
Analiza in primerjava literarnih likov iz slovenskih ljudskih in sodobnih pravljic
ID Kač, Sara (Avtor), ID Šimenc, Marjan (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

URLURL - Predstavitvena datoteka, za dostop obiščite http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/3248/ Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

V diplomski nalogi raziskujem spolne vloge ženskih in moških literarnih likov iz slovenskih ljudskih in sodobnih pravljic, jih med seboj primerjam in pojasnjujem vzroke in izvor spolne zaznamovanosti teh pravljic. V prvem delu teoretičnega dela diplomske naloge sem predstavila konstruiranje spolnih vlog skozi družbene procese socializacije ter značilnosti teh spolnih vlog, ki se razlikujejo glede na moški in ženski spol. Poudarek je predvsem na naših stereotipnih pogledih na moške in ženske spolne vloge, ki so plod družbenih dejavnikov. V drugem delu teoretičnega dela diplomske naloge opisujem vlogo pravljic pri takšnem družbenem konstruiranju spolnih vlog ter na tem področju iščem razlike med pravljicami, pri čemer upoštevam čas njihovega nastanka. V analitičnem delu diplomske naloge sem se posvetila analiziranju moških in ženskih likov v slovenskih ljudskih in sodobnih pravljicah in primerjanju njihovih spolnih vlog. Cilj diplomske naloge je predvsem ugotoviti, ali se spolne vloge moških in ženskih literarnih likov razlikujejo med sodobnimi slovenskimi pravljicami in njihovimi starejšimi predhodnicami – ljudskimi slovenskimi pravljicami in ali so te spolne vloge v ljudskih pravljicah res bolj hierarhične (patriarhalne), spolno stereotipne, v sodobnih pravljicah pa bolj demokratično porazdeljene in ne toliko spolno zaznamovane. Pri analizi moških in ženskih literarnih likov sem uporabila 10 različnih pravljic; 5 pravljic je ljudskega izvora, 5 pravljic pa je delo sodobnih slovenskih avtorjev – pravljičarjev. V pravljicah, ki sem jih izbrala, nastopajo v večini človeški liki, nekaj malega pa je tudi živalskih. Z analizo pravljic sem ugotovila, da so v ljudskih pravljicah predstavljeni tipično patriarhalni vzorci družbe, ki se odražajo skozi neenotno spolno vlogo med moškimi in ženskami. Moški so tipizirani v pogumne, odločne, samostojne in preudarne junake, ki s svojo iznajdljivostjo in modrostjo premagujejo ovire na poti do cilja. Največkrat so v vlogi mogočnih kraljev, veselih pastirčkov, siromašnih sinov in dečkov z dobrim srcem. V stranskih vlogah pa v teh pravljicah nastopata dva različna tipa ženskih likov. Na eni strani so pasivne, tihe, neodločne, ponižne, a lepe kraljične, najmlajše hčere, ki s pomočjo glavnega moškega lika – junaka dosežejo svoj srečni konec. Na drugi strani pa so hudobne mačehe, zlobne čarovnice, zvite zaročenke, pohlepne matere, ki glavnim junakom le otežujejo njihova potovanja do cilja ter so na koncu vedno kaznovane za svoja slaba dejanja. V ljudskih pravljicah je tudi nekaj glavnih ženskih likov, vendar so ti prav tako zrcalo takratne patriarhalne družbe. Gre za delavne gospodinje ter uboge, ponižne in skromne pastorke, ki potrpežljivo čakajo in brez lastnih pričakovanj in s pomočjo drugih dobrih likov dosežejo svoj srečen konec. Ugotovila sem tudi, da so v sodobnih pravljicah literarni liki spolno nezaznamovani ter da se prej tipizirane spolne vloge moških in ženskih likov ljudskih pravljic v sodobnih začnejo mešati in spreminjati. Velikokrat ženske prevzemajo moške vloge, moški pa ženske. Tudi ženske so v sodobnih pravljicah pogumne in iznajdljive junakinje, moški pa velikokrat prestrašeni in ranljivi. Njihovi odnosi niso več patriarhalni, temveč demokratični. Vse to pomeni, da si sodobne pravljice zelo prizadevajo izpodriniti stare stereotipne vzorce o moških in ženskih spolnih vlogah, ki so še dandanes prisotni med nami, a jih z demokratično ureditvijo družbe želimo odpraviti. Prav tako lahko povzamemo, da so pravljice odraz družbe, eden izmed glavnih medijev, ki otrokom posredujejo družbene norme, miselnost, vrednote in stališča.

Jezik:Neznan jezik
Ključne besede:družbene spolne vloge
Vrsta gradiva:Delo ni kategorizirano
Organizacija:PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Leto izida:2015
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-73960 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:10829897 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:11.12.2015
Število ogledov:2685
Število prenosov:260
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Neznan jezik
Naslov:Analysis and comparison of literary characters in slovenian folk and modern fairy tales
The thesis is exploring the gender roles of women and men acting as literary characters in Slovenian folk tales and modern fairy tales. I compared them and explained the causes and the origin of sexual stigma of fairy tales. In the first part of theoretical part of my thesis, I presented the construction of gender roles through social processes of socialization and characteristics of previously mentioned gender roles. Those gender roles vary depending on a male or a female gender. The focus was placed on our stereotypical views of male and female gender roles, which are the result of different social factors. In the second part of the theoretical part of my thesis, I described the role of fairy tales and how social constructions of gender roles influence them, and how fairy tales differ from each other; the time of their creation was also very important. In the analytical part of the thesis I focused on analysing male and female characters in Slovenian folk and modern fairy tales and I compared their gender roles. The aim of this thesis was mainly to determine whether the gender roles of male and female literary characters of contemporary Slovenian fairy tales differ from their older predecessors - Slovenian folk fairy tales, and whether these gender stereotypes are on one side, in folk tales really more hierarchical and patriarchal, but on the other side, in modern fairy tales more democratically distributed, rather than sexual marked. In my analysis of male and female literary characters, I used 10 different fairy tales, of which 5 tales are of a folk origin, 5 fairy tales are written by modern Slovene artists - storytellers. In fairy tales I chose, the majority is of human figures, but there are also some animal characters. By analysing the fairy tales I found out that in folk tales there are presented typical patriarchal patterns of society, which are reflected through uneven distribution of gender roles between men and women. Men are typed in bold as vigorous, independent and prudent heroes who with their ingenuity and wisdom overcome barriers on the way to their destination. Most of them have the role of mighty kings, cheerful shepherds, poor sons and boys with a good heart. In folk tales, the marginal role belongs to two different types of female characters. On one hand, a passive, silent, hesitant, humble, but beautiful princess, who is also the youngest daughter and who with the help of the main male character - the hero, in the end lives happily ever after. On the other hand, there is a wicked stepmother, a wicked witch, a twisted fiancée, also greedy mother that only makes everything difficult for the protagonist to reach his/her goals. These women always end up punished for their bad actions. In folk tales, there are also some main female characters, but they also mirror the patriarchal society at that time - these women are presented as busy housewives or poor and humble stepchildren who patiently wait and are without their own expectations and who with the help of other good characters reach their happy ending. I also found out that in modern literary fairy tales characters are neutral in gender and that previously typed gender roles of male and female characters of folk tales in modern tales become mixed and changed. Many women assume male roles, while men assume female roles. Women in modern fairy tales can be brave and resourceful heroines, while men are often frightened and vulnerable. Their relations are no longer patriarchal but democratic. All this means that modern fairy tales make every effort to supplant the old stereotypical patterns of male and female gender roles, which are today still present among us, but by the democratic organization of society we make them less obvious. I can conclude that fairy tales in fact reflect the society and are one of the main media that transmits social norms, mind-sets, values and attitudes to children.

Ključne besede:social gender roles

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