
Povezovanje vzgojiteljevega osebnega življenja s profesionalnim
ID Benedik, Tinka (Author), ID Batistič Zorec, Marcela (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/3215/ This link opens in a new window

V življenju nenehno rastemo tako osebnostno kot profesionalno. Osebnostni razvoj je za vzgojitelja kot vzornika mnogih otrok, mladih novih generacij, izrednega pomena. Vzgojitelji so z otroki v njihovem najobčutljivejšem obdobju, saj se ti v tem obdobju psihofizično in osebnostno razvijajo. Prav tako pa ne gre zanemariti pomembne vloge profesionalnega razvoja pri vzgojiteljevem funkcioniranju v vrtcu. V diplomskem delu obravnavam profesionalni in osebnostni razvoj vzgojiteljev predšolskih otrok. Poleg skrbi za vsakega od omenjenih vidikov razvoja poudarim tudi njuno povezanost in povezanost profesionalnega življenja z zasebnim. V empiričnem delu diplomskega dela sem raziskala, kaj vse vpliva na vzgojiteljevo funkcioniranje v vrtcu, kako skrbijo za svojo osebnostno in profesionalno rast ter kako ju povezujejo. Raziskava temelji na kvalitativni metodi raziskovanja. Podatki so bili pridobljeni s pomočjo vnaprej izdelanih vprašanj in podvprašanj. S kvalitativno analizo šestih intervjujev z vzgojitelji in vzgojiteljicami različnih starosti, različnih delovnih dob, izobrazbe in spola sem ugotovila, da na različne načine skrbijo tako za svojo osebnostno kot profesionalno rast ter da se vsem zdi povezovanje obeh vidikov razvoja izrednega pomena. Večina intervjuvancev meni, da ni možno profesionalno rasti brez osebnostne rasti. Pri skrbi za osebnostni razvoj med intervjuvanci prevladujejo športna dejavnost, stik z naravo in pogovor o službenih dilemah z družinskimi člani ali v družbi. Za profesionalni razvoj pa večina intervjuvancev skrbi z obiski raznih seminarjev, izobraževanj in branjem strokovne literature. Večina intervjuvancev meni, da njihovo zasebno življenje vpliva na delo v vrtcu in nasprotno.

Keywords:osebnostni razvoj
Work type:Not categorized
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-73402 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:10790473 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.11.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Combining professional life and personal growth of a kindergarten teacher
One grows constantly throughout one’s life, personally as well as professionally. For a kindergarten teacher, as a role model for many young generations, their personal development is of utmost importance. They spend time with children during their most delicate period when children develop psycho-physically and personally. Thereby we must not neglect the important role professional development has on the teacher’s performance in kindergarten. My diploma thesis deals with professional and personal development of kindergarten teachers. Besides looking into each of the aforementioned view points of development I also emphasize their interaction, as well as the interaction of professional and private life. In the empiric part of my diploma thesis I researched what influences the teacher’s performance in kindergarten, how the kindergarten teachers attend to their personal and professional growth and how they intertwine the two. My research is based on the quantitative research method. The data was acquired by analyzing six interviews with kindergarten teachers of different ages, lengths of work experience, different education and genders. Based on that I established that the kindergarten teachers tend to their personal, as well as professional growth, in different ways and that they all find it extremely important to intertwine the two. Most interviewees believe that professional growth is not possible without personal growth. In their care for their personal development the majority prefers sports activity, being in touch with nature and talking about professional dilemmas with their family members or in the company of others. Most interviewees develop professionally by attending different seminars, lectures and reading professional literature. The majority of interviewees also believe that their personal life affects their work in kindergarten and vice versa.

Keywords:personal development

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