
Rodovno vklenjen laser za valovnodolžinsko multipleksiranje v pasivnem optičnem omrežju
ID MIKULIČ, MITJA (Author), ID Batagelj, Boštjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 19E882A9F3564479DB10F768D94A6FF8
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/0f7bffb1-b082-40a6-897e-3bb693d86965

Diplomsko delo predstavlja sodobno tehnologijo na področju optičnih komunikacij, na podlagi katere je mogoč hiter in učinkovit prenos velikih količin podatkov v optičnem dostopovnem omrežju. Gre za tehnologijo valovnodolžinskega razvrščanja (angl. Wavelenght Division Multipleksing – WDM), ki je vpeta v pasivno optično omrežje (angl. Passive optical Network – PON). Za namen diplomske naloge je najprej opisana arhitekturna zasnova pasivnega optičnega dostopovnega omrežja in zgodovina standardizacije posameznih tehnologij vse do današnjega WDM-PON sistema vključno s smernicami za v prihodnje. Jedro diplome predstavlja strokovna razlaga WDM tehnologije, vključno s posameznimi elementi, potrebnimi za njeno delovanje. Predstavljene so možnosti realizacije v optičnem dostopovnem omrežju. Opisani in prikazani so tudi problemi, s katerimi se srečujejo arhitekti pri snovanju in izgradnji tovrstnih optičnih omrežij. V diplomsko delo sem tudi vpel medsebojno primerjavo različnih tehnologij in povzel njihove prednosti in slabosti. Zadnji del naloge sem namenil praktičnemu preizkusu, pri katerem sem želel v posebni vezavi izvesti nizko cenovni, a kljub temu učinkovit Fabry Perot (FP) laserski oddajnik z dodatno vzbujano lasersko svetlobo, ki lahko nadomesti dražje izvedbe oddajnikov v primeru tehnologije WDM-PON.

Keywords:valovnodolžinsko multipleksiranje, pasivno optično omrežje, Fabry Perot laser, WDM-PON
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-73967 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.12.2015
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Title:Injection locking laser for wavelength-division multiplexing in passive optical network
The following thesis introduces modern technology of optical communication which can produce faster and more effective transmitting of bigger amounts of data in optical access network. It is called wavelength division multiplexing – WDM, which is integrated in passive optical network – PON. The purpose of introductory part of the thesis is to describe architecture design of passive optical network system and standardization of technologies throughout history until now, including also the directions for the future. The core of the thesis is a technical explanation of the WDM technology with several elements that are needed for its operation and the possibilities of realization in passive optical network. Here we can read about the problems that accure to architects while designing and building this kind of optical networks. For a broader picture this part of the thesis also includes the comparison of different technologies and outlines their advantages and disadvantages. Practical experiment is covered in the last part of the thesis. I tried to realise low-cost but still effective Fabry-Perot (FP) laser transmitter with seed light source, which could replace expensive solutions of transmitters in WDM-PON technology.

Keywords:wavelenght divison multiplexing, passive optical network, Fabry Perot laser, WDM-PON

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