Laboratory work represents the basic form of organized work for the transfer of theoretical knowledge to practical use, no matter the level of education. One form of laboratories recognized by numerous universities worldwide in the last decade is the remote laboratory. The following paper defines the professional remote laboratory, its construction and use, and the advantages and disadvantages of its usage. The real challenge is figuring out a way to build the basic concept of remote laboratory and then including it in the research and experimental work at the primary level education. In order to bring this kind of technology closer to teachers and children we present the low cost remote laboratory, which operates via GSM communications and enables continuous collection of data on temperature from remote locations in the natural environment as well as their graphic representation.
We are representing all the components of a remote laboratory, the software and additional test equipment, installation and usage. All the steps for installing the equipment are also accurately described and shown in the Annexes. Inclusion of remote laboratories in elementary schools is shown with three proposals for usage of the remote laboratory for school research and experimental work.
Functioning of the system is tested in the given circumstances, operational reliability should also be examined and demonstrated in different circumstances in the future.