The study analyzes current state of the web site of the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana (FSS), while exploring possibilities of its reshaping, aiming at a more drastic transition to a higher developmental level of local and global e-business. In introduction, it lists basic features of such a transition in global academic corporate world. It reveals good and bad sides of the current FSS web site (information system, in whole and in its parts), emphasizing especially its user (dis)advantages (a special survey was done). In results, it proposes four improvement scenarios: (1) incrementalism, (2) user-orientation, (3) editorial decentralization, and (4) functional integration (the latter being based on a special e-vision of the new web site, which should change the current architecture, import new editorial and publishing policy, and invoke rather different organizational supervisions from before - based of the newly exposed e-values of the new web site). Finally, the study briefly sketches an entrance page of the new web site (with fewer, though more carefully chosen key points), up to few best examples taken from Slovenia and abroad.