but the best prevention is to cancel ugly bad habits, such as smoking.antioxidants but the best prevention is to cancel ugly bad habits, such as smoking. antioxidants but the best prevention is to cancel ugly bad habits, such as smoking. antioxidants but the best prevention is to cancel ugly bad habits, such as smoking. antioxidants but the best prevention is to cancel ugly bad habits, such as smoking.antioxidants but the best prevention is to cancel ugly bad habits, such as smoking. antioxidants but the best prevention is to cancel ugly bad habits, such as smoking. antioxidants but the best prevention is to cancel ugly bad habits, such as smoking. antioxidants but the best prevention is to cancel ugly bad habits, such as smoking. antioxidants but the best prevention is to cancel ugly bad habits, such as smoking. antioxidants but the best prevention is to cancel ugly bad habits, such as smoking. antioxidants but the best prevention is to cancel ugly bad habits, such as smoking. antioxidants but the best prevention is to cancel ugly bad habits, such as smoking.antioxidants but the best prevention is to cancel ugly bad habits, such as smoking. antioxidants but the best prevention is to cancel ugly bad habits, such as smoking. antioxidants but the best prevention is to cancel ugly bad habits, such as smoking. antioxidants but the best prevention is to cancel ugly bad habits, such as smoking.antioxidants but the best prevention is to cancel ugly bad habits, such as smoking.antioxidants but the best prevention is to cancel ugly bad habits, such as smoking. antioxidants but the best prevention is to cancel ugly bad habits, such as smoking.antioxidants but the best prevention is to cancel ugly bad habits, such as smoking. antioxidants but the best prevention is to cancel ugly bad habits, such as smoking. antioxidants but the best prevention is to cancel ugly bad habits, such as smoking. antioxidants but the best prevention is to cancel ugly bad habits, such as smoking.antioxidants but the best prevention is to cancel ugly bad habits, such as smoking. antioxidants but the best prevention is to cancel ugly bad habits, such as smoking. antioxidants

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