
Koncept mobilnega omrežja pete generacije
ID GRABAR, LUKA (Author), ID Batagelj, Boštjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 969C9F48FA054FA8FAF211692BDB93F2
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/cec0ade2-d3ed-43ef-9a9b-2540e3692876

V diplomski nalogi sem obdelal tehnološki razvoj vseh petih generacij, kjer ima bralec pregled skozi celoten razvoj mobilnih komunikacij. Poudarek sem naredil na peti generaciji, ki bo z razvojem novih tehnik in spremembami v delovanju omrežja prišla v uporabo predvidoma po letu 2020. V drugem delu sem opisal zgodovino in pomembne napredke od prve do četrte generacije. V zgodovini sem naredil poudarek na četrti generaciji, saj se jo danes v veliki meri uporablja in ima bralec pri tem podrobnejši pregled trenutno uporabljenih tehnologij. V tretjem poglavju sem opisal peto generacijo, kjer sem najprej poudaril zahteve in cilje, ki jih bo izpolnila peta generacija. Nato sem podrobneje opisal arhitekturo pete generacije in naštel katere problematike bi s tako arhitekturo rešili. Sledijo podrobnejši opisi tehnologij in testiranja za dostop do kanala do uporabnika in od uporabnika. Zajel sem tudi problematiko samega spektra, ki je potreben za doseganje ciljev. Čisto na koncu sem opisal principe za izgradnjo naravi prijaznega mobilnega omrežja.

Keywords:peta generacija, masivni MIMO, NOMA, SCMA, spekter, naravi prijazno mobilno omrežje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-80908 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.03.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Concept of the fifth generation mobile network
In the theses I processed the technological development of all five generations, where the reader has an overview over the complete development of mobile communications. The emphasis was made on the fifth generation, which is with development of the new techniques and changes in the network function expected after year 2020. In the second part I described the history and important progress from the first to the fourth generation. The focus in history was made on the fourth generation. It is widely used nowadays and the reader has detailed review of currently used technologies. The third chapter summarizes the fifth generation, where I first pointed out the requirements and objectives that the fifth generation will fulfill. Further on I explained in detail the architecture of fifth generation and enumerated the problems which would be solved by such an architecture. After that I pointed out more detailed description of the technology and testing for up-link and down-link channel. The issue of spectrum itself required to achieve the objectives is also included. Last but not least I described the principles for the construction of nature-friendly mobile network.

Keywords:fifth generation, massive MIMO, NOMA, SCMA, spectrum, nature-friendly mobile network

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