
Samoregulacija učenja gimnazijcev s primanjkljaji na posameznih področjih učenja
ID Švajger Savič, Karmen (Avtor), ID Magajna, Lidija (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu, ID Vogrinc, Janez (Komentor)

URLURL - Predstavitvena datoteka, za dostop obiščite http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/3294/ Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

Samoregulacija učenja kot aktiven pristop k učenju, pri katerem si učenci sami postavljajo cilje, vztrajajo pri njih, spremljajo in vrednotijo svoje rezultate in glede na to spreminjajo svoje ravnanje, postaja v zadnjih desetletjih v izobraževanju čedalje pomembnejša. Pri mladostnikih s specifičnimi motnjami učenja številne raziskave kažejo na posebnosti samoregulacije učenja, zaradi posebnosti pri funkcioniranju in ovir v učnem procesu potrebujejo več podpore v družinskem in vzgojno-izobraževalnem okolju. Ugotovljeno je tudi, da učenci s specifičnimi motnjami učenja uporabljajo kompenzacijske strategije za učinkovito premagovanje učnih težav in da je mogoče s sistematičnim pristopom vplivati na izboljšanje njihove samoregulacije in posredno na učno uspešnost. Teoretični del raziskave temelji na opredelitvi in razmejitvi konceptov samoregulacije, samoregulacije učenja, metakognicije in učenja učenja ter na številnih raziskavah o pomenu samoregulacije učenja za učence s specifičnimi motnjami učenja. Osnovni namen raziskave je ugotoviti, kako poteka samoregulacija učenja gimnazijcev s primanjkljaji na posameznih področjih učenja (PPPU). Ta pojem v Sloveniji označuje otroke s težjo obliko specifičnih motenj učenja. Cilj pridobljenih spoznanj je povečanje kakovosti pedagoške podpore tem učencem. V kvalitativni raziskavi so sodelovali trije učno uspešni gimnazijci s primanjkljaji na posameznih področjih učenja, njihove matere in profesorice. Raziskava je zajela specifiko samoregulacije učenja pri dijakih s PPPU, podporo družinskega in vzgojno-izobraževalnega okolja v tem procesu, potek soustvarjanja v procesu podpore in pomoči tem dijakom ter povezanost med proaktivno oziroma obrambno samoregulacijo in učnim uspehom. Rezultati kažejo, da proučevani dijaki za premagovanje ovir pri učenju uporabljajo številne kompenzacijske strategije na kognitivnem in čustvenem področju, pri čemer izstopajo strategije iskanja virov pomoči, vlaganje in reguliranje napora, dolgoročno in dnevno časovno načrtovanje učenja in razne strategije čustvene samoregulacije. Pri tem imajo intenzivno podporo v družinskem okolju, ki poteka predvsem v smislu neposredne učne pomoči, spremljanja, nadzora in spodbude pri razvoju in krepitvi močnih področij. Pomemben del pomoči staršev je tudi njihovo sodelovanje s šolo, družinsko okolje pa dijakom omogoča tudi čustveno in motivacijsko podporo. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da profesorji uporabljajo številne elemente dobre poučevalne prakse, s katerimi pri dijakih vplivajo na interes in samoregulacijo učenja, vendar pri tem ne gre za načrtno razvijanje samoregulacijskih zmožnosti. Ob tem se je pokazalo, da profesorji nimajo ustreznih strokovnih podlag za podporo dijakom s PPPU in da vsi udeleženci raziskave velik pomen pripisujejo odnosu med dijakom in profesorjem. V procesu podpore in pomoči dijakom v vzgojno-izobraževalnem okolju so bili prepoznani vsi trije elementi delovnega odnosa, ki so osnova soustvarjanja, to so dogovor o sodelovanju, instrumentalna definicija problema in osebno vodenje, vendar se soustvarjanje udejanja v omejenem obsegu in le s tistimi strokovnimi delavci, ki so naklonjeni takemu načinu dela z dijaki. Pri proučevanih dijakih je bil ugotovljen proaktivni samoregulacijski vzorec, ki se kaže v občutku osebnega nadzora, pripisovanju uspeha trudu, lastni učinkovitosti, postavljanju učnih ciljev, regulaciji napora, delovnem in časovnem uravnavanju, strategijah spoprijemanja, učnih strategijah in strategijah regulacije. Vsi trije dijaki so učno uspešni, zato je mogoče sklepati na povezavo med proaktivnim samoregulacijskim vzorcem in pozitivnim učnim uspehom. Magistrsko delo prinaša prispevek k znanstvenemu razvoju specialne in rehabilitacijske pedagogike s kvalitativnim pristopom pri osvetlitvi samoregulacijskih procesov učenja mladostnikov s primanjkljaji na posameznih področjih učenja. Za prakso so pomembne ugotovitve o izredno izpostavljeni vlogi družinskega okolja v tem procesu, kar kaže na potrebo po izboljšanju kakovosti podpore pri samoregulaciji učenja tem mladostnikom v vzgojno-izobraževalnem okolju. To bi povečalo izobraževalne možnosti tudi tistim mladostnikom s primanjkljaji na posameznih področjih učenja, ki nimajo intenzivne podpore v družinskem okolju. V tem smislu se kaže potreba po nadaljnjem raziskovanju učiteljeve vloge pri razvoju samoregulacije učenja v okviru pouka pri konkretnih učnih vsebinah in po oblikovanju sistematičnih in učinkovitih pristopov podpore mladostnikom s primanjkljaji na posameznih področjih učenja pri samoregulaciji učenja v vzgojno-izobraževalnem okolju.

Jezik:Neznan jezik
Ključne besede:metakognicija
Vrsta gradiva:Delo ni kategorizirano
Organizacija:PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Leto izida:2015
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-80022 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:10859849 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:31.12.2015
Število ogledov:2071
Število prenosov:160
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Neznan jezik
Naslov:Self-regulation of general upper secondary school students with specific learning disabilities
Self-regulated learning, as an active approach to learning at which students set the goals themselves, insist on them, monitor and evaluate their results and in view of that change their behaviour, has become increasingly important in education in the last decades. Numerous studies of adolescents with specific learning disabilities reveal the particulars of their self-regulation of learning. They need more support in their family and educational environment due to their peculiarities and because of the obstacles, they encounter in the learning process. It has been also established that students with specific learning disabilities use compensatory strategies to effectively overcome learning difficulties and that it is possible to influence the improvement of their self-regulation and, indirectly, their academic performance by taking a systematic approach. The theoretical part of the research is based on the definition and delimitation of the concepts of self-regulation, self-regulation of learning, metacognition, and learning to learn. It is grounded in numerous studies which deal with the importance of self-regulated learning for students with specific learning disabilities. The main purpose of the research is to determine how the process of self-regulation of learning of grammar school boys with deficiencies in specific learning areas. In Slovenia, this concept identifies children with severe learning disabilities. The aim of the acquired knowledge is to increase the quality of pedagogical support to these students. In the qualitative study, there participated three successful grammar school (gymnasium) students with deficiencies in specific learning areas, their mothers, and their teachers. The research has been dedicated to the specifics of the process of self-regulated learning of students with deficiencies in specific learning areas, the support of the family and educational environment in this process, the course of the process of co-creation in the process of support and assistance to these students, and the connection between proactive or defensive self-regulation and school performance. The results show that the students studied use numerous compensatory strategies in cognitive and emotional field for overcoming learning barriers, wherein the most noticeable are the strategies of searching for sources of assistance, the investment and regulation of effort, the long term and daily scheduling of learning, and different strategies of emotional self-regulation. They have intensive support in the family environment, which takes place mainly in terms of direct learning support, monitoring, control, and stimulation of development and reinforcement of their strengths. An important part of the parents’ assistance is also their cooperation with school, wherein the family environment also provides emotional and motivational support for students. It was discovered that teachers use numerous elements of good teaching practice to influence students’ interest and self-regulation of learning, although this doesn't imply a systematic development of self-regulation capabilities. It has become evident that teachers do not have sufficient background bases to support students with deficiencies in specific learning areas and that all participants of the research ascribe great importance to the student-teacher relationship. In the process of students’ support and assistance in the educational environment all three elements of the working relationship have been identified, representing the basis of the process of co-creation: agreement on cooperation, instrumental definition of the problem, and personal conduct. The process of co-creation is realized to a limited extent and only with those professional workers who have personal affinities toward such a method of working with students. With the students in question, the proactive self-regulating pattern has been discovered, which is reflected in their sense of personal control, attribution of own success to invested effort, own efficiency, setting learning objectives, regulation of effort, work, temporal regulation, coping strategies, learning strategies and strategies of regulation. All three students are successful and for that reason, it is possible to conclude that there is a link between proactive self-regulative pattern and a positive learning success. The master's thesis represents a contribution to the scientific development of special and rehabilitation pedagogy that takes a qualitative approach to elucidate the processes of self-regulative learning of adolescents with deficiencies in specific learning areas. An important finding for the practice is the extremely exposed role of the family environment in this process, which indicates the need to improve the quality of support of self-regulated learning for these young people in the educational environment. This would moreover increase educational opportunities for those young people with deficiencies in specific learning areas that do not have intensive support in a family environment. In this context, we can see a need for further study of the teacher's role in the development of self-regulation of learning in the framework of instructions of specific learning topics, and developing systematic and effective approaches of support to young people with deficiencies in specific learning areas in their self-regulation of learning in the educational environment.

Ključne besede:metacognition

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