In my thesis I present the field of portrait photography, the issues of quality and the possibilities of correcting portrait photos by using specialized program packages. I presented some common errors of composition and show examples of good practice. The photos were taken with two different digital cameras, one being a Nikon D3200 camera and the other a built-in camera in the LG E440 mobile phone. These cameras have different technical capabilities and settings, which is reflected in the distortions and the final quality of the photos. The photos exhibit various types of distortions, including image noise, unsharpness, errors in brightness and contrast and the incorrect color setting. The selected photos were processed with four different post-processing programs. Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Photoshop Lightroom run on a personal computer, and the other two are tablet applications, Photo Editor Pro and Fix Photo Noise. I described the usage of correction tools and used them to correct the selected photos and compare the final quality of these photos.