
Razumevanje koncepta tiska/knjige v predšolskem obdobju : magistrsko delo
ID Zrimšek, Nina (Avtor), ID Skubic, Darija (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

URLURL - Predstavitvena datoteka, za dostop obiščite http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/3137/ Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

Pismenost se začne razvijati z rojstvom otroka. Največjo vlogo imajo otrokovi starši, ki s svojim zgledom in odnosom do knjige vzgajajo mladega bralca. Ob vstopu otroka v vrtec začne s starši sodelovati tudi vzgojitelj. Zavedati se moramo, da otrok vstopi v prvi razred devetletne osnovne šole z določenimi znanji, sposobnostmi in spretnostmi, ki bodo vplivale na njegov učni uspeh. Med njimi je zelo pomembna dosežena raven pismenosti. V magistrskem delu me zanima razumevanje koncepta tiska predšolskih otrok. V teoretičnem delu želim opredeliti pojem pismenosti, še posebej družinsko in zgodnjo pismenost. Pri razvoju koncepta tiska je pomembna vloga staršev in predšolske institucije, ki s svojimi dejavnostmi spodbuja otroke k razvijanju in razumevanju knjige kot vira informacij. V obdobju zgodnje pismenosti se med drugim otrok seznani s tiskom (knjiga, branje, pisanje). Razvija grafično in fonološko zavedanje, spoznava povezave med črkami in glasovi ter ne nazadnje začne »brati«. V teoriji je moč zaslediti številne instrumente za merjenje razumevanja koncepta tiska in ugotavljanje doseženih zmožnosti predšolskih otrok. Drugi del magistrskega dela vsebuje raziskavo, v kateri bom predstavila rezultate otrokovega razumevanja koncepta tiska, ki sem jih pridobila z opazovanjem in zapisovanjem s ček listo avtoric M. Barone, M. Mallette in S. Hong Xu (2005). V raziskavo sem vključila 140 otrok drugega starostnega obdobja (od 3 do 6 let), ki so vključeni v Vrtec Ciciban v Ljubljani. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da je bilo razumevanje koncepta tiska otrok pri drugem preverjanju bistveno boljše kot pri prvem preverjanju. Med otroki drugega starostnega obdobja se niso pojavile statistično pomembne razlike o razumevanju knjige in petletniki niso imeli statistično boljšega razumevanja v primerjavi z mlajšimi predšolskimi otroki. Rezultati kažejo, da se med dečki in deklicami ne pojavljajo statistično pomembne razlike v razumevanju koncepta tiska. Primerjava rezultatov prvega in drugega preverjanja razumevanja koncepta tiska kaže, da je večmesečno načrtovano delo bistveno za razvijanje koncepta knjige pri otroku. Ugotovitve raziskave bodo pomembno vplivale na izboljšanje jezikovne prakse v vrtcu.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:zgodnja pismenost, bralna pismenost, koncept knjige
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija:PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik:[N. Zrimšek]
Leto izida:2015
Št. strani:50 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-73025 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:10738505 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:07.10.2015
Število ogledov:1758
Število prenosov:323
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:The understanding of print/book concept in the preschool period
Literacy begins to develop with the birth of a child. Parents have the biggest role in educating the young reader through their example and attitude to books. When the child starts attending kindergarten parents begin also to collaborate with a kindergarten teacher. We have to be aware that the child enters the first grade of basic school with specific knowledge, abilities and skills, which will affect his learning success. Among them the achieved level of literacy is very important. In the Master's Thesis I am interested in understanding the concept of press in pre-school children. In the theoretical part, I want to define the concept of literacy, especially family and early literacy. The role of parents and pre-school institutions in the development of the concept of the press is important, as they offer certain activities to encourage children to develop and understand a book as a source of information. During the period of early literacy a child takes note with the press (books, reading and writing). He develops graphical and phonological awareness, learns about relations between the letters and the voices and finally begins to »read«. In theory we can come across a number of instruments to measure the understanding of the concept of the press and assess the achieved abilities of pre-school children. The second part of the Master's Thesis includes a survey, in which I will present the results of the child's understanding of the concept of the press that I have gained by observing and completing a check list, created by the authors M. Barone, M. Mallette, and S. Hong Xu (2005). The survey includes 140 children of the second age period (aged from 3 to 6 years), who attend the Preschool Institution Ciciban in Ljubljana. The results of the survey showed that the understanding of the concept of the press in children was much better at the second than at the first testing. Among the children of the second age period there were no statistically significant differences about the understanding of the book; and the five-year-old children did not have statistically better understanding compared to younger pre-school children. The results show that no statistically significant differences in the understanding of the concept of the press appear among boys and girls. The comparison of the results of the first and second testing on understanding the concept of the press shows that several-month of a planned work is essential to develop the concept of the book in a child. The findings of the survey will significantly influence the improvement of language practice in preschool.

Ključne besede:literacy

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