
ID BUTALA, SEBASTIJAN (Avtor), ID Gašperič, Samo (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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MD5: 1F3212320A13C643A13F15618F8FB70C
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/00a1f40b-e785-48d5-b024-eefcc3ba7d9c

Diplomska naloga obravnava kratkoročno napovedovanje proizvodnje električne energije iz sončnih elektrarn. Napoved proizvodnje temelji na nekaterih podnebnih dejavnikih (sevanje sonca, temperatura ozračja, izkoristek sončnih celic), ki vplivajo na pretvorbo sončne v električno energijo. Izmerjene vrednosti proizvedene električne energije iz sončnih elektrarn, meteorološke meritve in napoved sončnega obsevanja so vhodni podatki za napoved proizvodnje sončnih elektrarn.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:Elektroenergetski sistemi, sončne elektrarne, PV moduli, MFE ( male fotovoltaične elektrarne ), napovedovanje proizvodnje električne energije.
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo
Organizacija:FE - Fakulteta za elektrotehniko
Leto izida:2015
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-73464 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:18.11.2015
Število ogledov:4786
Število prenosov:913
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
BUTALA, SEBASTIJAN, 2015, NAPOVED PROIZVODNJE ELEKTRIČNE ENERGIJE IZ SONČNIH ELEKTRARN [na spletu]. Diplomsko delo. [Dostopano 27 marec 2025]. Pridobljeno s: https://repozitorij.uni-lj.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=slv&id=73464
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Forecasting of Electric Energy Production from Solar Power Plants
Diplomska task addresses the short-term forecasting of electricity production from solar power plants. Forecast production based on some climatic factors ( radiation of the sun, the temperature of the atmosphere, efficiency of the solar cell ), the impact on the conversion of solar energy into electricity. The measured value of the produced electricity from solar power plants, meteorological measurement and prediction of solar irradiance are the input data for the prediction of the production of solar power plants.

Ključne besede:Power systems, solar power plants, PV modules, MFE ( small photovoltaic power plants ), the forecasting of electricity production.

Podobna dela

Podobna dela v RUL:
  1. Impact of suicide on health workers
  2. Burnout among health care workers
  3. ǂThe ǂimpact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of nurses
  4. ǂThe ǂethical perspective of healthcare workers on vaccination against COVID-19
  5. Impact of covid-19 pandemic on the mental health of pregnant women
Podobna dela v drugih slovenskih zbirkah:
  1. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on student mental health
  2. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of pregnant women
  3. The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the mental health of prisoners
  4. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of police officers
  5. The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on mental health of pregnant women
