How to achieve that students observe physical phenomena with interest, ask about the reasons for them with curiosity, and search for their answers with determination?
The answer to this question is a teaching method that excites and maintains the curiosity of children and guides them through own activities, as well as encourages teachers to knowledge that students can associate with other useful skills. Acquired skills and competences qualify children to face the challenges of our time, which is characterized by remarkable development in technology and rapidly changing environment.
Modern teaching of physics focuses on the active physics class, which means an active participation of students in all the phases of teaching. In the recent decades, different approaches to the active teaching of physics have developed, but common to all of them is that learning about physical phenomena is done by experiments and discussion of students.
This master thesis deals with teaching approach based on preliminary tasks that students carry out independently before reading material. During the lesson these tasks help them obtain valuable experience that helps them to be motivated and more focused on those factors that help them understand physical phenomena. The lesson is based on a wide range of contents and problems where different methods intertwine.
The analysis of the educational procedure has shown that students benefit from preliminary experience in such form and most accept it positively. Although preliminary tasks were not mandatory, a large part of students who were interested in the subject have done them. In comparative tests, the experimental group achieved better results than the control group.
The educational procedure is performed on a small sample that does not allow statistical analysis, but the results of the implementation show that it is probably also suitable for a larger population and for further research in this direction.